
精進なおでん出汁を作る Buddhist temple vegetarian oden broth

I’m a vegetarian sometimes

Recipe trivia


First, let's clear up some misconceptions surrounding Japanese shojin ryori(Buddhist vegetarian cuisine) and vegetarian cuisine.


To begin with, shojin ryori and vegetarian cuisine are not the same. Both cuisines use only plant-based ingredients, but shojin ryori prohibits the eating of onions, which are also called gokun. This means that leeks, onions, chives, and garlic are not used because they have a strong smell and give too much energy, which can interfere with training. Therefore, shojin ryori is included in vegetarian cuisine, but the reverse is not true. In Buddhist training that follows traditional precepts, dishes using these vegetables are not eaten. Most vegetarian restaurants in Taiwan, where 10 percent of the population is Buddhist, are of this type. Buddhism as a folk religion in Japan has become almost a formality, so many Japanese people are not aware of this. Even if there are shojin ryori restaurants in Japan, they are mostly just for tourism. I was surprised to see fish on the menu when I went to a restaurant that advertised shojin ryori. Restaurants run by strict monk are an endangered species in Japan.
Apart from the training grounds of head temples that specialize in ascetic practices, ordinary Japanese Buddhist monks hardly follow these precepts. Their daily meals are the same as those of ordinary people. Even the food eaten during Buddhist memorial services is memorial service food, not shojin ryori. It usually uses fish stock, and sometimes sashimi is served. Therefore, ordinary people in Japan have very few opportunities to eat proper shojin ryori.


Another point that can be pointed out is the misconception that Japanese cuisine is rich in vegetables and that the country is vegetarian-friendly. The base of Japanese cuisine is basically made from bonito flakes and konbu kelp. Except for a few chefs who have a deep understanding of Japanese shojin ryori culture, Japanese chefs almost always base their dishes on non-vegetable dashi broth. They also base their menus on fish such as sashimi. They use seasonal vegetables to create a sense of the season, but not many chefs choose to serve dishes that are mainly made up of a large amount of vegetables. It is true that a lot of vegetable ingredients such as tofu and konnyaku are used. However, almost always, animal-based seasonings are used for seasoning. If you don't like that, you can only ask for unseasoned ingredients and eat them with salt or soy sauce yourself. If that's the case, there's no point in going out of your way to eat at a restaurant. So no matter how much you walk around, you won't find a place in Japan where you can eat vegetarian food. With the exception of macrobiotic restaurants invented by Japanese immigrants to the United States and a few specialty restaurants following the vegetarian trend overseas, it seems that it will be some time yet before affordable, everyday vegetarian-friendly restaurants become available in Japan.


I myself grew up in a Zen temple and learned about its significance and cooking methods from Buddhist literature, but I didn't have any particular familiarity with shojin ryori. Even though I lived in a temple, I usually ate common home-cooked meals such as stir-fried meat and vegetables, hamburger steak, and grilled fish. I was sometimes asked to help prepare food for memorial services, but I usually made tempura with shrimp or fish. I also made vegetable tempura such as sweet potato and lotus root, but the batter contained eggs and the sauce that came with it contained plenty of bonito broth. So, even though I come from a Zen temple, I had never eaten shojin ryori and was ignorant.
My perception changed when I went abroad as a student and made friends who were real vegetarians and had the opportunity to go to vegetarian restaurants with them. I can still vividly remember the surprise I felt when I went to Taiwan in particular. Unlike in Japan, many children from Buddhist families were vegetarian, and some of the regular restaurants in the city were vegetarian. There were always vegetarian options on the menu at regular restaurants. When we went out for lunch during a break from work, it was impressive to see how the organizer, who split the bill, looked at the proportion of vegetarians and skillfully ordered vegetarian dishes so that vegetarians could enjoy themselves too. What's more, everything was just as delicious as meat or fish dishes. I felt the history of vegetarianism. In this environment, more and more people in Taiwan are becoming vegetarian for health reasons. It seems that many of these people choose vegetarian and egg dishes. There are even supermarkets that specialize in vegetarian ingredients. Since then, I've started making vegetarian food myself, focusing on shojin ryori (traditional Japanese vegetarian cuisine).


What I'd like to introduce here is the dashi  broth. I made it for oden, when I was asked to serve it at a gathering at a temple. The oden itself did not use any animal ingredients, but of course the dashi broth was made entirely from plant-based ingredients.
As I mentioned in a previous article, it is the dashi soup stock that determines the flavor of oden. The dashi broth soaks into the tofu ingredients, daikon radish, and other ingredients, creating a wonderful harmony. Therefore, it is essential that the dashi broth itself is exceptionally delicious. However, the typical shojin dashi broth made only from konbu kelp and shiitake mushrooms does not have the depth of flavor that envelops the ingredients. It does not have the same sense of satisfaction as dashi broth made from dried sardines or bonito. Therefore, I created a shojin broth that adds layered depth to the flavor.



Kombu kelp
Dried shiitake mushrooms
Roasted soybeans
Homemade kiriboshi daikon (dried strips of daikon radish)
Gobo burdock
Natural salt
Light type soy sauce
*Commercially available kiriboshi daikon radish is also fine.



Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms, kelp and roasted soybeans in water the day before cooking. You can use them as is, but it is preferable to soak them overnight.
Place the ingredients that were soaked the day before, along with the water they were soaked in, into the pot. Scrape the skin off the burdock with a knife and wash it thoroughly, cut it into bite-sized pieces and place in the same pot, pour in the required amount of water and heat.
Once it boils, reduce the heat to medium and simmer for about 15 minutes. There is no need to skim off the scum.
Finally, add salt to taste and make sure it is about 90% seasoned. Add a small amount of light type soy sauce to complete the flavor.
Strain the contents of the pot through a fine-mesh sieve to obtain a clear broth.
The leftovers after making the broth will be used as the filling for oden, so don't throw them away.

Tips and tricks:    


The kelp and shiitake mushroom broth does not have the edge of dried sardines. To give it an edge, add roasted soybeans and burdock. Dried daikon radish gives it a natural sweetness and a sense of maturity.
Adding carrots, celery, parsley stems, onion skins, etc. would add depth and make it more interesting, but they are not included here as they make it more of a European-style consommé than a Japanese-style consommé. These ingredients can be used in a wide range of applications depending on the purpose.
The shiitake mushrooms are used as they are for the oden filling, so remove the stems and set aside. The kelp and burdock are also used as they are for the oden filling. Roasted soybeans and dried daikon radish make a good oden filling if you chop them up and stuff them into thin fried tofu. You can also mix them with mashed tofu to make ganmodoki.
You can add mirin to taste for a little sweetness.
This broth can also be used for other purposes, such as udon or soba soup, or for dipping tempura in it.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment




