
ケール菜花のリゾット風(ベジタリアン対応可) Kale flower buds risotto style (vegetarian available)

ストーリー Recipe trivia


I don't have a microwave.
It's not that I don't have one because I believe in it or because I don't like it. Of course I use it at work. The operation of restaurants and food service centers these days relies on the use of microwaves, so they are firmly incorporated into the recipes I provide to them. In that sense, I'm also an expert on microwaves. I've been using them for a long time. However, I don't have a microwave in my own home. It's because I don't have enough electrical capacity and I don't feel the need for one.
Once I bought an oven with a microwave. I needed an oven, and strangely enough, the model with a microwave was cheaper. But it broke as soon as the warranty expired. I tried to disassemble and repair it using my skills from my main job, but I gave up. The reason is that, although I don't know about the latest models today, I realized that the design of a product called an oven range is flawed. I could see that the microwave mechanism is designed without much heat resistance or corrosion protection, even though the inside of the oven heats up to over 200 degrees. It may not be a problem if you use the microwave every day and only bake a cake or make a gratin on occasion, but it didn't seem like it would be able to withstand the use I do, where the oven runs for longer than the microwave. So since then I only use dedicated ovens or inexpensive toasters with convection functions. As a result, microwaves have been eliminated from my kitchen.
By the way, modern toasters with convection functions cost less than a few thousand yen and, when combined with a thermometer that can measure core temperature, can do the same thing as an oven range that costs over 100,000 yen, and because of their simple structure, they are less likely to break and easier to repair.


I've gone off on a tangent at the start, but now I'll get to the main point.
For this reason, I don't have a microwave or a rice cooker in my apartment. I only cook rice once in the morning and that's it. When I eat rice dishes for lunch or dinner, I end up using cold rice. So "risotto-style" means a risotto-style rice dish made using cold rice, rather than using raw rice. In regions where bread is a staple, this would be a recycling recipe where stale bread is used in soup the next morning.
This cycle of rice consumption was common in every household before refrigerators. It may just be my own perception, but as I get used to it, keeping rice warm in a rice cooker or reheating it in the microwave seems more unnatural.


I often use rape blossoms in my recipes for rice dishes in early spring.
At this time of year, cruciferous vegetables shoot up and compete with each other to produce yellow flowers in the pot every morning. This is the reproductive season for this family of plants. When I first started pot gardening, I had cleared away the plants after harvesting cabbage and other crops, so I didn't notice, but if I leave them to shoot up, the flower buds will grow again no matter how many I pick, and I can harvest rape blossoms one after another. I particularly like to use them in salads, tempura, and rice and pasta dishes. The contrast of green and yellow against white rice is lovely. For this dish, I used kale rape blossoms.



Cold rice
Potatoes (optional)
Kale florets (any cruciferous florets will do)
Homemade pancietta(salted pork belly)*
Parmesan cheese*
Natural salt
Olive oil
*If you're a vegetarian, add a sheet of kombu kelp and chopped mushrooms instead
**You can use bacon or sausage instead of pancietta.



Slice the pancietta and chop it into small pieces. Cut off any hard, overgrown parts near the stems of the rape blossoms, and cut the remaining parts into bite-sized pieces. Set aside the flowers, as they will be used for decoration.
Add olive oil to a pan and fry the pancietta or mushrooms. For pancietta, frying them until crispy will bring out more flavor.
Once it starts to brown, pour water into the pot, add the cold rice and potatoes, and turn the heat to high. If you are adding konbu kelp, add it now. When it starts to boil, add the stalks that have been separated and do not have flowers, and simmer over low heat while stirring with a spoon to prevent them from sticking.
When the mixture thickens, add salt and pepper, add the Parmesan cheese and the flowers, and stir again. When it boils again, turn off the heat. Parmesan cheese is salty, so if you add it, use the salt sparingly.
Remove the flowers with chopsticks or tongs and set aside. Place the cooked rice in a mound on a plate, garnish with flowers, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with coarsely ground pepper to taste before serving.

Tips and tricks:    


Most Brassicaceae flower heads can be eaten as rape blossoms. In addition to the varieties that have been cultivated specifically for rape blossoms since ancient times, cabbage, chinese cabbage, bok choy, komatsuna, takana, nozawana, norabouna, kale, black cabbage, daikon, kabu turnip, mizuna, and wasabi are suitable. Wild herbs such as shepherd's purse and hamadaikon can also be used. Although they are a slightly different species, the flower heads of chinese violet cress, which blooms purple at the same time, can also be used in the same way.
Pancietta is used to add the umami flavor of amino acids, but you can replace it with other meats or seafood. I make my own pancietta because they are expensive to buy, but of course you can use a commercially available one.
Also, for vegetarians, it would be good to supplement the flavor with konbu kelp or mushrooms instead.
You can add potatoes and other vegetables, but it is best not to combine them with strongly flavored vegetables, as they will drown out the flavor of the rape blossoms, which are the main ingredient. If you want to add a little sweetness, you can add chopped onions.
Here, pepper is ground at the end, but it would be interesting to replace it with long pepper or Japanese pepper.

Guide to where to find ingredients




