
常備生地で作るもちもち食感のピッツァ Soft and chewy pizza made with stocked dough

Bar snacks recipe collection


This is the second variation on the "dough that you always keep in the fridge" introduced in the previous article.

Recipe trivia


Now, Neapolitan-style pizza has become a common feature in Japan. Its soft and chewy texture is its specialty. It is familiar to Japanese people who like chewy textures, and the number of specialty restaurants has increased rapidly in the past decade.
When I serve this type of pizza at the restaurants and events I produce, people often ask me for the recipe, saying, "How do you get that texture?" It seems that many people think that it is not easy to make Neapolitan-style pizza, even though you can make unleavened crispy pizzas served at old coffee shops and side dish pizzas sold at bakeries at home. Also, many people think that you cannot bake Neapolitan-style pizza like that unless you make your own high-temperature, expensive oven or stone oven.
Of course, that is not true. With a little ingenuity, you can easily make it in the kitchen of a poor person's cheap apartment. I will explain about the flour, how to make the dough, and how to bake it in that order. I will explain the reason later, but you can get that texture with the dough I introduced before. In other words, if you keep the dough on hand, you can prepare it in five minutes. It also takes about ten minutes to bake it on a stove or toaster, which are common in most Japanese homes. There's no need to go to Costco to buy it, and no need to worry about bulky frozen pizzas taking up space in the freezer.


I explained gluten in detail in a previous article, but this texture is deeply intertwined with gluten (you can get a similar texture with rice flour, but I'll talk about gluten-free pizza another time). In order for the dough to stretch thin and flexible, gluten must be well formed. However, Neapolitan-style pizza has a chewy texture as well as a light and crispy flavor. If you use regular strong flour, you can't get this lightness. On the other hand, if you use weak flour, it will become a crispy pizza like you would get at a coffee shop. The key is the flour. In fact, most restaurants that serve Neapolitan-style pizza use the same brand of flour imported from Italy. It is called "Saccorosso Cuoco" by a Neapolitan manufacturer called "Caputo". In Japan, it is imported by Monte Bussan, a trading company that specializes in Italian products. It may seem like I'm advertising flour, but this flour is special. In terms of Japanese flour, it has the properties of both weak flour and strong flour. In other words, it contains gluten that stretches more flexibly than strong flour, but the finished product is soft and light like weak flour. The price is about three times that of strong flour sold at supermarkets, but if you think you can make bread dough but can't make pizza dough well, I recommend you try it once. You should be able to see a clear difference. It's simple. The flour is different.


However, that would mean that it would be better to use expensive flour. That would be fine for professionals and hobbyists, but as a representative of the poor, it puts a strain on the household budget, so of course I have to find ways to create the same texture using flour I already have. I use the "dough I always have on hand" that I introduced in a previous article. The key is the flour mixture and high water content. My dough is made by mixing weak flour with strong flour, so it has a certain degree of lightness. However, if you just change the flour mixture, the gluten content will be relatively low, so it will not have a chewy texture. However, if you add the technical element of high water content to it, gluten will form slowly at a low temperature and with a lot of water, so even with a low gluten content, the dough will be stretchy like a film. In addition, this dough uses a type of yeast that ferments slowly, which is favored by pizza chefs in Italy. In other words, this dough has similar characteristics to the dough made by the pizza specialty store in question. And it costs a fraction of the price. However, the dough I make is a so-called "all-purpose dough" designed to be used for various purposes, so if you look at the recipe and understand the principles, those who want to pursue it as a pizza dough can start from here and adjust the mixture and fermentation environment to find the perfect dough for pizza. For more details, please refer to my previous article.


Once we have cleared the dough issue, we next consider baking. In order to make the dough rise quickly and bake it light and crispy, we need high temperature and short time. If you bake it slowly at a low temperature, it will be crispy but the inside will be cooked too. Let's try to make a way to meet the high temperature and short time conditions using ordinary household cooking equipment.
If you think that the energy output of gas and electricity in the home is not as high as that of a restaurant and that the temperature produced by household cooking equipment is low, that is not necessarily correct. In fact, the temperature produced by household cooking equipment is not low at all. The internal temperature of a fish grill attached to a standard gas stove can reach 400 degrees, and the radiant heat of a recent toaster oven that costs less than 5,000 yen easily exceeds 250 degrees in a short time. Even if the output itself is small, household cooking equipment is small, so the heat circulates quickly. This is enough temperature to bake a pizza in one go. So why does it end up soggy? It's because it's difficult to keep the same temperature. Professional high-heat ovens found in shops can maintain a constant temperature for a long time. In contrast, home ovens can create high temperatures for a moment, but cannot keep them that way for long periods. There are home ovens that take this into consideration, but they are quite expensive.
For example, let's compare the time when you put pizza dough on a pizza tray and put it in a professional oven and then put it in a home toaster. Professional ovens have a large heat capacity, so they heat the pizza tray itself all at once without lowering the temperature inside the oven, and then they heat the pizza on the tray all at once. Since the temperature inside the oven does not drop, the surface is also baked crispy. In contrast, a home toaster with a low heat capacity can create a high temperature at first, but it takes time to warm up the cold pizza tray, so the pizza is cooked before the high temperature reaches the pizza itself, losing its chewy texture, and the temperature inside the oven drops quickly, so the surface is not baked crispy. So what you can think of is to preheat the pizza tray or use a pizza stone that has heat retention. However, while this method solves the problem to some extent, it does not produce the results you would expect. This is because it is not easy to keep a pizza tray hot without lowering its temperature. Also, it takes a lot of time to heat a heat-retentive pizza stone to over 200 degrees. Even if it works, it is a lot of time and effort. It is hardly the kind of convenient way to give a snack to children.
The solution is in an unexpected place: use a toasting net or a pizza tray with holes. If it is difficult to maintain a high temperature, it makes sense to devise a way to allow the initial high temperature to reach the pizza dough directly.


Here, I used the "homemade pancità" recipe introduced in the previous article to bake small pizzas that can be baked on the spot and quickly served as snacks or as an accompaniment to alcohol. Both the dough and the toppings are homemade.



Fermented dough that you always have in the fridge (the recipe can be found in a previous post)
Homemade pancità (the recipe can be found in a previous post. Store-bought bacon, etc.)
Foraged rosemary (store-bought or dried is fine)
Melted cheese (any suitable cheese will do. If you have the space, use fresh mozzarella)
Olive oil



Preheat the toaster oven to its highest temperature. If your toaster oven does not have a temperature setting or preheating function, bake for about 5 minutes.
Cut the pancietta into small pieces. Wash the rosemary and tear off the leaves.
Dust a dry cutting board or bread sheet with flour (semolina flour, potato starch, or other non-sticky flour), roll out the fermented dough, and place it on the sheet. Press lightly to flatten it into a disk. Then, spread the dough out into a round shape with both hands. The gluten in this dough forms a membrane, so by simply lifting it into the air and rotating it, it will take the shape of pizza dough (thin in the center with a mound around it). If this is difficult, you can also spread the dough out with your hands while it is still on the cutting board or sheet.
Place the spread out dough on a toasting net or a pizza tray with holes.
Top it with the pancietta and rosemary, shred the cheese, sprinkle pepper on top, and drizzle with a little olive oil. After topping the pizza, place the net or tray into the toaster and bake for about 8 minutes.

Tips and tricks:    


The fermented dough introduced in the previous article has a thin and flexible gluten membrane, so if you use gravity or centrifugal force, it will naturally form into the Neapolitan-style thin dough with a bank around the edge, without having to roll it out with a rolling pin. If it doesn't, the hydration rate is too low or the gluten membrane is not formed enough. I think it bakes well and tastes good, but if you want the ideal result, there is room for a little more research into the dough.
Unlike typical Neapolitan-style pizza, this dough contains oil and is softer, so it does not require much skill to shape. Caputo's flour has a lower hydration rate and the gluten is very well developed, so the handling of the dough is a little different, but at the home cooking level, the baked result is quite satisfactory. If you make it a few times and devise it, it is possible to surpass the level of a well-made high-end frozen pizza dough. However, if you want to go even further, you should invest in Caputo's flour. From there, it's the world of the artisan.
Here, I used homemade pancietta, but you can use commercially available bacon, ham, sausage, etc. as you like. It's also delicious with minced meat. You can also make it "Bismarck-style" by dropping an egg in the middle.
There are two types of Neapolitan-style pizza: one that uses tomato sauce and one that doesn't use tomato sauce, called "Bianca." This is the latter. You can spread tomato sauce on it if you like.


The recipe uses an inexpensive toaster oven, but you can also use the fish grill that comes with Japanese home stoves. The method is the same in that case. However, since it is hotter, it is better to turn down the flame a little after preheating it before starting to cook. It should be cooked in about 4 to 5 minutes. You may need to be a little creative in balancing the heat between the top and bottom. If your fish grill only has a top heat, place the toasting net or pizza tray in a frying pan or wok that has been preheated to a high temperature and grill the bottom first, then move it to the fish grill. It will cook well. Since it is a high-temperature job, be careful not to get burned.
Once you have mastered how to make the dough and grill it, you can add toppings freely.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


*I participate in Amazon affiliate programs. If you purchase this product by clicking here, it will help pay for my coffee, so I would be very happy. By the way, I am addicted to coffee.
