
常備生地で作る胡桃味噌入り発酵おやき Fermented oyaki with walnut miso made with stock dough

I’m a vegetarian sometimes

Recipe trivia


This is the first variation of the "dough that you always keep in the fridge" that was introduced in the previous article.


Oyaki is a local dish in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture that has been passed down as a substitute for rice. It is now a very popular souvenir throughout Nagano Prefecture. It is also available at convenience stores. The traditional way to eat it is to bury it in the ashes of a hearth during the farming off-season, warm it up, and eat it. There are many variations in the filling, and in addition to sweet bean paste, vegetables and pickles are also wrapped around it. It is a local dish that is friendly to poor people and vegetarians.
Nowadays, there are no hearths, and this way of eating it is a thing of the past, but I thought that if the dough was fermented a little like sake manju, it would be delicious even when it was cold. So I looked into it, and found that there was already a company that had the same idea and made oyaki popular. It was Irohado in Nagano Prefecture. It seems that its predecessor was a bakery, and it has become a long-established store by devising an oyaki fermentation method. The details of this are also posted on the company's website, so please refer to it. I ordered some and tried them straight away, and found that the oyaki made using this method was incredibly delicious. I highly recommend it.



Fermented dough to keep on hand*
*See previous article (Versatile fermented dough to keep in your fridge).



Prepare the filling by adding finely chopped walnuts to miso.
Divide the fermented dough into 6 equal parts, roll them into balls, flatten them, and enclose the filling, then pinch the opening and press it down so it won't open. Flatten it slightly while it's still in this state so that the top and bottom are flat and it's about 2cm thick.
No second fermentation is necessary.
Heat in a frying pan without oil over low heat (you can add oil and fry them if you like), arrange the oyaki in it and cover.
After cooking for a few minutes and browning, flip the dough and cook the other side in the same way.
It's delicious when it's cold, but you can also lightly re-heat it in a frying pan or toaster just before serving.

Tips and tricks:    


The reason for not letting the dough rise a second time is a matter of preference, but it ends up looking like bread. I don't think that if it becomes too fluffy from the fermentation, it will no longer be oyaki, so I don't include the second fermentation process. However, it's up to your preference.
Irohado lightly deep-fries it before baking, which is also very delicious, so you can either deep-fry it and then bake it, or put a little oil in the frying pan and deep-fry it, depending on your preference.
Here I made it very simple with walnut miso, but there are tons of variations, so I think it's good to try different ones.
Personally, I like to stir-fry pickled winter greens, add sliced ​​chili peppers and sesame seeds, and stir-fry them in sesame oil. Recently, there seems to be a version with cheese in it. You can use minced meat or even dried horse mackerel that has been grilled and peeled. If you're a vegetarian, you can use chopped dashi stock from the "Shishin-jiru" soup stock that I introduced in a previous article, mixed with miso and soy sauce. Since this is a dish that is originally eaten during the farming off-season when it's snowing outside and you can't go anywhere, it seems like a natural choice to combine it with preserved foods.
This bread can be easily baked in a frying pan, so it's perfect as a snack.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


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