
旬の野菜と乾物を組合せて作る町屋料理の典型「鰊冬瓜」 "Herring and Winter Melon" is a typical Machiya(townhouse) dish made by combining seasonal vegetables and dried ingredients.

Recipes using seasonal and room temperature ingredients that don't rely on the refrigerator

Recipe trivia


People from the Kanto region may not be familiar with this dish, but "herring****" was a common home dish in Kyoto, the back of Japan, and western Japan. In winter, there was "herring radish," in summer, "herring winter melon," in autumn, "herring eggplant," and "herring kelp" in any season. These dishes are made by combining dried herring with seasonal vegetables. The vitamins and minerals of seasonal vegetables are combined with the protein of herring, making them well-balanced. In Kyoto's townhouses, there was a set day each month for eating herring, and obanzai dishes combining herring and vegetables available in that season were served. It was the wisdom of housewives at the time to cook this precious dried food deliciously each month, so that the family would not get tired of it, and to protect their health.
Filleted dried herring was especially treasured in the city of Kyoto, which was far from the sea, and in the mountainous areas of the back of Japan. The reason why they were distributed to the back and western parts of Japan is related to the main artery of distribution, the Kitamae-bune, whose route was opened during the Edo period. From the mid-Edo period onwards, the rich marine resources of Tohoku and Ezo were developed, and migratory fish such as salmon and herring, as well as kelp, were caught in large quantities. The Kitamae-bune transported these products, which were then processed into dried or salted products, around the Sea of ​​Japan. This route went south along the Tohoku and Hokuriku coasts, stretched along the San'in coast to Kitakyushu, and from there entered the Seto Inland Sea, with Osaka Bay as its final destination. Kelp and other products were then transported to the Ryukyu Islands via Satsuma, and boasted a distribution volume that was large enough to be exported to China. In fact, the route around the Sea of ​​Japan was safer and more reliable than the route around the Pacific Ocean, so the Kitamae-bune route was opened at an early stage. That is why the food culture of dried herring remains in the areas that were ports of call on this route.


Winter melon was introduced from China at an early stage and has been used ever since. Its mild flavor makes it delicious when combined with seafood, as it absorbs the seafood broth. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is said to cool the body and prevent summer fatigue, making it a perfect seasonal ingredient. Despite being a summer vegetable, it is called winter melon because, as long as the skin is not damaged, it can be stored at room temperature until winter. This ingredient was also highly valued in the days before refrigerators. When I was a child, greengrocers had limited refrigeration facilities and I remember this vegetable almost always being displayed at room temperature all the way through to winter.


It was only after the war that refrigerators became widespread in ordinary households. Until then, except in urban areas where civilization had blossomed, ordinary people had a diet that was not very different from that of the late Edo period. The biggest difference between our modern diet and that of today is the "concept of seasons" and the "use of room temperature preserved foods, including dried foods."
At that time, high-speed railway networks and highways had not yet been developed, and there were no refrigerated vehicles, so fresh foods could not be transported long distances like today. Naturally, home cooking was centered around seasonal, locally produced ingredients. Also, since there were no refrigerators in homes, the only way to preserve and distribute ingredients that were not available in season was to use methods that had been used since the Edo period, such as drying, salting, and fermentation. For this reason, home cooking before and after the war is more different than we think. The reason we can easily make home cooking such as "stir-fried meat and vegetables with fresh pork and winter vegetables such as komatsuna" in the middle of summer is thanks to advanced distribution networks and refrigerators. Furthermore, high-temperature gas appliances were not widely available outside of wealthy urban households, so the cooking technique of stir-frying itself was not common.
If we turn the convenient lifestyle of today on its head, we can see the reality that we are facing a crisis in the immediate future, with the disappearance of the concept of seasonality and the decline of the use of traditional preserved foods. If the electricity is cut off, this convenient lifestyle can easily disappear. To say that "something like that can't happen" is simply a lack of imagination. If we think about the reality of the Fukushima accident and the conflicts occurring in the Middle East, Africa, and Ukraine, it should be easy to imagine that "it could happen to me tomorrow."



Winter melon
Dried filleted herring (soft dried filleted herring is fine)
Konbu kelp
Sea salt
Light type soy sauce



Soak the dried herring fillets in water and leave in the refrigerator for around three days to soften.
Once the herring fillets are rehydrated, wash them thoroughly, removing the gills, scales, side bones and fins, and cut them into bite-sized pieces.
Peel the winter melon and cut it into large bite-sized pieces.
Put the kelp, winter melon and prepared herring fillets in a pot, then add enough water to cover the ingredients.
Add sea salt to roughly determine the flavor, and finally add a small amount of light soy sauce.
Cover with a drop lid and simmer over low-medium heat until the winter melon is soft.
Finally, adjust the saltiness and leave to cool.

Tips  and tricks:    


If you want to make it easier, you can of course use semi-dried soft fillets of herring, but this requires freezing, so it goes against the purpose of this article, which is to use dried ingredients as preserved materials.
You can quickly rehydrate the fillets by pouring hot water over them, leaving them for a while, discarding them, and then soaking them in water again. If you are bothered by the bitter taste, soaking it in rice water or water with a little rice in it will absorb the scum and reduce the bitterness.
The skin of winter melon is very hard, so first cut it into several blocks, place it on a cutting board, and scrape off the skin like a pineapple. Be careful not to hold it in your hand as you can easily get hurt. If you want to make what is known as "jade winter melon," you can use a sharp blade or a piece of glass to scrape off only the surface skin, leaving the green pigment.
I add kelp because compared to radishes and other foods, winter melon has less umami and sweet ingredients and is bland, so the kelp adds umami. However, this depends on your preferences and how you plan to assemble the menu, so kelp is not essential. Here, kelp is added because it is based on the traditional obanzai style of a town house. If you are going to eat the kelp as well, you can cut the soft kelp into bite-sized pieces and serve it together with the dish without removing it.
It is seasoned in the Kansai style with just salt and a small amount of light type soy sauce, but since winter melon is light in flavor, you can replace the light type  soy sauce with dark type soy sauce and add mirin or other seasonings to add sweetness, depending on your preference.
Winter melon is whitish immediately after being boiled until it is soft, but as it is left to cool, the broth will soak into it and the melon itself will become translucent.
If you cover it with a drop lid and cook it slowly, it will not fall apart.
The broth is delicious, so it is best served with plenty of it. It can be served warm or chilled.
Herring has long been consumed in large quantities in Europe, and appears in Scandinavian and German cuisine. Another application is boiling Japanese herring fillets in wine (see my previous article for a recipe).
Here, we use dried herring, which is a little more expensive than in the past, but you can use other types of dried fish such as dried sardines, dried whitebate, and ice fish. Small dried fish such as dried sardines do not need to be soaked in water. The taste of herring is exceptional, but in modern times, it may be more common to use dried sardines, which are more widely available, rather than going to the trouble of using herring, whose catch has been drastically reduced.
By the way, you can also use the pulp and skin of winter melon instead of throwing it away. If you remove the seeds, the pulp can be used as a regular ingredient in vinegared dishes or soups. It can also be used like grated daikon radish or added to omelets. The skin can be made into kinpira, but it's not particularly tasty, so rather than forcing yourself to eat it, it's recommended that you brew it and drink it as a health tea. It has a diuretic effect and is touted in Chinese medicine for its effectiveness in reducing swelling in the body.

Guide to where to get ingredients and equipment


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