




平均で一日四時間、若者の二割は七時間も使うスマホ。だがスティーブ・ジョブズを筆頭に、IT業界のトップはわが子にデジタル・デバイスを与えないという。なぜか? 睡眠障害、うつ、記憶力や集中力、学力の低下、依存――最新研究が明らかにするのはスマホの便利さに溺れているうちにあなたの脳が確実に蝕まれていく現実だ。教育大国スウェーデンを震撼させ、社会現象となった世界的ベストセラーがついに日本上陸。(Amazon商品説明より引用)





とりあえず本書を読んで一番最初にしたことは、自分のスマホからSNSをアンインストールすることでした。(YouTubeはなぜかアンインストールできなかったので見えないところに隠しました。) これだけでもめちゃめちゃ変わってくるし、スマホが写真がとれて検索できる“ただの板”と化したので圧倒的にスマホを見る時間が減りました。(1日平均2時間→30分に!) 




その他にも様々な気づきが本書にはたくさん盛り込まれていて、私は今この時点で本書を読めて本当にラッキーだと思っています。この学びを活かしてもっと時間を有効に活用できるようにしたいと思います。本当におすすめなので是非! 読んでみてください!

My thoughts in English

I decided to reconsider my habit of using smart phone by reading this book. I thought I was okay of using smart phone, but my screen time showed me that average was 2 hours per day, even worse day was over 4 hours per day. It was much worse than I thought. Think of having 2 hours that I can use freely in a day, it was completely waste of time.

Only 1 to 2 % of population is super multitasker. (From this book)

I have quit to do multitask since I read this sentence. Definitely, I got luck of concentration when I was multitasking. (Example, I was using smart phone at the class which I got low score.)

First thing I did after finishing this book was uninstalling SNS apps from my smart phone. (Expect LINE and YouTube. I use only contact my family and friends via LINE. YouTube, I could not uninstall so I hide it out of sight.) This made HUGE difference. Uninstalling SNS apps made smart phone just a convenience board that can only take pictures and googling.
Therefore, my screen time have preponderantly reduced from 2 hours to 30 min per day. I made my new rule that I only use SNS from my laptop.

 And then I stated to put my phone at entrance when I was going to bed. I switched alarm of smart phone to alarm clock. It was good because this made me not to touch the smart phone in the middle of night.

 Best things that reducing the using time of smart phone are I can focus on stuff for a long time and get highest level of satisfaction in the end of the day. And I can concentrate and enjoy conversation with my friends. I want to build healthy relationship with smart phone, not to depend on so much but to help my daily basis.

 This book has so many more knowledge about using smart phone. I was very lucky that I met this book at this point of my life so that I could not waste of my time anymore. I am going to make the best use of my time using knowledge from this book. I’m strongly recommend this book who are tired of wasting your time by smart phone.



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