
No.7 『マザーランド 世界一いそがしい産科病院』 "Motherland" (フィリピン)




国民の貧困率が高いフィリピンでは、出生率の高さが大きな課題になっている。政府は、現在の女性1人当たり約3人の出生率を将来的には2人に抑制したいとしている。本作の撮影現場である「Dr. ホセ ファベラ記念病院」は、非常に貧しい妊婦たちを支える最後のセーフティネットとして機能している公立病院だ。病院がすべての世話をするのではなく、自分でできることは自分でしなければならない。入院する母親たちが互いに支え合う姿が印象的だ。時には他の母親の赤ちゃんに母乳をあげることもある。いのちの誕生への喜びは世界共通だが、この病院で生まれるコミュニティは、貧困の苦悩だけでなく、フィリピンらしい愛に満ちあふれたあたたかさ、おおらかさ、そして母と子の生き抜く強さを感じさせる場所である。


*本編 6547ワード、字幕数1,031、テロップ数20、計1,051枚。作業日数8日




3.Key words and phrases

inspect = 調べる
pregnant = 妊娠して(形容詞),  get pregnant = 妊娠する(動詞)
buttocks = お尻
incubator = 保育器
alternative = 代わりの 
breastfeed = 母乳を与える
tube = ここではカンガルーケアで使う胴衣のこと
labor = 陣痛、お産
ligation = 結紮(けっさつ)  *卵管を縛る避妊手術
intensive care = 集中治療
premature = 未熟の
jaundiced = 黄疸の
womb = 子宮
miscarry = 流産する
IUD  (Intrauterine device) = 子宮内避妊具
infection = 感染
sepsis = 敗血症
CBC(complete blood count) = 血算(全血球計算)


Day 1   入院病棟の看護師①(マイクでのアナウンス)

Mother's (Mothers), I don't want to inspect your beds one by one.  We're all women here.  As women you should be clean and orderly.  Think of your bed as your small house.  Look around you.  Those big bags, please take off the beds.  Put them underneath the bed.  They say your mind is a mess if your surroundings are a mess.  Let's see who has an unruly mind around here.  If your bed and your bed sheets are a mess...ay.  If you have a bed sheet, please use it so it looks nice.  Be thankful that you have a bed sheet.  Some don't have bed sheets.  Mothers, the reason you got pregnant is because you're all beautiful.  Don't let yourselves go.  It's great, you have a baby but you might lose your boyfriend or your husband because you've starting to smell like rotten milk.  It'll be like New Year's Eve small explosions all over your body. Even the hair that you haven't washed in a week or a month.  And if a sexy and beautiful woman flirts with your husband,  goodbye to all of us.  Right, mothers?  That's why you have to wash your bodies.   (201 words)


Day 2 入院病棟の看護師②(新入りの母親に向かって)

Have you seen how KMC is done?  You haven't?  Hold her and let her lie on your lap.  Hold her with one hand.  Use your other hand to lower your tube.  Put your baby on your chest at once.  Her head should face the side.  One hand is on the buttocks and the other always holds his back.  And then raise the tube carefully.  Then her legs should be like a frog's. That's the position.  Don't let go of the baby's back, always hold her.  And then the other side.  Put it halfway up her ears.  If you have something to do, just wrap her up in the blanket.  Just borrow one from your bedmate.  Do you know what KMC means?  Kangaroo Mother Care.  You only take her out when you have to do something, like take a shower, eat, or go to the toilet.  When we say 24 hours,  even in the evening, the baby should be in the tube.  You have to do it for a year.  You have to continue doing this at home.  So usually if the baby is really small....they should be in an incubator.  But since we lack incubators in public hospitals, they came up with this alternative program.  You act as a human incubator.  So when your body heat is transferred to your baby...you serve as a human incubator.  The hotter it is the better she'll breastfeed.  And she'll gain weight faster.  And it promotes bonding between you and the baby.   (248 words)

KMCのやり方は見た?見てない?抱っこしてひざに乗せて。片手で赤ん坊を押さえて、もう片方の手で胴衣を下げて。いったん赤ん坊を胸に当てて。顔は横に向けてね。片手をお尻に当てて、もう片方は背中を押さえるの。気をつけて胴衣を上げて。足はカエルのような形よ。赤ん坊の背中をいつも押さえていて。反対側も。耳のところまで上げて。何かする時はブランケットにくるんでね。誰かに借りるのよ。KMCの意味は分かる? カンガルー・マザー・ケアよ。シャワーやトイレなどの時は赤ん坊を出していいわ。でもそれ以外は赤ん坊は夜もずっと胴衣の中よ。1年間は家でも続けないとダメ。小さく生まれた子は保育器で育つけど、ここでは数が足りないのでこうしてるの。ママは人間保育器よ。あなたの体温が赤ん坊を温めて保育器の役目をするわ。体が温かいほど母乳もよく飲む。赤ちゃんの体重も早く増えて母子の絆も強くしてくれる。

Day 3 未熟児の母親①

And my labor took so long.  It does take a while.  I started laboring at five in the afternoon.  I didn't give birth until six the next morning.  The doctors gave up on me.  I kept crying and crying.  My husband didn't show up until the evening.  When I saw him the next day, I punched him.  My baby is in intensive care.  He had a hard time breathing.  He was premature, 33 week.
I already have seven kids.  That's why I had a ligation.  I might get pregnant again.  It's tough.  I started crying when I saw my premature baby.  I was shocked that he was so small.  I couldn't stand seeing him with the oxygen tank.  And all the needles sticking out of him.  But thank God, he's just jaundiced now.  I went to church downstairs.  God listens to me even if I'm crazy.  I admit I'm nuts.  And why wouldn't I be nuts?  Right?  The children come one after another.  I can't take care of them at once.  I don't have enough love to give all of them. I should have more love to give.  But they came one after another I can't give enough love, equally to all my kids.  (203 words)


Day 4 看護師③(19歳の新米ママに避妊具を勧める)

The doctor wanted you to go on family planning.  It prevents you from getting pregnant.  Give your womb a rest.  You've already been pregnant twice even if you miscarried the first one.  We won't give you pills or injection because you're breastfeeding.  And you can't get a ligation because you only have one baby.  Your only option is the IUD.  It lasts ten years.  If you want to get pregnant again, you can have it taken out.  You need this because you're only 19.  You're not constantly in the hospital having children.  It won't take long.  They'll examine you.  My sister was also 19.  Of course, she got an IUD.  It's not painful.  Slap me if it's painful.  Just breathe deeply.  So you can just have a good time.  When you're no longer bleeding, he can start having sex with you again.  (142 words)

先生が、あなたには家族計画が必要ですって。妊娠を防いで子宮を休ませるの。あなたはすでに2回妊娠したわ。1回目は流産だったけど。授乳中だから薬や注射はダメだし、まだ子どもが1人だから卵管手術もダメ。避妊器具を入れるしかないの。これは10年もつわ。もし妊娠したくなったら取り出せる。19歳のあなたには必要よ。何度も出産しに来なくて済むわ。すぐに終わるわよ。検査するだけ。私の妹も19歳だけど、避妊具を入れたわ。痛くないのよ。痛かったら私をたたいていい。深呼吸するだけ。そしたら また楽しめるわ。出血が止まればセックスもできる。

Day 5 未熟児をあやす父親A(隣の男性Bとの会話)

A:  We still don't have electricity at home, baby.  And we still need a supply of water.  Oh my.  We have no electricity and we still need our water supply.  What a life.  Get better, ok?  You have to gain weight so we can go home.  Now all you do is sleep and eat.  Sleep and eat.  And then you poo. 
B:  How many weeks did he spend in intensive care?  
A:  Around three weeks. 
B:  For seven days, we paid P11,000 ($230).  How many months did she carry?  
A:  Seven months.  That's why we'll be here for around two months.  He's growing.  When he first came out he was like a small kitten.  I thought I was gonna cry, his arms and legs were so tiny.  I didn't think he was breathing. He's a survivor.  He really fought.  But my first baby was 8 months and he didn't survive.
B:  He was too weak? 
A:  His blood was infected.  Most of the babies who are premature have infections.  Sepsis baby is what they call it. 
B:  It's good my baby has no infection. 
A:  At first they said he had an infection.  They took his blood few times.  This last time he was clear.  They did three CBC blood tests on him.  But he's okay now.   He's been given blood twice.  If you donate blood, there's no fee.  But if you just get blood, it's about P1,000 ($20).

A:  うちにはまだ電気がないんだよ。水も来てない。困ったね。電気も水もないんだぞ。何て生活だ。元気になったか?家に帰れるように大きくなろうな。たくさん食べて寝るんだよ。たくさん食べたらたくさん ねんねしてウンチもするんだ。
B:  集中治療室にどれくらいいた?
A:  3週間くらいだ。
B:  7日いただけで11,000ペソ(230ドル)払ったよ。何か月で生まれた?
A:  7か月だった。だから2か月はいないと。だいぶ大きくなったよ。出てきたときは子猫くらいだった。手足が小さくて泣きそうになったよ。息をしてないと思った。よく頑張った。闘ってる。1人目は8か月だったけどダメだった。
B:  弱かったのかな?
A:  血液感染だった。未熟児の多くは感染してる。“敗血症”っていうらしい。
B:  うちの子は感染してなくてよかった
A:  うちは感染したって言われて何度か検査を。やっと陰性になった。3回も血液検査をしたよ。今は大丈夫だ。2回 血をもらった。血を提供すれば無料になるが、もらうだけだと1,000ペソ(20ドル)かかる。

Day 6 双子の父親C(会計担当者Dとの会話)

D:  How much do you have?
C:  We have nothing.
D:  In order to help you, we have do a medical abstract.  And Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) will help you with your bills, is that ok?  What's your job?
C:  Extra work here and there in construction.
D:  Were you unable to save when your wife was pregnant?  What did you finish in school?
C:  High School graduate. 
D:  How much money do you earn in a day?
C:  $5.50 a day.
D:  How many times a week do you work?
C:  Only when they call.
D:  How many times?
C:  Usually two days a week.
D:  Two days only? How are you able to survive? And your children?  What are your daily expenses?
C:  Around 50 cents.
D:  And what about your food?
C:  Exactly $3.25.
D:  PCSO cannot help with your wife's bill.  You have to contribute to your wife's bill.  So how will you do it?
C:  I'm going to ask my sister at home.

D:  いくら持ってますか?
C:  全然ありません。
D:  援助のためには書類を作らなければなりません。そうすればフィリピンチャリティー組織が援助してくれます。仕事は?
C:  あちこちの建築現場で働いてます。
D:  奥さんが妊娠した時、貯金できなかったの?最終学歴は?
C:  高卒です。
D:  1日の収入は?
C:  5ドル50セントです。
D:  週に何回働いてますか?
C:  呼ばれた時だけです。
D:  何回くらい?
C:  週2回くらいです。
D:  2回だけ?それでどうやって暮らしていくの?1日の支出は?
C:  50セントです。
D:  食費は?
C:  3ドル25セントです
D:  PCSOは奥さんの費用は援助できません。ご自分で工面しないといけません。どうやって払いますか?
C:  家にいる姉に相談します。

Day 7 双子の父親C(再び会計担当者Dとの会話)

D:  You haven't visited your wife in a long time. Why?
C:  I was looking for money.
D:  Why? Where are your parents?
C:  In the province, ma'am.
D:  Are the parents of your wife also in the province?
C:  She's an orphan.
D:  How much can you pay?
C:  Only $20.
D:  So this is the situation.  Your wife's bill is $120.  The twins' $180 and $110.  Of the $310, what you'll pay is $20.  What you are unable to pay, PCSO will help you for it.  You had a difficult time with this birth, right?  The time, the money, the running around.  So now you have three children.  Practice family planning, ok?  It's a good thing we have PCSO to help you. If we didn't, what would happen to you?  So now you have to pay $20.  And then you give this to the nurse together with the receipt.  And practice family planning, ok?
C:  Thank you, ma'am.

D:  あなたは長いこと面会に来なかったそうね。なぜ?
C:  お金の工面をしてました。
D:  ご両親はどちらに?
C:  田舎にいます。
D:  奥さんのご両親も?
C:  妻は孤児です。
D:  いくら払えますか?
C:  20ドルです。
D:  費用はこうなります。奥さんの費用が120ドル、双子が180ドルと110ドル、合わせて410ドルになります(*スクリプトは$310となっているが計算ミス)。そのうちあなたが払うのは20ドルです。残りの金額はすべて
C:  ありがとうございました。

5.まとめ 「子だくさんで明るいフィリピン女性たち」



『マザーランド 世界一いそがしい産科病院』 "Motherland"

Blog:アラカンからのチャレンジ (ameblo.jp)

Copyright@2024 Kimie Urata note

