

Turning thirty was a milestone to me and that was when I decided to write Note article to reflect fully on the way I had worked on my English learning.

First and foremost, I should mention the fact that there was this person that steered me onto the right path before I write about how I hated the English language and (how) I faced the language I thought I was hopeless at.

I would like to take the story back to my junior high school days…

At that time, I was not good at sports and studies, so I started to think this way.

"What is my stremgth???""

"I don’t deserve to live..."

However, when I was a second grade at junior high school, an encouter with an English teacher was waiting for me. He opened a lot of doors to get me interested in English and he gave me opportunities to polish it until it shines and use it as an asset.

His teaching style was really interesting. For example, when we learn English words by heart, he taught students the way of memorizing with silly jokes and playing on words.

After telling jokes, he always said, "Hey, laugh at me!!"

It was an epiphany for me.

However..., I had difficulties in learning Rome letters and English grammers, such as "Third person singular" when I was in first grade at junior high school and I needed to learn the basics from scratch at that time.

I'd say it's a miracle that a lame learner like me is interested in a thing like this.

I'm sure it'll take times longer than others though, maybe it's still worth a shot.

Since then, my efforts have astonished even my parents and brought about miracles and led to a dramatic turnabout...
