
Shooting / GYM

Hi I'm Keishi!
I keep a diary to learn English. Thank you for reading!
Please be patient my terrible English. haha
Today too, I'm going to write about a few good things happened around me as usual.

1. Shooting

I went shooting on Thursday for work. It's been a long time since last time, so I was a bit tired, but thanks to the vendor we could shoot a good interview. I feel to be tired easily, so I will go gym more often.

2. GYM

I had no time yesterday evening, but I decided to go to the GYM and I could do a exercise bike. Since I had always given up in kind of those cases, it was a big progress for me. I hope this will keep up.

Thank you for reading!



Thank you so much🙌 溜まったお金で、また何か買ってレビューさせて頂きます😁