
Teeth whitening / Online English lesson

Hi I'm Keishi!
I keep a diary to learn English. Thank you for reading!
Please be patient my terrible English. haha
Today too, I'm going to write about a few good things happened around me as usual.

1. Teeth whitening

I went to a dental office to have my teeth whitening after work yesterday. Though the office is a bit far from my house, the fee is very reasonable than others, so I usually go there. I think my teeth become a bit whiten, but I may be better to have one more time. It seems caring about looks takes me a lot of time.

2. Online English lesson

I did take an online English lesson yesterday. I something feel my English is improved well, but as much as, sometimes feel my English isn't improved at all. Yesterday I felt latter. But I think keeping it up is important to me, so I will manage to keep it up and motivate my self from now on.

Thank you for reading!



Thank you so much🙌 溜まったお金で、また何か買ってレビューさせて頂きます😁