
「NHK基礎英語3」一年間チャレンジ 101日目 94日目Writing"Tanabata"添削結果 /年齢を言い訳にしない





✖"Tanabata" is a type of Japanese Festival celebrated on July 7th, as known as the Star Festival.
〇"Tanabata" is a Japanese Festival celebrated on July 7th. It is also known as the Star Festival.

✖This festival was introduced from China.
〇This festival was introduced to Japan by China.
Or: This festival originated in China.
This festival comes from China

〇It is said that a couple, the star Alter and the star Vega, could meet only once a year on this day.

✖If it rains the day, they will not be able to meet due to the flood of the Milky Way. Therefore, people pray for good weather.
However, if it rains, they will not be able to meet due to the flood of the Milky Way. Therefore, people pray for good weather.

〇On this day, some people write their wishes on colorful strips of paper, called Tanzaku.
Alternative: During Tanabata, some people write their wishes on colorful strips of paper, called Tanzaku.

〇After writing their wishes, they hang their Tanzaku on bamboo branches.

〇It is believed that wishes come true when they write on the paper strips and hang them on the bamboo.

✖When I was a kid, my mom used to buy a bamboo branch at a flower shop and decorate it with paper ornaments from one week before that day.
〇When I was a kid, my mom used to buy a bamboo branch at a flower shop and decorate it with paper ornaments one week before the day of the festival.

✖My sister and I wrote each wishes on the paper and hung them every year.
Every year, my sister and I each wrote wishes on the paper and hung them up.

✖I didn’t remember what I wrote and whether my wishes came true or not, but I had a great time with all family together on that day.
〇I don’t remember what I wrote or whether my wishes came true or not, but I do remember having a great time with all of my family members on that day.

✖My mom always tried to show me the Japanese beautiful culture.
〇My mom always tried to show me the beautiful parts of Japanese culture.

✖I want to cherish the tradition.
〇I want to continue cherishing this tradition.













メロンのフルーツサラダ(メロン、グリーンレタス、ブロッコリースプラウト、プチトマト、ズッキーニ、赤パプリカ、スナップえんどう、カッテージチーズ)、コーンパン(coulis)、バナナヨーグルト(ヨーグルト:ギリシャヨーグルト無糖)コーヒー(NESPRESSO アルペジオ)


