
The quality of the MUSIC x STUDY PROJECT's music is too great!

「MUSIC x STUDY PROJECT」の楽曲のクオリティがすごすぎる!

Hi there! How's it going? I'm Katsu :D
I can't remember English words at all. And then many people have picked up this book when they heard that they could learn it by listening to Vocaloid songs. I'm also one of them.

みなさん元気ですか?カツです :D

I will tell you first, but this is not the book review. Oops, you can tell by the title you know ;P That's right, the songs are so good! I'm feeling really good songs so I will introduce 5 songs out of the 12 songs!

先に言っておくと、これは本のレビューではありませんって、あっと、タイトルでわかりますね ;P そうなんですよ!曲がすごく良いです!本当にいい曲なんです、なので、12曲ある中の5曲をここで紹介したいと思います!

First of all, this is the song that expresses painful love feelings. It expresses the conflict of the main character who cannot control emotions.


Mellow Intensity(short ver.) ‐ ぬゆり feat. GUMI

Secondly, this is the song with rich the feeling of moving fast and a refreshing melody.


Selected! - ポリスピカデリー feat. GUMI【Short PV】

Thirdly, this song is sung with a polysemous word on the beat.


SAVE TIME, SAVE YOU(short ver.) ‐ tilt-six feat. GUMI

And then next, this song is a story of a protagonist who is at the mercy of a little selfish girl.


Who’s Calling?(short ver.) ‐ TOKOTOKO feat. 初音ミク

Finally, there is a special version of ECHO.


ECHO Special Version(short ver.) ‐ Crusher-P feat. GUMI

What did you think? Did you like it?

どうでしたでしょうか? 気に入っていただけたんじゃないでしょうか?

Wait.. Wait a minute. Did you remember it in the first place? 


Well..to be honest, I'm sorry, I could hardly remember it. Because, the music was so good that I listened to it from my heart and I had no intention of learning a word. Oh Really my bad...


Please listen to these songs so that you guys can remember the words!


Thank you for reading! Hope to see you next time! Bye Bye :D

では今回も読んでくれてありがとうございました!ぜひまたお会いしましょう!ではでは :D

Thank you for your support :) And than I look forward to your continuous support.