


Hi! I’m Madoka from Sophia University (Faculty of Global Studies), and I’m one of the members of Spring 2024 Kakehashi Project. Today, I will share my great experience and what I’ve learned from our stay in Los Angeles.
(「カケハシ・プロジェクト」について詳しくは、ひとつ前の記事、私たちのリーダーが書いてくれたものを是非ご覧下さい!✨/For more detail about this Kakehashi Project, please check our last blog which our lovely leader Mei posted!✨)



私がこのプロジェクトの参加を通して最も大きな学びであったと感じる点は、ロサンゼルス、海外の視点から見る「日本」についてです。私たちはLA滞在3日目にロサンゼルス日本文化センター(The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles)と在ロサンゼルス日本国領事館(Consulate-General of Japan in Los Angeles)、4日目にはジャパン・ハウス(JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles)を訪れ、ロサンゼルスにおいて日本の文化や言語がどのように発信され、現地で受け入れられているかについて学びました。

I know it might be quite sudden, but let me ask you one question :)
「What you think is the charms, attractions or goodness of Japan?」
Some of you might popped in your head easily, some of you might not.

What I feel I have learned the most from this Kakehashi Project, was the different view of my country, Japan. On the 3rd day of our stay in LA, we visited “The Japan Foundation, Los Angeles” and “Consulate-General of Japan in Los Angeles”, and on the 4th day, we visited “JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles”. We learned, how Japanese cultures or language are spread by Japanese people and accepted to local people and communities in LA.


領事館では曽根健孝総領事と対談し、日本の魅力をどのように捉えるかについてお聞きしました。総領事は日本食のクオリティとそれに対する値段の安さ、アクセスの容易さは日本の強みのひとつであるとお話ししてくださり、私たちもその「食」の魅力を発信しようと、我々上智大学の姉妹校、Loyola Marymount Universityにおいてプレゼンテーションを行いました。確かに、日本を訪れる外国人観光客の多くがコンビニをひとつのレジャーとして楽しんだりするなど、日本の食は、値段の安さとどこでも簡単にハイクオリティで手に入れることができるという点で素晴らしい環境が整っていますよね✨

At Consulate-General of Japan in Los Angeles, I asked Kenko Sone, Consul-General of Japan in Los Angeles, about his view on Japan’s attractions. He told us the quality of Japanese food and it’s low price, and it’s easy access are one of the Japan’s strengths. That’s exactly how I think, as many foreign tourists visit convenience stores as a part of sightseeing to enjoy unique and reasonable food in Japan, we can see the food in Japan is amazing in terms of it’s reasonable prices and accessible at any times and anywhere though it’s quality is still high.

Having presentation about Bento at Loyola Mary Mount University to more students to know about Japanese food culture.



As I live in Japan for whole my life, it’s not easy for me to realize and recognize the interests, deepness, or the goodness that Japanese has, since these seemed nothing special for me as a Japanese. However, once you step out of your country, you will find many different and interesting points of your daily lives that you have never noticed before. For example, bathroom or toilets you use everyday, how it is technologically well designed in your country for the people for better use. Or, languages you speak everyday, that might be English, French, Chinese or Spanish, how it is different from others and what beauties and interests they have?

Not only Food but also these Technology, Language and Culture, Japan and your country has its own attractions and it is same as every country.


Thank you for taking time to read whole my blog, and I hope it can be good opportunity to you to rethink about your country and to realize how nice attractions your country and your daily lives have.
See you in next blog! Have a nice day! <3
