
カケハシプロジェクトをまるっと紹介!|Introduction to the Kakehashi Project!

はじめまして!2024年春の「カケハシ・プロジェクト」派遣プログラムでリーダーを務めました、上智大学のMeiです^ ^


Hi there! I'm Mei from Sophia University, and I had the honor of leading the Spring 2024 Kakehashi Project :)

In this blog, we're going to share the vibrant experiences that our group of nine had in Los Angeles! This wasn’t just a trip or a study abroad program—it was the unique Kakehashi Project that allowed us to see so many different sides of the U.S. We hope to share our memories with you.



ヤシの木が青空に美しいロサンゼルスに到着後、Loyola Marymount University(LMU)に向かいました。LMUの学生との交流は、プログラムを通じた大きな柱であり、イベント、授業、食事で共に過ごしました。日本文化を紹介するプレゼンテーションでワイワイと盛り上がったことも、よい思い出のひとつです。

​​The Kakehashi Project is an international exchange program conducted by Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specifically called Japan’s Friendship Ties programs. Our group participated in the Inouye Program, building friendship and cooperation between Japan and the U.S. In this post, we’ll give you a glimpse into a week full of exciting experiences in Los Angeles! 

Welcomed by picturesque palm trees and blue sky in Los Angeles, we headed to Loyola Marymount University (LMU). Interacting with LMU students was a major highlight of the program, and we shared joy through various events, classes, and meals. One of the best memories was our lively presentation on Japanese culture delivered on campus.




While in LA, we had the chance to visit numerous fascinating places.

At the Japanese American National Museum and Little Tokyo, we delved into the history of Japanese Americans. Given that our program is named after Senator Daniel K. Inouye, the first Japanese American to serve in the U.S. Senate, this visit was particularly meaningful.



The Japan Foundation’s Los Angeles Japanese Culture Center provided us with insights into their activities and the work of their staff. The discussions were enlightening, and the Japanese language learning posters on the walls left a lasting impression.



We were also privileged to have a courtesy visit to the Consulate-General of Japan in Los Angeles, where we met the Consul General and learned more about LA.



Another exciting stop was Japan House, located in the heart of Hollywood. Seeing the iconic Hollywood sign from the building was a thrill for all of us! We learned about their mission to promote Japanese culture in the global entertainment hub and enjoyed touring their beautiful gallery.



Enchanted by the colorful city of Los Angeles, our time flew by. In future blog posts, each of us will take turns delving deeper into our experiences. Stay tuned!
