

It was a cold and not sunny day. It is incredibly depressing. Until I was off home from the workplace, it was actually okay, but, on the way home, one guy next to me sneezed and his snot landed on my trousers. Although he was the only person who sneezed on the train at the moment, he denied what he did. I was furious and that is why I could not say anything to him and just stared at him walking away from the coach. Of course, many of the passengers saw the incident so he was told that he at least needed to apologize to me but no surprise, he didn't say anything. It was a terrible experience. 

Anyway, today's running went very well. My body was very light and could run like hopping. 

Today's run

My plan until the marathon is to run at least 5K for 5 days a week and a long run for one day and take a rest for the other. It won't be hard but the long run day would be super hard. Willingness is always essential. I do because I have decided. 

Thank you for reading my diary:) Your donation directly goes to my funds for the PR application here in Canada!