
慧子/10.リベット実験 Keiko/10. The Ribet Experiment

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Keiko went to the window and looked out to rest her tired eyes from staring at the laptop screen. Though iI was December. The leaves of the trees outside the window were green, and the soft afternoon sun was shining.

   Winters in Silicon Valley are warm. The temperature did not drop below 10 degrees Celsius, nor did it blow cold wind like in Tokyo. Keiko was able to stay warm enough even outside just by putting on a slightly thick sweatshirt over the clothes that are the same as in summer. who was vulnerable to the cold, Keiko had come to feel from the bottom of her heart that she was happy to be here.

 Keiko was now in the library of the Institute of Neuroscience, where her mother worked. Her mother, who had been researching humanoid robots in Japan, was scouted by this research institute and came to the United States, and Keiko accompanied her.
   Keiko was writing an essay on the relationship between human consciousness and unconsciousness using the materials in this library.

   Science teacher Tim instructed her class to write a science essay on one of the themes that Tim had picked up in her fall semester classes as a pre-Christmas assignment. Keiko chosed the seemingly reversed relationship of the unconsciouss and conscious processes as the theme of her essay. Since her class discussion, Keiko has deepened her interest in the subject and had purchased and read related books.

   When Keiko's mother noticed that Keiko was writing a scientific essay, she strongly encouraged Keiko to use the library of the institute of her institute. mother works. She said to Keiko, "Although the library is not open to the public, children of researchers above a certain level are given special permission to enter the library. In addition,  internet searches can  be done speedily thanks to the high speed network of the institute.

   However, Keiko initially turned down her mother's invitation. Keiko was reluctant to set foot in her mother's workplace. As Amecica entered the event-filled season starting from Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, Keiko felt uncomfortable with the increasing the number of times her mother was sent off in a male car increased. That made Keiko feel uncomfortable. From what her mother said, Keiko thought the man was likely to be a colleague of hers, so Keiko didn't want to go anywhere near the institute.

   However, being astonished by the poor quality of the high school library and being drawn to the high-speed internet line, Keiko ended up setting foot in this library, and once she got there, she became addicted to it. rice field. Fortunately, her mother never showed her face in front of Keiko.
   The time sequence among the unconscious, conscious, and muscle movements that Tim had made a subject of discussion in class was originally clarified by brain scientist Benjamin Libet in 1983. Tim said that the subjects in the experiment raised their arms, but in Libet's experiment, the subjects performed a simpler, less strenuous movement of flexing their wrists. And the experiment showed that unconscious processes precede conscious processes. That is, the subject's brain prepared for the motion of bending the wrist, then the subject intended to bend the wrist, and the subject's wrist flexed.

   The reaction of neuroscientists to the results of this experiment was, "It is impossible that an unconscious decision precedes a conscious decision." A series of falsification experiments were conducted to deny the results of Libet's experiments. There were also questions about whether there were flaws in the measurement procedures used to measure changes in brain nerves, the subject's intentions, and the timing of wrist flexion. Therefore, falsification experiments that adopted different measurement procedures were also conducted. However, most of these refutation experiments ended up confirming Libet's results.

   At this point, philosophers joined the debate over Libet's experimental results. Since human free will is one of the most important subjects of philosophy, philosophers could not ignore experimental results that had the potential to undermine the foundation of human free will. Even as of 2005, nearly a quarter of a century after the experiment, Libet's experimental results were still the subject of hot debate in the worlds of brain science and philosophy.

   Keiko decided to begin her essay with the Libet experiment, which was the starting point of her interest. She organized the results of Libet's experiments into a single diagram so that she could present them concisely at the beginning of her essay. In this scheme, the measurement procedures used in the experiments are omitted. Keiko did not mention the measurement method in the essay either. She planned to refer to the measurement procedures as a note at the end of the essay. Since the same results were shown in the rebuttal experiments using a different measurement procedures than those Livet applied, Keiko thought that the measurement procedures were not critical.


   Keiko arranged the results of the experiment in a diagram that traces back time, with the point at which the wrist bends as point 0. 500 milliseconds before the wrist bends, i.e., minus 500 millisecond point, a readiness potential for sending electrical signals from the brain to the hand muscles is generated. However, at this point in time, the electrical signal itself has not yet been transmitted. At minus 150 mm, the subject wants to bend the wrist. In other words, the subject become aware of his/her intent to bend the wrist. Even at this point, the brain is not yet sending electrical signals. At minus 50 milliseconds, the brain sends an electrical signal to the hand muscles telling them to bend their wrists, and 50 milliseconds later, at time 0, they bend their wrists.

   As of 2005, in the world of neuroscience, the idea that an unconscious decision preceeds the relevant conscious decision had come to be regarded as a convincing hypothesis. On the other hand, Keiko got the impression that the majority of philosophers were still puzzled by Libet's experimental results. They seemed to face the dilemma that while they could not completely ignore scientific discoveries that hade not been denied by various falsification experiments, they could not deny free will. .

   Interestingly, Libet himself did not deny the existence of free will. There is an interval of 100 milliseconds between when the subject wants to bend their wrist and when the brain emits a signal. During these 100 milliseconds, Libet argued, one could consciously withdraw her/his intention to bend the wrist and keep the wrist still. Consciousness, he says, cannot initiate action, but it can suppress it. Libet conducted the experiments that showed that subjects could withdraw their intention within 100 milliseconds after intending to bend their wrists.

   However, Keiko had doubts about Libet's claim. That's because the brain prepares for a wrist flexion 500 milliseconds before consciously intending it, but the conscious mind has only 100 milliseconds to stop bending the wrist. Keiko wondered if one really could consciously stop the move to bend the wrist in such a minute time.

   Libet seemed to have the same question as the one Keiko had. He made a claim that Keiko regarded as an answer to this question. He argued that while initiating an action requires unconscious preparation, stopping it does not, and that conscious decisions to stop the move were immediately executed .
But Libet did not back up his claims experimentally. No experiments were performed to prove that there was no brain activity prior to the decision to stop bending the wrist.

   To Keiko, Libet's assertion of free will as a refusal to act seemed like a desperate argument. Faced with the results of his own experiments, Libet faced the same fear that later other neuroscientists and philosophers had: the denial of human free will. Keiko thought that Ribet wanted to leave room for free will.

   However, Libet's claim also seemed to be generally accepted among neuroscientists. On the other hand, it seemed to Keiko that many philosophers found this assertion unacceptable, but were unable to come up with a decisive counterargument.

   There was, however, one philosopher who presented a very persuasive counterargument. It was Daniel Dennett. A counterargument he published in 2004 was very persuasive to Keiko. However, part of Dennett's counterargument overlapped with Keiko's assertion that the subjects exercised their free will when they had decided to participate in Libet's experiment. This made Keiko wonder whether she should refer to Dennett's counterargument in her essay or not.

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