

Hello to someone who I know and who I will know.

 It's been half year since I was back to Japan temporary. Literally time flew too fast to memorize every single moment that I had. In every single moment, I was struggling, enjoying as much as I could. Even I didn't know what would happen. 


Sometimes there is a time that I am worried about what I do and what I want to do for the future. There is a person being optimistic about everything and try to avoid uncertain pressures from something I can't see. Then I very often do convince that I am okay. I can do anything that I can. Do my best that I can do. 

However why these kinds of concerns come up? I've asked myself many times that I can't count. Then I find out where it comes from. This is a waste of time.As we all might know that, we repeat it incidentally. I guess that I'm still inexperienced.The best way to remain your happiness, to accept anything that would happen to you. No matter what happens to you. Work on what you really want to do. Do not look back. Focus on present. You definitely get much happier than ever.Being inside airplane guide me to a special place that I am able to face myself like doing this.


This is a note in a moderate English written by me. It was done in airplane called 精神と時の部屋.Thank you for reading.Hope what I mean goes to you directly and opportunity for something meaningful.
