
社会化 (Socialization )|002キーコンセプト




社会化の意味は、文化化(enculturation)すなわち、子供が最初に文化を内面化するプロセス。文化変容(acculturation)すなわち、人々が新しい文化モデルや行動様式を採用するプロセス。さらに、主体形成(subject formation)つまり、主観性(subjectivity)が形づくられるプロセスとも重なります。









Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group.
This interest group of the American Anthropological Association was formed in 2007, bringing together anthropologists from a range of subdisciplines whose work focuses on children and youth.

Childhood Studies Book Series. 2003–. Rutgers Univ. Press.

This series includes peer-reviewed books written from a variety of disciplinary perspectives that investigate the lives and perspectives of children and youth in diverse cultural settings, both past and present.

Göncü, Artin, ed. 1999. Children’s engagement in the social world: Sociocultural perspectives. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.

This volume of essays by psychologists and others presents research from a range of societies. They examine cultural influences on child development as expressed through parental values and in various social contexts such as family, home, play, and preschool.

Lancy, David. 2008. The anthropology of childhood: Cherubs, chattel, changelings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Lancy draws together key findings from anthropological research on children and childhood around the world, establishing that the way children are understood and treated in the contemporary West is but one variant of a much larger set of possibilities enacted in societies across time and space.

LeVine, Robert A. 2007. Ethnographic studies of childhood: A historical overview. American Anthropologist 109.2: 247–260.
DOI: 10.1525/aa.2007.109.2.247

LeVine surveys ethnographic research literature on childhood in the 20th century, and theoretical approaches that were sometimes incorporated into and also critiqued through ethnography. LeVine points to the ongoing problematic relationship between ethnography and developmental psychology and calls for theory building that draws substantially on cross-cultural comparison.

LeVine, Robert A., and Rebecca S. New, eds. 2008. Anthropology and child development: A cross-cultural reader. Malden MA: Blackwell.

This edited volume offers an excellent selection of early seminal works in the field complemented by contemporary contributions from diverse cultural contexts. The sections are organized according to three phases of childhood and deal primarily with work, play, language and caregiving by parents and siblings.

Montgomery, Heather. 2009. An introduction to childhood: Anthropological perspectives on children’s lives. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Blackwell.

Montgomery provides overviews of different dimensions of childhood and the range of cultural variation presented in the ethnographic literature. Through cultural and historical perspectives on meanings and contexts that shape children’s lives, she develops a larger framework for the current focus on children’s perspectives on their own lives.

Schwartzman, Helen B., ed. 2001. Children and anthropology: Perspectives for the 21st century. Westport, CT: Bergin and Garvey.

This edited volume brings together work on children by anthropologists writing from a range of interests and drawing on diverse ethnographic and material evidence. Together, these chapters argue that the study of children is a particularly promising way to address key questions in contemporary anthropology.

Shweder, Richard A., Thomas R. Bidell, Anne C. Dailey, Suzanne D. Dixon, Peggy J. Miller, and John Modell, eds. 2009. The child: An encyclopedic companion. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.

DOI: 10.7208/chicago/9780226756110.001.0001

This encyclopedia covers a broad range of subjects having to do with children, childhood, and parenting. This includes forty-one “Imagining Each Other” essays, which are cross-cultural vignettes of different socialization contexts and strategies.

Stephens, Sharon, ed. 1995. Children and the politics of culture. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.

This edited volume calls anthropological attention to the ways that children’s lives are shaped by the political actions of adults and state policies, economic orders, transnational flows, rights discourses, and identity movements that children are also subject to.

