
#12 大事なことって、たいてい面倒くさいよね【一笑門 マガジン】


このマガジンでは、毎朝配信しているPodcastプログラム「伊志嶺海【一笑門 RADIO】」の内容を日本語と英語の記事にて発信しております。



「日本の夜明けを創る。」を合言葉に、相棒とともに夜明創造プロジェクト旦 -TAN-を運営しております。













English version★

Good morning. I'm Kai Ishimine.

With the slogan "Creating the dawn of Japan", I run the Dawn Creation Project -TAN- with my buddy.

Today I wanna talk about "important things are usually troublesome. This is a quote from Hayao Miyazaki of Ghibli fame, and I recently found it on Instagram and it made a lot of sense, so I wanna share it with you.

In 2008, Mr. Miyazaki said the following on NHK's program "Professionals: The Way of Work"

"Most of the important things in the world are troublesome."

This may come as a surprise to some, but in the NHK documentary, Mr. Miyazaki said many times that "I’m too lazy”.

At the time, Mr. Miyazaki was working on "Ponyo on a Cliff by the Sea," his first new film in four years, and he was under a lot of pressure and high expectations as he went about his creative process.

In the program, Mr. Miyazaki said, "It's a battle against the feeling of being a pain in the ass. The fact that you feel that it is a "hassle" is evidence that you recognize that it is important.

I myself am involved in many activities that I like, such as creating audio content, music, and T-shirts, but there are days when I think, "It's a hassle to update the radio.

When the feeling of "it's a hassle" arises, I recommend that you clarify whether the hassle you are trying to tackle is something you "want to do" or something you "have to do.

If it is the former, remember when you took the first step and inspire yourself again by saying, "I am doing this because I like it.

The problem is with the latter, the "I have to do it" case. In this case, think about structuring and eliminating. You may be able to make the annoying things easier by structuring them. What's more, it could be something that doesn't really need to be done. Let's face that annoying thing once and find a way to make it easier or to stop doing it drastically.

Life is finite, and it is important to increase the amount of time we have to live it to the fullest. If the unpleasant daily hassles keep piling up, the time you have for happiness will be reduced rapidly.

Why not face the "hassle" you sometimes feel? It might make your days a little happier!
