
カフェ学校初日!あなたのロールモデルを見て、自分の未来像が見えますか? 1st day of cafe school: Can you see yourself in your role models? (JP/EN)




東急ハンズの近くに隠れているAstral Lampという、いかにも夜っぽいカフェで授業始動!隠れ家カフェでお勉強なんて…


コース主任の講師@atticroomの五味さんが、Attic Roomカフェコンセプトの紹介、カフェ運営の様々な事情を、たくさん語ってくれました!これからのスケジュールも毎週びっしり単元が整っていて、読むだけで楽しみすぎる。

「起立!気をつけ!よろしくお願いします!」って立たされたり、近くのAttic Roomカフェ(上の写真はそこ)にも実際に連れて行ってもらえたり。。まるで遠足に行く小学生気分で1日が楽しめました笑 全てオンラインで勉強している大学生の自分にはとても懐かしい感覚。











1. カフェコンセプトをしっかり考える。物件によってもコンセプトを変えなければいけないので、複数考えた方がいいと五味先生に助言された。

2. 早稲田の物件ストーカーになり始めること!(物件見始めるだけです、ご安心を。)

Isha here. First day of cafe school! 

Shibuya was not as i remembered it to be. It sure was crowded, but there was a sense of nervousness unfamiliar to its vibrant image. 

The “class” was conducted in a cozy hidden night cafe Astral Lamp owned by our teacher near Tokyu Hands. 

To call this our classroom was rebellious, but comfortable - much like Shibuya itself. 

For the introduction session, serial cafe entrepreneur Gomi sensei took us the course syllabus and schedule, her cafe concept for her OG cafe "Attic Room" (refer to article pic), and lots and lots of stories about running a cafe. As a 12 month course, the syllabus was filled with topics to cover, I got excited just reading it!

As a university student taking all classes online right now, it was so refreshing to go back to some sort of a physical classroom environment. There were only 3 students taking it on Saturdays, which allowed a lot of open conversations. 

But seriously, a school in a cafe though? Being able to go explore and enjoy other cafes during lunch?! It couldn’t get better for a cafe lover as myself. Oh but it does - we even get to explore her other cafes for the coming weeks! The next class is conducted in her cafe in Shinjuku. 

Gomi sensei took us through the various necessities to open a cafe, such as for food hygiene management and emergency response skills. Each cafe needs a restaurant license as you secure the location. She told us stories about her cafes that ranged from hilarious (not having a door on her first cafe) to horrifying (like people randomly throwing flame bottles). The classes ended at 17:30. By the end of the day my brain was buzzing and it felt like an overheated laptop, that I shut down and slept as soon as I sat in the train back home. I am so lucky for the privilege to experience this much learning.

This experience reinforced the importance of having the right role models to guide you. 

As a female entrepreneur starting out in Japan, you don’t meet many others with similar values. In Japan there’s a (hilarious) peculiar notion that if you want to survive as a young career female, you have to rely on older male connections. Or there’s a notion that anything you do needs to be carefully planned out in advance - this has both pros and cons, but it has never been my style. I tend to dive into things that pull my heart and figure out details later. 

So any opportunity to meet a Japanese female role model who succeeded with pure heart, soul, guts, and plenty of struggles and learning experiences, who can tell you about it, is very priceless and so important for our future.

Gomi sensei is the type that tells you “I plan the cafe concept after I get the location” or “I love weird hidden places”. I strongly relate to her do-first-think-later, get-it-done-because-I-love attitude. A role model should not just be successful - but they also gotta be a future manifestation of your own values. 

For that, I am deeply grateful for discovering this school.

So! My homework for the next two weeks! 

1. Start coming up with the complete concept for the cafe - we were handed a concept sheet as a guide, and I will be filling it out. Gomi sensei recommended we come up with a few concepts with little tweaks, so that we can be flexible based on the piece of property we find later.

2. Start looking up open properties - time to stalk open places in Waseda!
