【一筆珈琲店】Back Number #31-40☕

画像1 2019-09-25 に始めたブログ【一筆珈琲店】が、一周年を迎えたことを機に、これまでしたためた “一筆の想い” を、2020-09-25よりnoteでもアップはじめます♬ どうぞよろしくお願いします★ by 店主
画像2 ☕玉に瑕?! = a fly in the ointment ?! 31  Superheroes who always help people around them in an emergency are usually hard to find and are a little wasteful, aren't they? Have a nice day ★ 2019-10-26
画像3 ☕朝5時 = 5 am 32  Getting up early is an important time when you want to do what you really want, rather than trying to do what you have to do. Have a nice day ★ 2019-10-27
画像4 ☕わからない = do not know 33  We may learn to ponder by meeting things we don't understand or people we don't understand. Have a nice day ★ 2019-10-28
画像5 ☕コーヒーカップ = Coffee cup 34  Coffee cups are important to look at, but I'm impressed that they are easy to drink. Have a nice day ★ 2019-10-29
画像6 ☕ポジション = Position 35  If you have an image of wanting to be like this, make an effort such as thinking and acting accordingly. Have a nice day ★ 2019-10-30
画像7 ☕プチ断捨離 = Danshari 36  I want to gain lightness and freedom by letting go of my stuff once a day. Have a nice day ★ 2019-10-31
画像8 ☕“普通”がいい = “Normal” is good 37  It's great to be yourself in any situation. This is because you can exert your strength in a well-balanced manner. Have a nice day ★ 2019-11-01
画像9 ☕想えること = To love 38  Those who have something to love will be able to live strong. Have a nice day ★ 2019-11-02
画像10 ☕雲の上 = Above the clouds 39  The state of mind of a person who has a belief may be as calm as above the clouds. Have a nice day ★ 2019-11-03
画像11 ☕翼 = Wings 40  Even if you don't know if you have your own wings, if you keep moving, one day you will be able to suddenly fly big. Have a nice day ★ 2019-11-04
画像12 【Coffee Break】#3 ☕『松之助 N.Y.』 -代官山- ◎サワークリームアップルパイ ◎ホットコーヒー https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1303/A130303/13005179/
