
般若心経をリズム音読すると、心も体もスッキリ !  Rhythm reading of Hannya Sutra is refreshing both mind and body!

新型コロナウィルス騒動で、4月に発令された緊急事態宣言で自宅待機を余儀なくされ、自宅活動として、コロナ収束祈願として「写経」する人が増えた、とあるお寺の関係者の方がおっしゃっていた。 私もそのうちの一人である。

A person involved in a temple said that the new coronavirus turmoil forced them to wait for their home in the emergency declaration announced in April, and that more and more people were "Sutra copying" as home activities as a prayer for the corona convergence. It was I am one of them.


The other day, at the Buddhist Mandala Art Class, the students gave me a copy of Hannya Sutra with a Japanese translation by Jakucho Setouchi. At the beginning of the writing, it was written that it could be read silently, read aloud, or copied.


In the classroom, I practice breathing and meditation for about 5 minutes each before starting. I think that by adjusting breathing and meditating, the door to production work will open smoothly.


While reading this copy, I first read aloud the Japanese translation. Among the various Japanese translations of the Hannya Sutra, I felt that this Japanese translation by Ms.Jakucho was very easy to understand. I feel that the writer's feelings will be reflected in the production of the Buddhist Mandala when I understand the sutras better. In order to cherish that feeling, we are planning to read aloud the Sutras.


It feels good to sing along with the rhythm like a song, and it seems to be good for your mind, body, and head. Please think that you have been fooled and challenge yourself.


When the lingering summer heat is tough, please love yourself.

