
琵琶湖畔に生息する、自然の恵み「葦(ヨシ)」【雑感】 Nature's blessing “ reeds ” inhabit on the shores of Lake Biwa


The north district in Shiga Prefecture is one of the historical roads in my mind. As you know, it is an area where many people and goods are actively traded toward the capital city of Kyoto because it is a stopover point from the northern and eastern countries. And there is a natural property that has moved history, called Tamami (Lake Biwa), which exudes a little exaggeration, which has created a unique climate and customs, and has nurtured people and things.


One of them, reeds as a blessing of Lake Biwa, has been described in Manyoshu and has been used as a representative plant in Japan since ancient times, as in rice. Lake Biwa inhabits many lakes around Omihachiman city.


According to the data, the reeds were called "reeds" until the Heian period, after which reeds were reminiscent of "evil" and became "reeds" because of their bad luck.


The first thing that comes to mind when using a reed is a blind. Those made from reed stalks are called "Yoshizu". Reeds are also used on thatched roofs of old houses. The torches used for rituals such as shrines also have pine tree cores and reeds bundled together.


It is said that the reed stem was hollow and used as a whistle. In ancient China, reeds seem to be used in the "tongue" of the musical instrument shichiriki, and in the "lead" of Western musical instruments.



毎年3月頃から刈り取られる / Reaped from March every year

なによりもヨシが知られていることで有名なのが、フランスの哲学者 ブレーズ・パスカルが記した「人間は考える葦である」という言葉。聞いたことがあるという人も多いのではないだろうか。
しかし、何で人間が "葦" なんだろうと疑問がわいてくる。強風が吹くと茎が折れて倒れやすい弱い植物であるのは間違いない。それが、何で? と。

Above all, Yoshi is known for his reputation as the philosopher Blaise Pascal writes, "A man is a reed to think." Maybe many people have heard of it.
But the question arises as to why humans are "reeds." There is no doubt that it is a weak plant that breaks its stem when it blows in a strong wind. What is that? Looking at the material, it was such an answer.


"Humans are like one of the weakest reeds in nature, but the difference from reeds is the ability to think." However, when you look at the reeds, the figure that inhabits in the nature in close proximity makes you feel strong and strong.


Things that have been nurtured in nature are reborn as new things with human wisdom and ingenuity. Here is the impression when I saw the reed of Lake Biwa in front of my eyes, a treasure trove of nature.

レポート & 写真 / 渡邉雄二 

Reported & photo by Yuji Watanabe
