
【第2回】日本 東京-石川 550km徒歩 加賀人探し旅 / 2nd Tokyo, Japan-Ishikawa 550km walk search people from Kaga city


From August 31st to September 14th, 2019, I walked about 550km from Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo to Kaga-shi, Ishikawa in two weeks. Along the way, I met five people related to Kaga City, interviewed the charms seen from outside Kaga City, and posted them on blogs and SNS. In addition, 30 creators living in Tokyo, who have nothing to do with Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, were involved in this project by accompanying them on a walking trip and making goods, which made the trip exciting. In addition to being featured in newspapers and television in the Hokuriku region, we were able to share the charm of traveling in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture and on foot with various people through debriefing sessions and event openings in Tokyo and Ishikawa.

Overview of the way I walked

▼フライヤー Flyer
(by Yuuka Noguchi, Keita Tozuka)


Project background

大学生が石川県加賀市の地域の課題を発見して新しい暮らしを提案するワークショップ「PLUS KAGA」の2019年夏の事務局スタッフをやらせていただくことになった。このワークショップ及び石川県加賀市を盛り上げる企画を考えようということになり、PLUS KAGA事務局のコーディネーター三島さんと相談をしているときに、「また歩いてみれば?」という話になって、第2回目(今回)の東京-石川 徒歩の旅の実施が決定した。加賀市の方々は「東京から2週間かけて歩いて来てくれる」ということを喜んでくれるし、面白がってくれるはず。あとはそれに加えて、ライターとしてwebメディアで発信したり、写真の作品を作ったりしていることを活かして、加賀市の魅力を東京の人に伝えたいと考えた。



I will be the secretariat staff of the summer 2019 workshop "PLUS KAGA" where university students discover local issues in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture and propose new lifestyles. I decided to think about this workshop and a plan to liven up Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and when I was consulting with Mr. Mishima, the coordinator of the PLUS KAGA secretariat, I was asked "Why don't you walk again?" It was decided to carry out the second (this time) Tokyo-Ishikawa walking trip. The people of Kaga City will be pleased and amused that they will walk from Tokyo for two weeks. In addition to that, I wanted to convey the charm of Kaga City to the people of Tokyo by taking advantage of the fact that I publish it on the web media as a writer and make photographic works.

So I thought about the inside and outside of the area. For me, the image of Kaga City in Ishikawa Prefecture is nothing more than "connection with people." The image of Kaga City in Ishikawa Prefecture is created by the conversations and things that the residents of Kaga City that I am currently connected to create. Then, why not turn your attention to "people from Kaga City" who are outside Kaga City that you have never met before. I lived in Chiba prefecture, but after moving to Tokyo for a year, I returned to Chiba prefecture. In the meantime, the feeling of returning to my hometown was born. And I was able to notice a moving sight that I didn't notice when I was in the area. For example, there was a shopping mall built on the slope of a cliff, and I felt that it was strangely nostalgic. Do "people from Kaga City" outside of Kaga City have the same feeling? Therefore, I decided to search for people from Kaga City who live outside Kaga City while walking and interview them about the charm of Kaga City.

By the way, when I told the staff of the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, who was working part-time at the time, that I had to walk from Tokyo to Ishikawa, about 30 people were interested. There were many creators, such as those who could write, and take movies, draw pictures, so I decided to get involved by making the best use of what I was good at. In addition to the birth of Inumura-kun, the character of the walking trip, wonderful flyers, book covers, pottery, stamps, and other goods related to Kaga City and walking were born. In addition, I was able to share the fun and pain of walking by having them accompany me on a walking trip. It can be said that the main theme of this trip was to create with many people and liven up Kaga City.

▼スタート地点/ 東京都文京区 東京大学赤門(加賀藩邸跡)付近
Starting point / Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Near the Akamon (Kaga clan residence) of the University of Tokyo


Interview looking for a person from Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture(Nomi City, Ishikawa Prefecture)


▼ゴール地点 / 石川県加賀市 FUZON KAGA Cafe and Studio
Goal point / Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture FUZON KAGA Cafe and Studio



2019年8月31日 東京都文京区東京大学赤門-埼玉県川越市(41km)
2019年9月1日 埼玉県川越市〜埼玉県寄居町(39km)
2019年9月2日 埼玉県寄居町〜群馬県富岡市(38km)
2019年9月3日 群馬県富岡市〜長野県軽井沢町(40km)
2019年9月4日 長野県軽井沢町~長野県上田市(44km)
2019年9月5日 長野県上田市~長野県長野市(33km)
2019年9月6日 長野県長野市~長野県中野市(26km)
2019年9月7日 長野県中野市~新潟県上越市(42km)
2019年9月8日 新潟県上越市~新潟県上越市(34km)
2019年9月9日 新潟県上越市~新潟県糸魚川市(32km)
2019年9月10日 新潟県糸魚川市~富山県魚津市(48km)
2019年9月11日 富山県魚津市~富山県砺波市(52km)
2019年9月12日 富山県砺波市~石川県金沢市袋板屋町(39km)
2019年9月13日 石川県金沢市袋板屋町~石川県加賀市桑原町(45km)
2019年9月14日 石川県加賀市桑原町~石川県加賀市大聖寺(7km)
合計 560km   855,224歩

2019年8月30日 出発式 @ホーホケ居(東京都台東区)
2019年9月14日 完歩式 @FUZON KAGA Cafe and Studio(石川県加賀市)
2019年9月14日 報告会 @タビト学舎(石川県加賀市)

What I noticed when I actually walked




In Tokyo, the starting point, I met a person from Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture. We asked him about the story of Sanemorizuka in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture. Sanemorizuka is the place where Sanemori Saito, a military commander who boldly confronted the enemy and died in the Genpei War, has reached the end. It is said that Minamoto no Yoshinaka, a military commander of the Genji clan, cried when he learned that Sanemori, who had the grace to save his life, had been defeated. The pond that washed the neck of Sanemori was named Neck Wash Pond, and next to it was a mound of Sanemori. This story was handed down to the present Bunkyo Ward in Tokyo one day, and has been handed down as a place name and folklore such as Sanemorizaka. The road from Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo to Kaga-shi, Ishikawa, which I casually walked, was also the road where the anecdote of a historical person named Sanemori was told.

In addition, there were various encounters and discoveries along the way. On the 8th day, I found a temple called Daishoji in Iiyama City, Nagano Prefecture. I was surprised because the place name of the goal point in Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture is Daishoji. The two Daisho-ji temples I met seem to be Jodo Shinshu temples. It seems that the road I was walking this time was also the road where Shinran and other Jodo Shinshu students were coming and going. Along the way, I also found a simple information board named "Shinran no Michi". I also walked near the five castles (Kanazawa Castle, Iiyama Castle, Tomiyama Castle, Masuyama Castle, and Naganuma Castle) related to the warlord Sakuma during the Warring States period.

In this way, it was a journey that felt many historical ties. The road I am taking now is also the one pioneered by the great ancestors of history. In today's convenient world, I realized that walking, which is a seemingly inconvenient means of transportation, is a way to connect to the past.


・北國新聞 9月13日朝刊
・北國新聞 9月15日朝刊
・北陸中日新聞 9月15日朝刊



Subsequent development

PLUS KAGAのイベントで、徒歩の旅の成果を報告したところ、その場を見学に来ていた台湾の国立政治大学の教授の方が徒歩の旅に興味を持ってくださった。夜の飲み会の席で、声をかけてくださったのだ。そして、2019年秋に台湾で徒歩の旅の開催が決定した。日本と台湾の歴史を歩きながら掘り下げるべく、教授の研究対象地域を歩いて回ることになった。

When I reported the results of the walking trip at the PLUS KAGA event, a professor at the National Chengchi University in Taiwan who came to see the place was interested in the walking trip. He called out to me at the evening drinking party. And it was decided to hold a walking trip in Taiwan in the fall of 2019. In order to delve into the history of Japan and Taiwan, I decided to walk around the research area of ​​the professor.


PLUS KAGA Project 三島さん
タビト學舎 飯貝さん
FUZON KAGA Cafe and Studio 山根さん

Photos along the way


▼日本 東京-石川 550km徒歩 加賀人探し旅の詳細はこちら。
Tokyo, Japan-Ishikawa 550km walk Click here for details on the trip to find Kaga people.
