












The season is changing from spring to summer. The flowers that give off a lovely fragrance at this time of year are not limited to roses. Here is a flower that you can only see during this season and that spreads a sweet scent.

【Ichirin’s Floral Notes🌸 Lilacs: The Flower of Love Spells】
The lilac, known in Japanese as Murasakihashidoi (紫丁香花), is a flower that, when I see it at the flower market this time of year, I can't help but want to take home.
Its fragrance is simply divine! And I adore the soft, slightly matte, pinkish-purple color. I always find myself picking up a bunch, admiring it, smelling it, and then debating whether to buy it.lol This is because it doesn’t last very long; at most, it only stays fresh for about three days. If only it could last a week!

Lilacs are native to southern Europe, including regions like Afghanistan and Persia. They were introduced to Japan around the mid-Meiji period. Highly resistant to cold, they became popular as street trees and garden plants in cooler regions of Japan during the Taisho era. Lilacs narrowly won over acacias in a public vote to become the official tree of Sapporo City. Although I’ve never visited Sapporo during this season, I can only imagine how wonderful it must smell to walk along streets lined with lilacs. I think anyone would be enchanted by their soft color and fragrance.

Lilacs in Sapporo City

In French, they are called "lilas." There is a phrase, "le temps des lilas," which means "the best season of the year." In Japan, the word "lila-bie" became known through Junichi Watanabe's novel "Lila-bie no Machi," set in Sapporo. It describes the sudden chill that feels as if the season has gone backward between May and June. Doesn’t it sound elegant?
Besides the purple variety, lilacs also come in light pink, deep pink, and white. Usually, the flowers have four petals, but occasionally you may find one with five petals, which is considered lucky. These are known as "lucky lilacs," similar to finding a four-leaf clover. In France, there is a tradition that if you find a lucky lilac and swallow the petal, you will be happy with your loved one. Isn't that romantic and charming?
Although cut flowers only last for three days, lilac bushes in the garden bloom from May to June, delighting us for a longer period. The flower’s message is "memories of youth." When surrounded by the scent of lilacs, whose face comes to mind for you?

【Editor's Note】
Lately, I’ve been obsessed with a newly released tea-flavored ice cream. Every time I go to the local supermarket, I buy some, and almost every night, I enjoy it without getting bored. Since a terrible hangover two months ago 😛, I’ve been drinking much less alcohol, but now my passion for ice cream has flared up. I have a feeling it will soon turn into a combination of ice cream and alcohol. lol

Thank you for reading today, too!
Hope you will have a good day with flowers.


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