
Thank you for 2023. - Dec. 31, 2023.

Time flies so quickly. 2024 starts tomorrow. For me, 2023 was both hectic and enjoyable as I engaged in job hunting from January to August, and am currently working on my master's thesis. Thus, job hunting, my thesis, and English studies have shaped my 2023.

It was my first time experiencing job hunting, as I had skipped it during my undergraduate years. Unsure of where to start, I relied on a senior's guidance. He kindly visited my home on January 2nd and offered invaluable advice, for which I can't thank him enough. The job hunt not only strengthened my mental resilience but also deepened my self-understanding. This experience encouraged me to confront reality head-on.

Last year, I couldn't have imagined making such progress on my paper. I first encountered my research subject, "Wildlife," in October last year, and at that time, I was figuring out how to approach it. However, 2023 propelled my thesis forward. I read a vast amount of literature and prior research, discussed it repeatedly with my professor and peers, and considered it from various angles. I'm nearing the end of this lengthy journey and am determined to continue working diligently.

At the start of this year, I struggled with feelings of inadequacy about my English skills. The experiences of job hunting and my relationship changed my perspective on these insecurities. Thanks to these influences, I've adopted a positive approach to English, developing my skills through online lessons, writing diaries, and composing my thesis in English. Focusing on what's controllable, I aim to become a fluent English speaker.

I'm grateful for 2023 and to everyone who has read my notes and Instagram posts. I hope all those around me have another wonderful year ahead!

