
ランニングスポット|Running Routes

Here’s our pick of running routes around the hotel that lets you feel Hiroshima.

京橋川ランニングコース/Kyobashi River Running Course
ホテルのすぐそばを流れる京橋川沿いを走るランニングコース。平和大通りの東側にある鶴見橋(Tsurumi Bridge)を起点に、南北に伸びる2つのコースはそれぞれ1kmほどの長さの周回コースとなっており、”リバーサイドの街”としての広島の魅力を再発見させてくれる。
川沿いに美しく植栽されたクスノキ並木や、点在する公園を通りながらのランニングは朝夕が特に気持ちよい。チェックイン直後や朝食前のジョギングをたのしむためだけでもEN HOTEL Hiroshimaに滞在する価値アリと言っても過言ではない。

This riverfront running route stretches along the Kyobashi River, just outside our hotel. Starting at the Tsurumi Bridge—at the eastern tip of the Peace Boulevard (“Heiwa Odori”)—there are two routes going north (upstream) and south (downstream).
The riverside promenade is lined with camphor trees and scattered with recreational parks. It’s especially nice in the morning and early evenings, and the post-check-in runs and pre-mornings jogs is itself a reason enough to choosing to stay at EN HOTEL Hiroshima.
Great Runs(English)

MAZDA Zoom-Zoomスタジアム /MAZDA Zoom-Zoom Stadium
Official HP (Japanese)
Tripadvisor (Japanese)

Mazda Stadium is the home to Hiroshima Carp; the pride and passion of the local community. The route around the stadium is approximately 1.5km, and is almost entirely flat. It’s also well-lit, making it a good night run spot.
During the baseball season, you might be able to enjoy the band and cheering noise to add a bit of spring in your steps, but be warned that moments immediately before and after the game, these pavements become packed with 33,000 fans getting to / from the stadium.

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