
【英語日記】 An Eye-Opening Experience

Traveling to a different country for the first time was an eye-opening experience that broadened my perspective on culture and diversity.

When I was in university, I went to the Philippines with my friends; it was my first time going abroad. When I arrived at the airport, the people around me were totally different. They were speaking different languages. From the bus window, I saw many people and shops in the town. The view was completely different from what I was used to in Japan.

While I stayed in the Philippines, I had an opportunity to communicate with the Filipino staff members in English at a restaurant. That experience opened my eyes to the world.

After traveling, I became hooked on learning English. English skills have enabled me to talk to people from all over the world. I believe that my motivation to further improve my English communication skills will transport me from my current environment to someplace I’ve never experienced and broaden my horizons.

