
I want to share useful information.


I want to share useful information.


NFT to be supported by Instagram soon.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta (Meta=formerly Facebook), indicated on March 15 at the SXSW event in Austin, Texas, that Instagram will support NFTs (non-replacement tokens). Zuckerberg commented at the event, "We are working on supporting NFT

    • Regarding economic attack

      G7 Tightens Economic Sanctions Against Russia, Targeting Crypto Assets On November 11, the Group of Seven (G7) major economies, including Japan, issued a joint statement on economic sanctions against Russia. It was learned that crypto asset

      • バフェット・メソッド Vol.2

        副業、起業、投資、老後問題、戦争による株価急落、コロナによる閉鎖的な経済・・・とお金の関心が深まる中、お金の考え方がより深まればと思い執筆します。 まずは億万長者のウォーレン・バフェットの考えかたを伝えたい。 ①―擢千金に取り憑かれる人 資産運用の世界に足を踏み入れて比較的早い時期に、バフェットが気づいたこと。そうそれはインターネットを使うデイトレーダーであれ、何百億ドルもの資金を預かる投資信託のファンドマネジャーであれ、株式投資家の95%は一夜にして大儲けすることしか頭

        • バフェット・メソッド Vol.1

          副業、起業、投資、老後問題、戦争による株価急落、コロナによる閉鎖的な経済・・・とお金の関心が深まる中、お金の考え方がより深まればと思い執筆します。 まずは億万長者のウォーレン・バフェットの考えかたを伝えたい。 市場の短期指向の裏をかく その答えは自明ではないものの、きわめて単純ではある。バフェットは相場を張る個人投資家や機関投資家の裏をかくことによって、これだけの富を築いてきたのである。バフェットこそ、大多数の投資家の近視眼的な行動がもたらす愚かな結果を、徹底的に利用す


        NFT to be supported by Instagram soon.

          Ukrainian Government Cancels Announced Airdrop for Crypto Asset Donors

          Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov announced on April 3 that the airdrop for crypto asset (virtual currency) donors that was originally scheduled to take place will be canceled. Instead,


          Ukrainian Government Cancels Announced Airdrop for Crypto Asset Donors


          China Adds Crypto Assets as Illegal Fundraising Tool

          The Supreme People's Court, China's highest court, announced a change in its interpretation of the law on fundraising on April 24, adding crypto assets (virtual currencies) as an illegal fundraising method. The Supreme People's Court said


          China Adds Crypto Assets as Illegal Fundraising Tool


          Rakuten NFT

          Rakuten Group's "Rakuten NFT" to Launch Today Rakuten Group will launch "Rakuten NFT," an NFT (non-replaceable token) marketplace and sales platform, on April 25. The service will be a marketplace where users can purchase NFTs in the field


          Rakuten NFT


          Let's face it.

          Are you satisfied with the salary you are getting? Is it "reasonable" for the kind of work you do and the amount of work you do? Take a close look at your pay stub. Do you feel that you should be paid more? "I should be getting paid more!


          Let's face it.


          Unemployment Income (Beginner)

          Wouldn't it be nice if you could receive a sum of money every month without working? If you can shorten your working hours, you can use your free time to do what you want. Unemployment income can make such a dream come true for you.


          Unemployment Income (Beginner)


          How to retire Financial Independence Early

          I’ll introduce for retire Financial Independence Early. If you don't have the five powers, you're going to be a slave until you're 70 years old in Japan.


          How to retire Financial Independence Early
