小さな語りシリーズ2024/04/25  Small Story Series







Morning light slid through the window glass, illuminating the train's interior as it slowly headed out of the city, escaping the urban clamor. Passengers were engaged quietly with their books or music, enjoying the peacefulness. As the view transitioned to rural landscapes, a sense of freedom unfolded.

He boarded at a station, holding an old book. Settling by the window, he began to read, occasionally dropping handwritten notes from between the pages. Each time he picked them up, he looked around as if searching for someone.

Each tunnel plunged the carriage momentarily into darkness, shifting his expression. As light returned at the tunnel's end, so did relief to his face. With each cycle, he took a deep breath and turned a page.

The book was a gift from a former lover, the corners of the pages annotated with their shared memories. Each word warmed his heart as he reminisced, swayed by the rhythm of the train. This journey was precious, a time to reconnect with his past.

As the train reached its final station, he closed the book. Preparing to disembark, tears welled in his eyes. Clutching the book to his chest, he stepped onto the platform. Exiting the train, he took a deep breath, ready to face the day. This trip was not just a commute, but a vital moment for introspection.
