小さな語りシリーズ2024/07/09  Small Story Serie



「準備はいいか?」と出発の荷造りをしていた父親が声をかけた。母親はキッチンでお弁当を用意しながら、「楽しみだね」と優しく笑った。「うん! 楽しみ!」と男の子はうなずいて、小さなリュックに水筒とお気に入りの本を詰めて、玄関へと向かった。もう待ちきれないといった様子だ。







The boy woke up earlier than usual, filled with excitement. Today, the three of them were going to the sea. The weather was perfect, and the sun was shining brightly.

"Are you ready?" his father called out as he packed for the trip. In the kitchen, his mother was preparing lunch, smiling gently as she said, "Looking forward to it?" "Yes, I can't wait!" the boy nodded eagerly. He packed his favorite book and a water bottle into his small backpack and headed towards the entrance, looking like he could hardly wait.

Once they got into the car, they drove along a road where the sea breeze felt refreshing. The boy opened the window wide and started singing loudly, feeling the wind. His parents smiled in response to his cheerful singing.

When they arrived at the beach, the boy sprinted straight to the sandy shore. He picked up seashells and built sandcastles, his innocent joy knowing no bounds. His parents watched over him from under a beach umbrella, enjoying a peaceful time.

When lunchtime came, the family gathered and shared the sandwiches his mother had made. The boy exclaimed, "Delicious!" and savored each bite with delight. "I'm so glad you like it. I worked hard to make it for you two," his mother said, smiling at her son's face.

In the afternoon, as the sea breeze cooled, the family climbed a hill a little away from the sea. The view from there was as beautiful as a painting. Holding his parents' hands tightly, the boy said, "I'm glad we came here," looking at them both and smiling.

At dusk, the family headed back to the car, reminiscing about their fun day at the sea. The boy fell asleep from exhaustion, and his father, holding the steering wheel, murmured, "It's really nice to spend time together as a family." His mother quietly nodded, gazing tenderly at their sleeping son.

On the way home, the car was quiet, filled with the lingering memories of the enjoyable day they spent at the seaside. All three silently wished that the wonderful feeling would last forever.
