






Although the air was still cold, the sunlight was bright and comfortable. A young man was standing on the station platform, bathed in the light. He had a small suitcase in his hand, and his expression was calm, as if he was remembering something nostalgic. I'm waiting for a train to take me to a place I haven't set foot on in a while.

After several hours of riding the train, we finally arrived at our destination station. When I got off the train and took a deep breath, the air smelled strongly of memories from my childhood. Yes, he was heading to his parents' house, which was a long way away.

When he opens the door to his parents' house, a constant warmth envelopes him. Memories of childhood remain in every corner of the room, family photos hung on the walls. They warmed his heart and made him forget the passage of time. At dinner, the family celebrated reuniting after a long time and reminisced about old stories. Laughter echoes throughout the room. It was proof of a bond that transcended time.

At night, as he returned to his room alone and looked out the window at the starry sky, he realized once again the importance of family and the happiness of having a place to return to. And I swore in my heart. From now on, no matter how much time passes, we will continue to cherish this bond.

His heart was filled with warm emotions. Returning to his parents' home was not just a temporary escape, but an important step toward reconsidering himself and enriching his life from now on. And he earnestly wished that such heartwarming days would last forever.
