
Speaking test practice - IELTS (6) What do you like to do when you have a day off from work?


What do you like to do when you have a day off from work?

My answer

A day off is a good day to declutter my home and do away with things. When my home is messy and disorganized, I feel like that I am a useless person. However, after decluttering, I feel a lot more put-together. In my opinion, cleaning my home is one of the ways to put me in a good mood.

1)to clutter = 散らかす
2)to declutter = 部屋などを片づける
3)to do away with something = to throw away, to get rid of, to discard
4)to feel put-together = 心が整った状態であることを表す
5)to put someone in a good mood

to clean の代わりに to declutterを、to get rid of ~ の代わりに to do away with を使って高得点を狙う作戦。be put-together を入れ込んだのも戦略の一つ!

