

By Israel Radar / January 2, 2023

 Syria says that Israel attacked the Damascus international airport overnight, shutting it down for long hours.

The airport resumed limited operations after partly repairing one runway damaged in the strike. However, another runway remains out of service after sustaining heavy damage, Kan News reported.
 空港は空爆で損傷した滑走路の一部を修復し、限定的な運用を再開した。しかし、もう1本の滑走路は大きな被害を受けており、依然として使用できないままであるとKan Newsは報じている。

The strike apparently followed the arrival of Iranian planes the day before.攻撃は、前日のイラン機到着を受けて行われたようだ。

This was the third time in recent months that a reported Israeli strike disrupted flights at Syrian airports, journalist Roi Kais said. He noted that the Syrian regime did not retaliate for the attacks despite their serious impact.

 Arab sources reported that several missiles targeted Iranian and Hezbollah assets and killed at least two soldiers. Unnamed intelligence officials told Reuters that a Quds Force outpost near the airport was hit.

US fighter jets land in Israel

The latest strike signals the IDF’s increasingly low tolerance for Iranian arms shipments. Israel previous threatened to shut down Syrian airports to stop weapons from flowing in.

Future attacks may cause heavier damage to airport facilities and systems to severely disrupt arms smuggling flights. Notably, Israel carried out dozens of airstrikes in Syria in 2022 by utilizing advanced capabilities and precise intelligence.

Meanwhile, six American F-15 fighter jets just landed in Israel for joint training, the IDF said. On the menu: Practicing long-range strikes with the IDF’s F-35 jets and surveillance aircraft.
 一方、アメリカのF-15戦闘機6機が共同訓練のためにイスラエルに着陸したところだとIDFは発表している。訓練では イスラエル国防軍のF-35戦闘機や偵察機と共同で長距離攻撃の練習をする。

 At this time, the Israeli and US Air Forces are increasingly holding drills to enhance joint strike capabilities. Israeli defense officials said earlier that the US will support an attack on Iran’s nuclear sites if Jerusalem decides to strike.



1 ダマスコに対する宣告。見よ。ダマスコは取り去られて町でなくなり、廃墟となる。
2 アロエルの町々は捨てられて、家畜の群れのものとなり、群れはそこに伏すが、それを脅かす者もいなくなる。

