

More frequent and intense heatwaves are the most deadly form of extreme weather made worse by global warming, with death tolls sometimes in the thousands. But they can also have devastating economic impacts too, experts say. The prolonged and unseasonable scorchers gripping the central United States and rolling northward across western Europe, sending the thermometer above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), are likely to cause both. For a deeper understanding of this unseasonable sweltering weather, FRANCE 24 is joined by Vincent-Henri Peuch, Head of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) and Deputy Director of the Copernicus Department at ECMWF. "Mr. Peuch asserts that "the best thing to do is to address the problem of the emission of greenhouse gases because that's the only way to stop the trend we are observing of an increase in the intensity, frequency, and duration of these heatwaves."
 この季節外れの蒸し暑い天候について、FRANCE 24では、より深く理解するために、ECMWF(欧州中期予報センター)のコペルニクス大気監視サービス(CAMS)の責任者でコペルニクス部門の副所長であるVincent-Henri Peuch氏にインタビューした動画を紹介しています。
