

Bavarian Turtle Fossil Supports Marine Mixing

by Tim Clarey, Ph.D. | Aug. 21, 2023

A new discovery of a foot-long marine turtle fossil was announced in central Bavaria, southern Germany.1 The species, dubbed Solnhofia parsoni, was unearthed from the famous Solnhofen Limestone, a rock layer that has also produced exquisitely preserved fossil specimens, including all of the specimens of the bird Archaeopteryx.1
 ドイツ南部バイエルン州中部で、体長1フィート(約30cm)のウミガメの化石が新たに発見されたと発表されました。Solnhofia parsoniと名付けられたこの種は、鳥類のArchaeopteryxのすべての標本を含む、精巧に保存された化石標本を産出している有名な岩石層であるSolnhofen石灰岩から発掘されました。

Fossils of the turtle Solnhofia parsoni have been found at the site since 1975, but the latest version is one of the most complete and included well-preserved limbs.1 It was excavated from a 20-foot thick bed of fine-grained limestone within the Solnhofen unit.1
 この場所では、1975年以来、カメ(Solnhofia parsoni)の化石が発見されていますが、最新のものは最も完全なもののひとつで、保存状態の良い四肢が含まれています。これは、Solnhofenユニット内の細粒石灰岩の厚さ20フィートの層から発掘されています。

The science team from two German institutions published their results in PLoS ONE, writing:
 ドイツの2つの研究機関の科学チームは、その研究成果を「PLoS ONE」に発表し、次のように書いています:

Although the quarry has been operated since the 1950s, fossils have only come to light after 2001 when systematic excavations started, and over the last 20 years, a rich and diverse fossil assemblage has been unearthed comprising abundant [land] plant remains, invertebrates (including sponges, corals, crinoids, brachiopods, ammonites, coleoids [squids], gastropods, crustaceans and echinoderms) and vertebrates.1

And we can add theropod dinosaurs, fishes, marine reptiles, pterosaurs and the bird Archaeopteryx to that list, making one wonder, how did all of this flora and fauna get mixed together? And why in a thinly-layered (laminated) marine limestone deposit?

First, the evolutionary version, written by science writer, Laura Baisas, who attempted to explain its spectacular preservation:
 先ずサイエンス・ライターのLaura Baisasが書いた進化論に基づいた説明で、その驚異的な保存状態を考えてみましょう:

S. parsonsi lived in a Bavaria that looked and felt quite different from the region today. About 150 million years ago, the region in southern Germany near Munich was a shallow tropical archipelago with spongey reefs around it. When animals like S. parsonsi died in these salty and low oxygen bodies of water, scavengers had a difficult, if not impossible, time picking apart their remains, leading to well preserved specimens like this turtle pancake.2
 「S. parsonsiは、現在とは見た目も雰囲気もまったく異なるバイエルン地方に住んでいました。約1億5000万年前、ミュンヘン近郊のドイツ南部の地域は、周囲に海綿状の岩礁がある浅い熱帯の群島でした。S. parsonsiのような動物がこのような塩分と酸素の少ない水域で死んだ場合、スカベンジャーは彼らの遺体を解体することが不可能ではないにしても困難であったため、このカメのパンケーキのようなよく保存された標本が生まれたのです。」

And the authors of the scientific paper added:

The abundance of plants and terrestrial vertebrates indicates that islands must have been located nearby, while the presence of coleoids [squids] demonstrate that the local basin (‘Paintener Wanne’) was connected to the open sea.1
 「植物や陸生脊椎動物が豊富であることから、島が近くにあったに違いありません。一方、コレオイド頭足類(イカ類)の存在は、この地域の盆地(「Paintener Wanne」)が外海とつながっていたことを示しています。」

But is this explanation reasonable? How do they know there was low oxygen, especially in a claimed shallow sea? And how did these fossils become so perfectly preserved, down to the finest details of feathers and outlines of soft-bodied animals like squids?

A better explanation is simply that these animals and plants were mixed together in the global Flood, just 4500 years ago. There is no need for fictitious low oxygen seas and ‘islands.’ This is just a convenient story fabricated to try and explain the near perfect preservation of so many types of organisms found together in the Solnhofen Limestone.

All fossils have to be buried rapidly and deep.3 And the tsunami waves of the Flood were violent enough to transport sea animals inland, mixing them with land animals and plants. The fast burial provided by transported lime muds during the Flood provide ideal conditions to preserve turtles, bird feathers, dinosaurs, and even delicate plants. In this scenario, there would be no opportunity for scavengers to consume these animals, as they would be buried, too.

And this evidence for mixing of land and marine fossils is not an isolated occurrence. It is a worldwide phenomenon!4-8 In fact, most Upper Cretaceous dinosaurs in Europe are found in marine rocks, like chalk and limestone.8 This is just what would be expected in a global Flood with ocean waves crashing across the land, transporting marine animals inland and inundating everything together in the same layers of sediment.

Evolutionary scientists often downplay these discoveries or make up unrealistic scenarios because they are difficult to explain in their worldview. By refusing to accept the historical reality of the global Flood, these scientists have no recourse but to use a rescuing device such as suggestions of low oxygenated water. They deliberately forget that only the Flood can explain the necessary transport of marine animals many hundreds of miles onto the continents and mix them with land animals and plants.

Verification of the truth of God’s Word is found on every continent around the globe.

