
日本における貧困とは?-What is the majour "poverty " in Japan?(3)


Hello everyone! My name is Marina from the powerful team!!
I am a freshman at Ritsumeikan University and my major is international relations global studies. It has been a very tough time due to having online classes, but this project always cheers me up, and feel like I can do my best. I am so honored to be part of this and happy to write this report today. There are 3 students members, Yasuhiro,Nanako and me, Marina in Taiwan project and Yasuhiro and Nanako already wrote the reprots before me, so please check them out if you were not.



I got the connection with Glocal Center last October and I experienced internship when I was in highshchool. They still care about me a lot and invied me to join this project!


Why I got interested in poverty is from my old experiences. When i was a child, I had a friends who were from orphanage and spend my whole compulsory education with them. I wondered why they cannot meet their own family and why they shared their clothes toghether.



Let me tell you a littile bit about my research so far. I would like to focus on the child poverty. Today in Japan, there are one in seven children who are suffering from poverty. Generally, the poverty in Japan is called relative poverty. Relative poverty is when households receive 50% less than average household incomes, so they do have some money but still not enough money to afford anything above the basics. (Habitat for humanities, 2018)


Widly, children who raised with the livelihood protection, orphan and single parent marked that their rate of employment decreasing. It does not mean that those backgrounds (livelihood protection, orphan and single parent) are surely be the cause of relative poverty, but they thend to be. However, new children for orphanage are decreasing those days and children who are getting livelihood protection are decreasing as well. (Japan Cabinet Office) Only from those analasis, it seems that the poverty situation has been fixed step by step, but this is not so simple. Even children got house to live, each of them somehow got anxiety and stress. This may cause the retirement from school. Children cannot find any hope for their future and only thing they can is quit. This could be new sourse to look at the students poverty and single mother poverty which both Yasuhiro and Nanako researched.

See you soon!

We will be holding an online event next month, (Sat) July 10th from 3pm. Let’s talk deeper about the poverty together with us! Please check carefully about our SNS and note succession. Stay tune and see you soon!
