


参考1)自民党新総裁に石破茂氏を選出 来月1日に首相指名へ



参考2)市場は〝石破ショック〟の様相 円急騰、日経平均株価の先物は一時2000円超も急落























参考5)中国「理性的な対中政策望む」 日本との関係発展訴え―自民総裁選・海外反響

参考6)自民 石破茂新総裁誕生 海外や経済界などの反応

韓国からのコメントを下の記事で確認頂ければお分かりの通り、石破茂さんは、要するに、外交の基本は“相手の状況に合わせる・意図を汲む”、ということに大変長けた政治家であり、韓国に対しては『日本が戦争時に申し訳ありません』と言い、シンガポールのリー・クアンユーに対しても、『日本が戦争時に支配していてすみません』、というのが筋だと思っている人なのです。ここが一番、石破茂さん個人に対して気に食わない(許せない)ところで、外交というのは、“取引”です。取引というのは、トランプさんがやっているように、Give and Take、なのです。だから、フェアなのです。相手を立てて外交をする、というのは、相手が選挙権を持っている被選挙民なら意味が分かるんですが、外交相手は外国人であって、日本に全く関係がありません。韓国にも優秀な人は沢山いますし、シンガポールのリー・クアンユー氏は過去歴史的に見ても稀有な素晴らしいリーダーです。個人的にも大変に尊敬しています。ですが、それと日本との外交関係は話が違う。リー・クアンユーが『お前日本が過去に何したかわかってるか?』って言われたら、『てめえが腑抜けでイギリスの奴隷だったから開放してやったんだよ有り難く思え馬鹿』くらい、返せば良いんです。だって、“Deal”なんだから。取引ですよ。ごめんなさいから入って、良いことありますか?ねえよそんなもんwww






参考7)ロシア、石破氏は入国禁止 「アジア版NATO提唱」



参考8)「戦争に行かない人は、死刑にする」 石破幹事長はこんなバカな発言をしたのか












ごめんけど、これで、どうやって豊かになるのwww まともな政策、最後の日銀の独立性を重んじることくらいじゃないの。少なくとも日経平均株価は墜落するし、“悪い”円安になっていく。短期的には、酷い円高になっていく。







【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 678:Shigeru Ishiba’s new presidency is born: Gelnomics or Ishibanomics? Without the time to ponder a name, the stock prices, realizing there’s no ‘nomics’ at all, have plummeted ahead of time

'In life, there are uphill roads, downhill roads, and then roads of complete surprise,' is a well-worn phrase often used by politicians in wedding speeches. But indeed, a situation has arisen that is truly fitting for the word 'surprise.' Shigeru Ishiba has astonishingly become the new president of the Liberal Democratic Party. With the formation of the Ishiba Cabinet now confirmed, what will become of Japan?

Reference 1) Shigeru Ishiba elected as the new president of the Liberal Democratic Party; to be appointed Prime Minister on the 1st of next month

According to some reasonably trustworthy sources of information obtained in advance, the majority of lawmakers were actually leaning towards Sanae Takaichi, and even Lord Aso had urged a vote for Takaichi the day before. Confident in Takaichi's overwhelming lead in the preliminary vote, I was casually engaged in a meeting when, just a few minutes later, a breaking news alert appeared on Twitter (X) saying 'Shigeru Ishiba's come-from-behind victory,' leaving me utterly panicked and thinking, 'Are you serious?' I'll leave the election analysis to the political experts, but in any case, the final voting resulted in a disaster typical of old-fashioned Japanese politics, where the forces of 'anyone but Ishiba' clashed with the forces of 'anyone but Takaichi,' and Japan’s leader was chosen through a primitive process of elimination. The only thought that came to mind was, 'Japan is finished.' But realistically speaking, given the current state of diplomacy, the economy, and the national bond and foreign exchange markets, it’s almost impossible for anyone to rebuild Japan, and we seem to be headed toward a situation akin to waiting for another Nomonhan Incident. Nevertheless, I’ll try to remain somewhat neutral and fact-based as I later detail the policies of the Ishiba Cabinet and their potential impact on the economy, stock market, and cryptocurrency.

With the unexpected birth of the Ishiba administration, in after-hours trading, the Nikkei 225 dropped by 2,400 yen, while the exchange rate saw an immediate 3 yen drop, with a total 4 yen drop (yen appreciation) including night trading. Even the legendary Mr. Kanda spent 5 trillion yen to move the USD/JPY exchange rate by 5 yen, yet the great Mr. Ishiba managed to strengthen the yen by 4 yen without spending a single yen, showing an incredible level of policy execution. Truly, he is like Majin Buu.

Reference 2) The market shows signs of an 'Ishiba shock,' with the yen surging and Nikkei 225 futures plunging by over 2,000 yen at one point

Changing the subject, as those who read this column weekly will know, I also predicted the Semiconductor Shock on August 5. This time, I kept warning, like the boy who cried wolf, saying things like 'The stock market is dangerous,' 'Stock prices are too high right now and could collapse at any moment,' and 'There’s no reason for stocks to rise in an environment of inflation risks and U.S. rate cuts.' Looking at the results, the stock price drop has once again proven me right, confirming that Black Monday will occur on 9/30. Although hitting the mark in this way is not something I take any pleasure in...

The political situation surrounding the leadership election has been very turbulent. About a month ago, the prevailing scenario was that Mr. Koizumi would take power, call a snap election, and launch a sharp rally from the bottom. Then, partway through, I began receiving information through the Nagatacho channels that 'Sanae Takaichi seems likely to win,' and from there, I was tormented by persistent buying pressure. Every time I sold, they bought, over and over again, and it was so relentless that I was looking at the market with teary eyes, thinking, 'Are they still at it? Enough already!' With the short-term overbought ratio nearing abnormal levels, I judged that the timing of Takaichi’s almost certain victory (a week ago) marked the climax of the rally. I even hinted at a market top in last week's column, titling it 'Buying Climax.'
Then, as the moment approached during the 9/28 leadership election, when media reports confirmed Takaichi’s victory, aggressive buying began. I thought, 'Once her victory is certain, I’ll sell during the final upward surge,' and while I was casually attending a meeting, to my surprise, the Ishiba administration was born, leading to the 'Are you serious?' moment I mentioned earlier (and I was way too late to act on the sell).

Since today’s main topic is an analysis of the Ishiba administration's policies, I’ll go into more detail later. However, whether it was Shinjiro Koizumi or Sanae Takaichi, the uncertainty around the new LDP president was expected to create market volatility, and most professionals likely thought, 'The market will fall no matter who wins.' After a sharp decline, the new president was expected to call for a 'snap election,' leading to a miraculous recovery in stock prices, possibly reaching 45,000 yen by the end of the year, and perhaps even pushing the USD/JPY rate close to 180 yen, as I mentioned in previous articles. This scenario is now completely gone. Completely.
Although the rise of the USD/JPY (yen depreciation) is inevitable due to the structural factors in the forex and bond markets, and I still firmly believe the yen will weaken, I now need to fundamentally rethink this column's previous policy of aggressively pushing the Nikkei, saying things like, 'The Nikkei 225 is just passing through 45,000,' or 'The Nikkei could hit between 75,000 and 100,000.' Based on the information currently available, that outlook is no longer valid. In fact, unless the new administration implements destructive monetary easing when calling for a snap election, or unless the Ishiba administration steps down for some reason, Japan will not become wealthier by following the lead of the rich. We may now have to consider the possibility that the Nikkei could drop below 20,000 yen, especially if the administration's policies remain unchanged or if Japan is dragged down by a decline in U.S. stocks.
This is no longer a joke or a speculative number like when we used to say, 'There could be a temporary dip to 28,000 yen,' as a funny possibility or an option play. Now, we need to seriously consider that the Nikkei could fall below 20,000 yen based on fundamentals. After all, we’re officially becoming a socialist country.

So, this article is likely to be a depressing one, starting from Saturday, and even as I write it, I hate it. But this is the will of the people, and we must face the despair that lies ahead as we look at the future of Japanese society. The title of this column is 'How to Walk Through the End of the World,' so there’s no disconnect in writing about how Japan is coming to an end. Even though I had hoped to see a future where Japan shines after the world collapses, it seems that’s not possible. 'The nation is ruined, yet mountains and rivers remain.' In order to find clues and ideas about what can be done with the remaining resources, we must first start by accepting and understanding the despair. So, let’s begin.

1.The Basic Policies of the Ishiba Administration

First of all, let’s take a look at the basic policies of the Ishiba administration. To avoid any misunderstandings, I want to clarify that I personally hold Shigeru Ishiba in high regard. I’ve watched his debates and policy discussions on YouTube, and I highly respect both his character and his ability as a debater. However, regarding the question of whether Mr. Ishiba can demonstrate strong leadership as Prime Minister given the current environment surrounding Japan, I have serious doubts. I strongly feel that the likelihood of Japan becoming even poorer and facing more hardships has significantly increased. Let’s take a look at his policies for now.

Reference 3) 'Protecting the Future of Japan.'


Well, to be honest, I don’t really get it. There’s no specificity, and while it sounds pleasant enough, there’s no clear plan or method in sight.

That said, there are a few things that are commendable and come with some level of detail. For example, the formation of an independent body to provide objective evaluations under the Political Funds Control Act, or the idea of creating an 'Asian NATO' (though I have no idea how that would be achieved).

As for the economic policies, most of them are vague and hard to understand. But since this is a policy platform for the leadership election and something they are required to make public, I understand why they may have to leave some things unclear to avoid being nitpicked. It would be extremely rude to judge everything just based on this policy booklet alone, so I’ll try to find more concrete policies to analyze and discuss.

Reference 4) Economic Policy Debates in the LDP Leadership Election ④: Tax Increase vs. Tax Reduction Policies.

Mr. Kiuchi from NRI has written an article that, by covering past statements made on the internet, provides the most concrete insight into Shigeru Ishiba's thoughts, as well as the policies and governance approach we can expect from the Ishiba administration. However, the article is quite lengthy (lol), so I’ll summarize the key points and explain them.

As you can see from a quick glance at the report, 'fiscal consolidation' is a major keyword for the Ishiba administration. Many of you might be wondering, 'What does that even mean?' but I won’t go into the nitty-gritty details since it involves the workings of the nation, which might not resonate. Simply put, it’s a policy aimed at balancing the government's revenues and expenditures. And how do you increase revenue? That’s right—tax hikes. Essentially, tax increases will always be lurking in the background of the Ishiba administration’s policies.

For example, the Kiuchi report includes the following statement: 'While [Ishiba] says, "At this point, we are not considering tax hikes," he also left room for future increases, saying, "We will discuss it in the party’s tax committee."' What does 'at this point' even mean? It’s clear they’re planning it. The 'tax hike switch' is already on. Moreover, former Prime Minister Noda, leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party, is also eager to raise the consumption tax, so there’s a very high likelihood that the tax will increase from 10% to 15%. I’m stating this in advance to avoid any 'told-you-so' moments later.

Next, it mentions that 'Mr. Ishiba has referred to the review of taxation on financial income, as well as potential increases in corporate tax and income tax.' This suggests the possibility of tax hikes not only on consumption tax but also on corporate tax, income tax, and taxation on financial income. In other words, it would not be an exaggeration to say that under the aforementioned principle of 'fiscal consolidation,' he is committing to increasing revenues through tax hikes.

Looking at the world, the trend is moving toward zero taxation on financial income, not only in tax haven countries but also in places like Dubai and Hong Kong. Yet, in Japan, which has the potential to become an Asian hub, they are determined to 'raise taxes on financial income,' which is completely counterproductive. This encapsulates the essence of 'Gerunomics.' There’s no reason for foreign investment to flow in, nor for Japanese stocks to be bought. As a result, the Nikkei average is indeed declining, and the 'selling yen, buying stocks' pair trade is reversing, leading to a stronger yen.

I think many people might have the question, 'What exactly will the increased taxes be used for?' Essentially, there are two main areas. One is defense. Well, that's acceptable, although the effectiveness of that spending is another matter. The other is 'Regional Revitalization 2.0.' After all, Mr. Ishiba's support base consists of local farmers and the elderly in rural areas. Mr. Suga is also on board with this, and through this process, via Mr. Koizumi, there’s a predetermined path to enhance his influence and inject funds into the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sectors.

In Mr. Ishiba's own policy collection, there are plans to support regional revitalization and the digital transformation (DX) of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. The idea is to repeatedly raise taxes to strengthen revenues, use big data to streamline (reduce) expenditures, and then provide support that pleases the local farmers and elderly. Simultaneously, the goal is to enhance Japan's defense capabilities and thoroughly eradicate the unscrupulous elements within the Liberal Democratic Party (the former Abe faction and Aso faction). This is the underlying message (true intention) of the policy collection.

2.What about foreign relations?

The domestic policies are summarized above, and next, I would like to organize the expected behavior regarding relations with overseas countries, specifically Japan-China relations and Japan-U.S. relations.

First, regarding Japan-China relations, the emergence of the Ishiba administration will significantly improve this relationship. 'Huh? For whom?' Well, obviously, it’s good for China, right? There’s no benefit for Japan, that's for sure.

Unfortunately, the previously mentioned Kiuchi report did not include any mention of diplomatic relations, so I will gather information from the internet to organize the diplomatic relations.

Reference 5) China 'Wants Rational Policy Toward China' Calls for Development of Relations with Japan—Reactions to the LDP Presidential Election.

Reference 6) The Birth of New LDP President Shigeru Ishiba: Reactions from Overseas and the Business Community

As you can see from the comments from South Korea in the article below, Shigeru Ishiba is, in essence, a politician who is very skilled at adapting to the situation of the other party and understanding their intentions in diplomacy. He believes that Japan should apologize to South Korea by saying, "I'm sorry for what Japan did during the war," and similarly, he thinks it is appropriate to say to Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew, "I'm sorry for Japan's past control during the war." This perspective is something I find most disagreeable (unforgivable) about Ishiba. Diplomacy is about "negotiation." Negotiation involves a give-and-take approach, as Trump demonstrates. That's what makes it fair.

Conducting diplomacy by elevating the other party makes sense when the counterpart has voting rights as a constituent, but diplomatic counterparts are foreign entities that have no direct relevance to Japan. South Korea has many capable individuals, and Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore was an exceptionally rare and outstanding leader in historical context. I personally hold a great deal of respect for him. However, that does not change the nature of diplomatic relations with Japan. If Lee Kuan Yew were to say, "Do you understand what Japan did in the past?" a fitting response could be, "You should be grateful; we liberated you from being a British slave because you were too weak." After all, it’s a "deal." It's negotiation. Is there any benefit to starting with an apology? Absolutely not!

In the business world, does a "please" approach lead to any tangible results? It doesn’t, right? You can simply say, "If you don’t want to, that’s fine." Even if you refuse, you should focus on improving yourself, enhancing your skills, and training every day to increase your added value. After all, Ishiba himself mentions this in his policy collection.

Economy ①: Transition from a cost-cutting economy to a high value-added creation economy

See, it’s right there—“high value-added creation economy.” The question is, can we achieve that with a “sorry diplomacy”? Of course not. This isn’t about becoming right-wing or aggressive; it’s simply saying that when it comes to irreversible history, we shouldn’t waste our time on countries that are whiny about the past. It’s irreversible, after all. If you dislike it that much, then you should time travel and change the past yourself. Japan, too, suffered from the world’s first genocide (the atomic bomb) and faced penalties after the war. It’s a matter of parity.

The fact that there are countries we absolutely must apologize to is Japan's weakness, and we need to strengthen that aspect. In situations with places like the Middle East, where oil flows easily, the dynamics change, and I believe we need to negotiate while giving them some respect. However, starting our diplomacy in Asia with apologies offers Japan no benefits whatsoever. If someone asks, "What did your grandfather do?" the appropriate response is simply, "Shut up, you idiot." There’s no grudge against your parents; we’re dealing with you because we like you, so stop whining about petty things. At least in my experience over the past decade, I've never faced any issues maintaining this attitude in the private sector. If you tell Americans that they dropped the atomic bomb and that's why Japanese people struggle with English, they'll laugh—it’s all good. Diplomacy is only established on mutual respect. When someone says, "You should apologize," just respond with, "Shut up, you idiot," and that’s that. This is separate from that. We should stick to our agreed-upon terms and deal, plain and simple. After all, it's business—just like diplomacy. Remember, we’re talking about creating a country that follows the rules.

Well, there's no end to nitpicking, but in any case, the relationships with South Korea and China will probably improve compared to when Sanae Takaichi or Fumio Kishida were in charge, at the very least. As for Japan-U.S. relations, I have no idea. The U.S. probably just sees us as monkeys, so as long as we say something like "We'll raise taxes, gather money, and buy U.S. Treasuries," we should be fine. But what I'm most concerned about is this.

Reference 7) "Russia bans Shigeru Ishiba from entering the country for proposing an 'Asian NATO.'"

In short, the emergence of the Ishiba administration is likely to reflect the intentions of the Kishida faction (which I thought had disbanded, by the way), and Kishida is an enemy of Putin in Russia. The only one who can rein in Putin is Trump, but the only close ally with connections to Trump is Aso (or more accurately, the late Shinzo Abe). That connection has been completely severed. This is because Aso has placed his bets on Sanae Takaichi. It's unlikely that Aso would support the Ishiba administration, and the Ishiba administration will thoroughly marginalize Aso. As a result, for now, Ishiba might be viewed as "don't bring money, this monkey," but even if the Trump administration is reborn, I don't think they will facilitate any discussions with Putin to help forget the past “Zelensky spatula incident.” In fact, they probably won't take any such actions.

In other words, in terms of diplomatic relations, the situation will become conducive for the Chinese government to act selfishly under significant pressure from Russia. At the same time, Ishiba is a smart person and knowledgeable about policies, so he might seriously think, “Without passing this bill and adhering to the law, we cannot take any external actions.” He could end up passing some radical legislation (thinking it’s for the best) under the guise of considering diplomatic risks. The result could be a future where Japan is extorted by both China and Russia, which seems crystal clear. This looks like war—at best, war; at worst, becoming a vassal state without fighting. But still, it’s unlikely to be without conflict. There will probably be war. After all, Shigeru Ishiba is certainly in favor of conscription and has previously even asserted that “refusing conscription means death,” showcasing his samurai spirit.

Reference 8) "Those who do not go to war will be sentenced to death" — Did Secretary General Ishiba really make such a foolish statement?

3.If asked to summarize the policies of the Ishiba administration in one word, I would say "contradictory administration"

Let’s return to discussing the domestic Ishiba administration. In summary, the Ishiba administration, which is conscious of “fiscal consolidation,” likely takes into account the Ministry of Finance's intentions (without any conspiratorial motives) and actively pursues tax increases. They aim to eliminate unnecessary costs through big data while distributing money to local residents as much as possible. This creates a policy that appears strong due to Ishiba’s background as a former defense minister, but is actually diplomatically weak.
Furthermore, while claiming to promote agricultural products through top sales, pursuing fiscal consolidation would lead to a stronger yen, raising the question, “Isn’t it difficult to promote top sales when the yen appreciates?” Additionally, if consumption tax, income tax, financial income tax, and corporate tax are all increased, wouldn’t that leave the Japanese people with less money? Overall, the policies are rife with contradictions—extremely contradictory.

When asked, “Then why did such a fool (excuse the term) get elected this time?” the issue is actually more serious than simply pointing fingers at Shigeru Ishiba himself. To put it simply, it’s about “self-preservation of politicians.” Prioritizing their own self-preservation, the next election, and their own livelihoods, they made the decision to exclude the more capable leader, Sanae Takaichi, from consideration. Of course, Takaichi also had her shortcomings. For instance, her speech before the runoff vote was far inferior to Ishiba's in quality. There were many points during the debates where I thought Takaichi was lacking. At times, Shinjiro Koizumi even seemed to express better ideas than she did, so I wouldn’t say Takaichi was perfect. However, when considering the people behind Takaichi, their careers, their thinking, and their approaches to international and diplomatic policy, I can’t help but feel that “Ishiba just isn’t viable.”
Oh? Isn’t that just a personal opinion? Yes, it is a personal opinion. But looking at the outcome, I am convinced: Japan is finished. Well, I’ve thought it was already finished, but now it’s officially over. The final curtain has fallen. It feels like it’s time to go home.

I mean, seriously, for politicians to think about self-preservation before the country's interests, to prioritize the next election, to cling to the votes of elderly farmers in rural areas, and to grovel while saying, “I-Ishiba saaaaaaan,” is just pathetic. Do you really believe there’s a future for this country with such behavior? Aren't you embarrassed to live that way? It’s a joke, right? Aso is far cooler. He thought it through until the last moment, even cutting Taro Kono from the equation, and then said, “Put Takaichi in there.” That’s just too cool. And as for the impression of being betrayed, oh man... If it were Aso, we could have had a good administration that could deal with the Ministry of Finance (in a good way).

Seriously. Politicians can’t win elections because the LDP has a dirty image; Takaichi is too right-wing to appeal to the general public. That's why Shinjiro Koizumi supports Ishiba, and with Suga backing him, if they put Ishiba at the top and made Koizumi the secretary general or chief cabinet secretary, then they could call for a general election and say, “For the next four years, I can still make a living as a teacher!!! I-Ishiba!” I mean, are you guys really that stupid?

Say good things. Talk about nice ideals. That’s certainly important. But the most important thing is to produce results. In Japanese politics, results mean strengthening national power, increasing the working-age population, and raising per capita GDP, which collectively contribute to an increase in happiness. Ishiba talks about good things. His speech before the runoff election about the past when people weren’t rich but seemed happy—that’s a good story. It’s certainly important.

But let’s think about why those people who weren’t well-off seemed happy at that time. It wasn’t because they were poor or not wealthy that they appeared happy. The cause and effect are reversed. It’s simple: they believed that “tomorrow would be better than today, and the day after tomorrow would be better than tomorrow,” and that’s why they seemed happy, even if they were in a dire situation. In other words, they had a future. They had hope. That’s the result we have now. In other words, because our predecessors worked hard in a poor social environment, we finally have what we do today.
And while it’s not perfect capitalism, we at least have the financial markets, the stock market, and the foreign exchange market, which are the optimal solutions at this moment. We have personal financial assets totaling 2,200 trillion yen, and against this peace of mind in a savings-rich nation, those words shouldn’t be coming from the country’s leader. Saying we should return to that era when people weren’t rich but were happy sounds like a formal declaration of becoming a socialist country that would create a society where we could support each other even if personal financial assets of 2,200 trillion yen disappeared. It’s no different from the Chinese Communist Party, which talks about “common prosperity” while shaking down wealthy Chinese around the world.

Ishiba’s genius lies in his ability to listen to everyone and provide responses that seem acceptable to all, returning answers that are of a standard level (HENSACHI 50) that don’t discriminate against anyone. He avoids specific solutions and instead leads discussions to cautious deliberations and thorough examinations. In a sense, he’s a superior version of Kishida, who was ridiculed as a “consultation child.” Dialogue is important, and discussion is essential. But what we need now is “strength.” It’s not about harmony. Japanese people naturally embody harmony in their souls, so there’s no need to worry about it. Only strength is justice. A strong leader ultimately avoids war and strengthens the economy.

Watching the disgraceful voting behavior of the lawmakers this time has made me acutely aware of this. It’s the behavior of cowardly people without will, seeking shelter under the shadow of a great tree. Are innovations going to happen under regulations created according to the desires of the people, as the administration says? There’s no way that’s going to happen. The idea that if you have precedents, well-structured legislation, and live properly, you’ll succeed is utterly false. Just look at recent IPOs; most of them are poverty businesses. This is what happens when you only prioritize good behavior.

I mean, just look at Shigeru Ishiba's mentor, Kakuei Tanaka. He was outrageous, involved in bribery and the Recruit stock scandal—anything goes—but he was still respected. He normalized diplomatic relations with China and launched the National Income Doubling Plan. I won't say "commit crimes" or "break the law," but seriously, a kid who has grown up in a greenhouse soaked in bleach for about ten years can’t spark any innovation. Business and diplomacy are like warfare; it's a fight. If you're not strong in a fight, you can't win. Yet here we are, hearing about DX and blockchain that they can’t even pull off, and it all boils down to raising taxes for funding. If we accept immigrants, think carefully about the future of elderly farmers in rural areas who are struggling with a lack of successors—what will happen to their safety? Everything is contradictory; it’s full of contradictions.
And regardless of how contradictory or disliked it is, voting for Shigeru Ishiba just to secure one’s own seat and position represents a collective behavior that objectively signifies and suggests the end of Japan. I truly think this is the end. All of you should reflect and resign from your positions right now, seriously. At the very least, reread the essence of failure a million times.

・Consumption tax will be increased to 15%
・Tax on financial income will be set at 25%
・The tax regime for cryptocurrencies will remain unchanged at 55%
・Income tax and corporate tax will also be increased
・A defense tax will be added, resulting in an increase in taxes
・Immigration will be accepted
・Money will be distributed to local farmers and related industries
・The Bank of Japan will be allowed to increase interest rates while respecting its independence

I'm sorry, but how is this supposed to lead to prosperity? The only reasonable policy seems to be respecting the independence of the Bank of Japan. At the very least, the Nikkei stock average will plummet, and the yen will continue to weaken in a 'bad' way. In the short term, we're heading toward a terrible appreciation of the yen.

However, I didn't want the decline in stock prices to happen this way. I wanted to rally from a level below 30,000 yen, driven by despair, saying, 'Let's not let them underestimate Japan; let's fully support the market and short-sell it with our bottom strength!' But with this dire situation, that's simply impossible.

People might get angry and say, 'I don't care about politics, just tell me how low the Nikkei average will drop, you fool!' Although I can’t think deeply at this point, it looks like a drop that won’t easily bounce back, starting with an attack below 35,000 yen down to 31,000 yen. As for the dollar-yen exchange rate, it will likely fall to between 128 and 136 yen. In other words, it's the opposite of Abenomics. The reverse turbocharged Gelnomics has enormous downward pressure and speed. We're heading toward a situation where we'll become a communist state and implement fiscal austerity. This is not the same kind of declining market where speculative players collapse it when volatility arises. A tough market will emerge where fundamentals will gradually sell off. By the way, just look at the growth index. It’s dropping sharply compared to the expectations for Sanae Takaichi. It’s becoming a serious situation for emerging stocks too. If you think, 'But Shigeru Ishiba is from the Liberal Democratic Party, so he didn't lose power, it should be fine,' just watch the market from here on out. This decline is at the worst possible timing on the time axis.

To Shigeru Ishiba, who values harmony, discussion, and careful consideration, I’d like to offer this quote from Sontoku Ninomiya: 'An economy without morals is a crime, and morals without an economy are mere fantasies.'

Lastly, if this scheme ultimately serves as a stepping stone for the establishment of the second Kishida Cabinet after Shigeru Ishiba’s early resignation, I apologize for my past comments about 'NIROU de WASEDA.' In the end, the only one who won this time was Kishida. If he was aiming for that with an eye on next year’s House of Councillors election, then it’s a truly formidable strategy and intellect, 'NIROU de WASEDA.' Oh, I said it again.

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  • Those interested in the genesis and truth of WWB, its current status, and future possibilities.

  • Those curious about the background and truth behind the birth of WWX, as well as its future outlook.

  • Those who want to know why c0ban was placed on the whitelist.

  • Individuals interested in cryptocurrency market forecasts (BTC, ETH, and others).

  • Those who want to understand why it became possible to register a cryptocurrency exchange business that was once deemed impossible.

  • Individuals who would like to hear opinions and insights about the experiences gained through running a publicly-listed company.

  • Those who are interested in joint ventures among members.

  • Those interested in cryptocurrency mining setup and operation.

  • Individuals looking for free drops of digital coupons issued within the community.

  • Those seeking advice on fundraising (listed or unlisted) and public relations/investor relations (for listed companies).

  • Individuals who want to learn how to effectively convey a company's value (stock price) to the market, along with its actual performance.

  • Those in need of support related to overall corporate management.

  • Individuals facing existential dilemmas in navigating the underworld of the business world that lies ahead.

"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.

A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.

With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

▼Purchase the book here▼

"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

▼Purchase the book here▼
