





参考2)日本を再び「監視対象」に 介入、問題視せず―米為替報告


参考3)農林中金 最終赤字1.5兆円規模 農相「金融庁と連携 経営注視」


参考4)農林中金理事長「日本国債、慎重に投資」 米欧債は売却

そして、まさかの、逆神ここにあり。ここで、米欧州債を売って、日本国債を買いに行くという、蛮勇を発揮しておりますw 前回のコラムで、通貨価値が毎年10%以上も平気で下がる国の債券を、『1%の利回りは魅力的だー()』と勘違いして買う人間なんてリテラシーの低い老人くらいだろ、と書きましたが、まさかの農林中金さんが日本国債を買い向かうという。お疲れ様でございます。いや、そうですか。もうノーコメントにしておきます。

『1%は瞬間で見れば妙味がある』という、農林中金さんのコメントの、瞬間で見ればとか、何度見てもじわじわ来ます。なんですか瞬間てw 投資タイムラインどうなってんだよこのファンドは。というか、そもそも、利回りが上がれば債券価格が下がるのは当たり前なんだけど、何これ、円建てか何かで債券の利回り受け取る契約でもしてるの?だって、普通に考えれば外債の利回りが上がって債券価格下がったとしても、外債なんだから為替差益出るだろ常識で考えて。何を間違えば1.5兆円損失出すんだよ・・・。またデリバティブかなんかやったんじゃないの?あるいは、為替予約で狂ったレートで縛られたとかじゃないの。まじで意味不明なんですが・・・。いかん、ノーコメントといいつつ、コメントしてしまった。釣られた。

というか、本当に、そんなお金があるなら、ビットコインかゴールド買ったほうが良いに決まってるでしょこれw 米国も含めて、第三国を除き、どの国の債券を買っても、微妙なのは理解していますし、日本政府としては、日本国債の引き受け手として、日銀がいなくなる分、農林中金が買ってくれるのは、ありがたい話なのかもしれませんが、農家のカネを巻き込むのはやめてくれ・・・。これアレですか、この戦略で、更に日本の食料自給率を下げて種苗法でシュプレヒコールを叫ぶ左巻きの人に材料と燃料投下したいんですか。ここから、『日本の食を積極的に毀損する主犯は農林中金だ』と陰謀論者に発破をかけたいんですかね。わざとやってんのかなと思わされますが。果たして。次のテーマはやはり食糧危機なんでしょうか。おそロシア。









83,235,850(千)ドルの出来高です。桁が巨大すぎてわかりにくいw 漢字を当てると、832億ドルの出来高です。単一銘柄でですよ。約12兆円の出来高です。もう一度言いますが単一銘柄ですよこれw 鬼です。一日の出来高としては、もはや神の領域に達しています。


































参考12)本衰退の元凶はグローバリズムよりも消費税!? 経団連が増税を望むのはなぜか















そもそも自国通貨を安くして『買ってくれー涙』なんて営業は、大正時代の発展途上国がすることでしょw そんなことしてる暇があるなら、ビットコインとゴールドを買いまくって、円とペッグして、『ビットコインアセットバック通貨、“シン円”』みたいなもんを作ったほうが遥かに集金効率が良いんじゃないかと思いますけれどね。




【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 664:The public's illusion of JPY in times of crisis, dark clouds looming over NVIDIA and ARM, their last bastions

It's become a regular occurrence to match the financial market trends with this column's predictions. Despite the impact of the currency intervention, the USD/JPY pair has reached 159.70 and is on track to hit the 160 mark.

Reference 1) NY Forex Market - USD/JPY Hits 8-Week High Following US PMI Release

During the currency intervention, which trimmed the exchange rate to around 152 yen, many experts loudly proclaimed "The dollar has peaked!" and "A new era of yen appreciation is upon us!" However, those experts seem to have gone silent. I hope they are doing well. Despite the futile intervention, there were few who committed to and clearly stated that a stronger dollar was inevitable. This column, which steadfastly predicted a weaker yen, is relieved. Congratulations to all our readers on their substantial profits. We will continue to provide high-accuracy forecasts, clearly explained, based on facts and presented with compelling narratives. Thank you for your continued support.

Now, the long-awaited next prediction. Stocks. Stocks will decline. As I have occasionally mentioned over the past few weeks, we are entering the summer doldrums. This means the market will likely either (1) gradually decline in an annoying, sluggish manner, or (2) sharply drop, triggered by a fall in NVIDIA. The reason is the summer lull. From July onwards, funds will sell aggressively to cover dividend payouts. Remember the scorching rally earlier this year? The funds that bought heavily during that time will now sell off significant volumes, not necessarily the same amount, but substantial nonetheless, to generate dividends. Additionally, as explained in my previous column, there won't be any drastic policy changes before the presidential election. Personally, I believe the market will continue a sluggish decline, but in a few months, we will reassess this together.

Reference 2) Japan is once again "under observation" - U.S. foreign exchange report does not see intervention as an issue.

The sizable forex intervention, which sparked various speculations, turned out to be a move not pre-coordinated with the U.S., apparently aimed at election strategies or bolstering the ruling party's approval ratings, thus wasting the resources of the competent Ministry of Finance. Now that Japan has been placed under monitoring, making intervention more difficult, it seems likely that the yen will rapidly move to 165 and 170 in the coming weeks. Eventually, it could reach 180 and then 360. It's only a matter of time.

Reference 3) Norinchukin Bank reports a final deficit of 1.5 trillion yen. Agriculture Minister: "In cooperation with the Financial Services Agency, we will closely monitor management."

Norinchukin Bank, which suffered massive losses during the Lehman Shock, continues to operate at a deficit, effectively melting away the interest earned from Japanese farmers into the market. Many seasoned market observers might have noticed the sluggish selling around 10 AM Japan time and assumed the source was China, but it turns out the culprit is right here.

Reference 4) Norinchukin Bank President: "Cautious investment in Japanese government bonds; selling U.S. and European bonds."

And here we have the unexpected contrarian. Norinchukin Bank is showing audacious bravery by selling US and European bonds to buy Japanese government bonds. In my previous column, I mentioned that only low-literacy seniors would mistake a 1% yield for being attractive on bonds from a country where the currency value decreases by over 10% each year. And yet, here we are with Norinchukin Bank making that very move. My condolences. Well, no further comments.

The comment from Norinchukin Bank that "1% is attractive when viewed momentarily" just keeps getting funnier every time I think about it. What do they mean by "momentarily"? What kind of investment timeline does this fund have? It's common knowledge that when yields go up, bond prices go down. Are they somehow receiving bond yields in yen? Normally, even if the yield on foreign bonds goes up and their prices go down, you would still get a currency gain because they're foreign bonds. How did they manage to lose 1.5 trillion yen? Did they mess up with derivatives again, or were they locked into a crazy rate with a currency hedge? This is seriously incomprehensible. I said I wouldn't comment, but here I am commenting anyway. I got baited.

I mean, really, if you have that kind of money, it’s obviously better to buy Bitcoin or gold, right? Even though I understand that bonds from any country, including the US, are somewhat iffy, excluding third-world countries, and while the Japanese government might appreciate Norinchukin Bank stepping in to buy Japanese government bonds in place of the Bank of Japan, please don't involve the farmers' money. Is this strategy designed to further decrease Japan's food self-sufficiency and provide ammunition for left-wing critics who protest against seed laws? Is the aim to provoke conspiracy theorists into claiming, "The main culprit actively undermining Japan's food supply is Norinchukin Bank"? It almost seems intentional. Perhaps the next big issue will indeed be a food crisis. Scary stuff.

In any case, the yen is plummeting dramatically, and while the typical response during times of yen appreciation would be to celebrate benefiting exporters and increasing inbound tourism, that sentiment is now nowhere to be found. Both the media and the government, as well as the public, are now criticizing the weak yen. I did mention in my column about a year ago that this shift would likely happen. Not too long ago, people complained about a strong yen, and now they’re complaining about a weak yen. It’s fickle, but that’s life.

While the Japanese yen is sinking like the Titanic, across the ocean in America, the US stock market is charting an impressive course, much like an "unsinkable ship."

Reference 5) (US Stock Market) Dow slightly continues to rise, up 15 points, struggling to climb higher (21st)☆Updated

Many observers are now cautious, looking at this and thinking, "Surely US stocks must be approaching a peak." They anticipate that if US stocks falter, Japanese stocks will follow suit, leading to a stronger yen. For those seasoned in the markets, it's a conventional wisdom that the yen tends to strengthen in times of crisis. It's a reasonable assumption.

However, reality might not unfold that way. Today, I would like to elaborate on why that might not be the case. Without fundamentally changing perceptions about the yen, currencies in general, and the stock market, one cannot navigate the imminent new world market that lies ahead. Therefore, in this article, I will explain the proper understanding of currencies and the potential impact of a US stock market decline. Let's delve into it.

1.Signs Emerging in NVIDIA

First, please take a look at the trading volume here.

Reference 6) NVIDIA

It has a trading volume of 83,235,850 thousand dollars. The number is so large it's hard to grasp haha. To put it in kanji, it's a trading volume of 832 billion dollars. That's for a single stock. It's about 12 trillion yen in trading volume. Just to clarify again, this is for a single stock, haha. It's monstrous. In terms of daily trading volume, it has truly reached god-tier territory.

Reference 7) U.S. Stock Rankings (Trading Volume)

Here is the nationwide stock ranking, and of course, NVIDIA sits proudly at the top. Even Apple, which lags behind in market capitalization, has less than half of NVIDIA's trading volume. It's often said that "volume speaks louder than price" in financial products, and with NVIDIA boasting such a massive trading volume, you can imagine the impact it has in drawing funds from around the world.

Just recently, NVIDIA briefly claimed the title of the world's largest market capitalization, only to lose it within a few days. Microsoft has since reclaimed the top spot in global market capitalization.

Reference 8) Top Market Capitalizations

It's a significant sign when a stock with formidable trading volume is slipping from the top spot in market capitalization rankings. NVIDIA now commands such high trading volume and popularity that it can be said the global stock market almost revolves around it alone. Market participants are anxiously watching to see where NVIDIA will head next and what unfolds for it.

2.The Fate of ARM

When you hear "ARM," it's a brand deeply familiar in Japan as well, often associated with SoftBank's Masayoshi Son. However, ARM's price movement yesterday felt somewhat strange... Please take a look at the chart.

Reference 9) ARM Holdings Stock Price Chart

From the opening bell, when comparing the low and high prices, there's a slight sense of a market top. There's no certainty though; charts are lagging indicators. It's purely a speculative observation. However, with NVIDIA declining and ARM following suit, along with the verbose presentation by Masayoshi Son, a hallmark of SoftBank's shareholder meetings, one might sense that the semiconductor team's prospects are uncertain. There's a feeling that SoftBank's verbose peak might be approaching. What are your thoughts on this?

3.Let's also check the semiconductor index

"I might receive a comment like, 'You can understand the future of semiconductors just by looking at NVIDIA now,' but just to be sure, let's also check the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index.

Reference 10) Philadelphia Semiconductor Index

Hmm... What do you think? It feels like there's a sense of a market top, doesn't it? Am I the only one feeling this strong premonition? I sense that the semiconductor fantasy is nearing its end.

I think I wrote about this in a previous column, but basically, semiconductors, or rather industrial goods in general, haven't had the experience of single-handedly sustaining the market. Without being able to imagine a world where hardware sparks change alongside shifts in retail and consumer behavior, it's difficult to create a long-term market trend.

There was a groundbreaking invention when Apple introduced the Macintosh, an iconic computer (quite old-school, I know). It was also a form of hardware, so it could be considered an industrial good. The excitement about a future where that computer reached consumers, where computers became ubiquitous in households, interconnected via the internet, fueled the IT bubble that burst later, revitalizing the stock market in one fell swoop. Now, fast forward to terms like NVIDIA, AI, and Microsoft's OpenAI—they're undoubtedly impressive. However, from a consumer perspective, I feel like many are asking, "So what?"
While I understand the argument that says, "You're just ignorant if you can't use it properly," I believe true innovation lies in making complex technology usable for those who can't master it. That was evident during the internet revolution. In the current AI revolution, I feel the market hasn't matured to that extent yet. Therefore, relying solely on semiconductors may not sustain a long-term market trend.

Furthermore, as I mentioned earlier, the semiconductor bubble arose due to external factors like (1) COVID-19 and (2) the Russia-Ukraine war, intensifying inflation and resulting in its creation. That's why I perceive the market as highly unstable and not firmly supported.

Semiconductors, which have been so strong, are starting to falter. NVIDIA is declining, and ARM is forming somewhat unsettling daily price patterns. Even without reading the candlestick charts, this price action, occurring at these high levels and just before the summer lull in the market, seems to hint at an unsettling future for the stock market.

4.The Illusion of a Strong Yen During Crisis

The extent to which NVIDIA's decline will affect the overall US stock market or financial markets in general is completely unknown and speculative, as it pertains to the future. If asked whether a collapse in NVIDIA would lead to a collapse in all markets, it's currently assessed that the impact might not be that significant.

Firstly, as I've mentioned repeatedly, the semiconductor bubble was partly driven by complex and contingent external factors, not solely by the extraordinary performance of NVIDIA alone driving stock price increases. There was a kind of massive money supply scenario where funds flowed into NVIDIA due to sentiments like, "Where should we put all this money? Oh, if there's a shortage in semiconductors, let's invest in NVIDIA." Therefore, it doesn't seem likely that all funds exiting NVIDIA would be entirely liquidated. Why? Because the dollar is in trouble. In fact, currencies are in trouble.

Inflation, or rather stagflation, typically involves a decline in the value of currency itself, compounded by economic downturns that further exacerbate difficulties, ultimately leading to inflationary pressures. During such times, there is a phenomenon where investors may decide, "If the currency's value is decreasing, it's better to hold stocks or real estate," which doesn't necessarily have a negative impact on the stock market. Therefore, it's hard to imagine that funds would immediately exit the stock market just because NVIDIA declined. Instead, it's expected that funds might flow into another asset class, with sentiments like, "Now it's all about ●●!!" leading to a new boom. Personally, I speculate this could be in areas like cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin-related assets, or Web3-related investments. Regardless, I anticipate funds will find their way into some alternative asset classes.

Therefore, in terms of major money flows within the stock market, even if NVIDIA or the semiconductor sector falters and US stocks weaken, it's expected that sidelined funds will remain within the stock market and shift into some other sector following semiconductors. The reason for caution in the current stock market is because it hasn't yet priced in the transition from inflation to stagflation. Until it does, there will be declines. Currently, discussions are stuck at "It's okay because inflation hasn't accelerated, and rate cuts are still delayed." However, once the realization of "Hey, this is actually stagflation" sets in, stock prices will start to decline. After an initial adjustment, there will be a sudden realization that "But wait, in stagflation, currencies decline but stocks and commodities are strong," prompting a rapid increase in stock prices as everyone rethinks and remembers this aspect.
Therefore, from a long-term perspective, the stock market remains bullish. At least as long as the yen remains weak permanently, Japanese stocks are bullish. With the upcoming presidential election, the current assessment is that a "severe correction might be imminent before a bullish market," at least for now.

Talking about a "severe correction" might sound vague, so let me be more specific. Roughly speaking, for the Nikkei average, it would be around 35,600 to 36,600 yen. This range is the primary target. Going further into detail, it could potentially reach around 33,400 yen or so. This level would be quite a drop from current levels, so I don't necessarily expect it to go that low, but a touch to those levels is possible.

Now, some might think, "Does this mean a strong yen and a chance to switch to yen-denominated assets?" Unfortunately, that's not the case. Simply put, it would be a triple decline scenario: yen depreciation, stock market decline, and bond market decline. In the past, there was a slogan about the "safe-haven yen," where the yen would be bought whenever something bad happened. However, the concept of a safe-haven yen has become somewhat of a myth. Nowadays, it's more about the safe-haven assets like gold and Bitcoin during crises. I'll discuss this later.

"The idea of a safe-haven yen is now a myth." I assert this with confidence. Why? Because the dynamics of money flows have changed from the past. The notion of a safe-haven yen gained prominence during events such as the Lehman Shock, the Great East Japan Earthquake, and subsequent geopolitical risks. Since 2015, there have been various shock events like the China shock and notably the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Perhaps the COVID-19 period marked the last instance where we could observe the phenomenon of a safe-haven yen. The yen briefly touched 101 yen per dollar (which now feels like ages ago), only to swiftly return to nearly 110 yen. This quick reversal from 101 yen suggests that the era of a prolonged safe-haven yen may be questioned by many.

Empire Data Bank has written insightful articles on the topic of safe-haven yen, and I'll borrow their reference for further discussion.

Reference 11) Safe-Haven Yen Purchases During Crises


In conclusion, the argument is that markets fundamentally follow a random walk, and the phenomenon of the safe-haven yen is merely a hindsight observation. However, one significant comment stands out:

The yen became relatively scarce compared to other currencies, leading to a rapid appreciation of the yen.

Yes, this is crucial. Let's underscore this point several times. In essence, while it can be said in hindsight that the yen was sought during crises, the only scientifically substantiated explanation is that "the yen gained scarcity because its currency supply was relatively lower compared to other countries (central banks)." This is the singular "scientific basis for the safe-haven yen" that can be explained through a monetary approach.

So, what about now? Well, it's flowing freely. Currency supply? Overflowing. The yen has been printed to no discernible end, used to buy US treasuries left and right, and Japan's Agricultural, Forestry, and Fisheries Finance Corporation is suffering losses. "Scarcity of the yen? Does such a thing even exist anymore?" This is an absolute fact of modern society. Moreover, this excessive liquidity has extended to alternative assets like gold and Bitcoin. There are hardly any funds, perhaps only eccentric ones like the Agricultural, Forestry, and Fisheries Finance Corporation, that would bother buying yen. Not holding yen, even when requested, has unfortunately become the de facto standard in the global market.
Therefore, even in the event of a stock market decline or a semiconductor shock like NVIDIA's, there won't be a rush to buy yen during crises. If there is, it lasts maybe 0.1 seconds or so—a fleeting moment on algorithmic charts where someone might think, "Who would even take this?" It won't lead to a strengthening yen; rather, it would likely lead to further yen depreciation.

While this information may be slightly dated, to illustrate the grim reality of "yen depreciation in all circumstances—market decline, market rise, or life itself—forever ingrained," I provide this link for reference.

Reference 12: Is the root cause of this decline really the consumption tax rather than globalization? Why does Keidanren wish for tax hikes?

Speaking of Keidanren, it is the top organization where Japan's business leaders and VIPs gather. Keidanren is proposing to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party a highly inconvenient consumption tax increase for ordinary consumers. Even to the average person, this might seem plainly absurd, but behind this lies the alchemy of Japan's major corporate giants. Keidanren desires a combination of yen depreciation and an increase in consumption tax. Why?

The consumption tax is refunded on goods sold overseas. Simply put, if a company earns 1 trillion yen from exports, it only needs to pay tax on sales domestically, offsetting this with received consumption tax, and paying any surplus tax. However, goods sold overseas are generally exempt from consumption tax. Ideally, with sales of 1.1 trillion yen (tax-inclusive) domestically, the company should pay the difference in consumption tax. Exporting companies may receive a refund equivalent to the consumption tax on sales abroad, essentially serving as a form of export subsidy.

And speaking of Keidanren, many of its members are primarily in manufacturing and industry (even today, most likely). The majority of these companies engage in exports. For instance, if they were to have a total export balance of 100 trillion yen, 10% of that would be paid out as subsidies. That's a whopping 10 trillion yen (!). Quite substantial, isn't it? And if the consumption tax were raised to 15%? That would be 15 trillion yen. If it were raised to 20%? That's 20 trillion yen. It's mind-boggling. This is what Keidanren is aiming for. It's definitely not consumer-friendly.

In terms of Japan's exports as a percentage of GDP, roughly speaking, with a GDP of about 590 trillion yen, the export balance in 2023 reached a record high of around 102 trillion yen, accounting for approximately 18%. About a decade ago, during warnings of "Japan's impending doom and global dangers," GDP was around 550 trillion yen, with an export balance of about 56 trillion yen from what I recall. Since then, exports have increased. However, this growth includes the impact of yen depreciation magic. To simplify, adjusting for the impact of yen depreciation to present value requires discounting the exchange rate at that time, let's assume it was around 100 yen. With the yen now about 159 yen, this results in more than a 1.5-fold yen depreciation. Thus, applying the formula 100 trillion yen * 100/159, roughly calculates to around 60 trillion yen, which might lead to the conclusion that "you haven't really grown at all."

Returning to Keidanren, however, it's worth noting that Keidanren represents the elite guild of venerable business leaders, aiming for yen depreciation and an increase in consumption tax, aligning their interests naturally with the Ministry of Finance and other influential figures. Therefore, policies are steered in that direction—towards yen depreciation and consumption tax hikes. Foreign funds and short-selling funds have long recognized this reality, hence they are heavily inclined towards selling yen positions. That's why yen depreciation continues. That's the gist of it.

Of course, within this context, there are exceptional bureaucrats like a certain Finance Official from Kanda who are so adept that they can potentially mount a strong defense against these policies. Being a national treasure, he might think, "Anyone who underestimates us will be scorched through intervention." However, unfortunately, even someone as outstanding as the aforementioned Finance Official from Kanda might eventually be transferred to the World Bank or IMF within a few years due to his exceptional capabilities. It's quite regrettable.

Reference 13) Kanda Finance Official's 3rd Year Continuance, Evaluation of Yen Buying Intervention Skill - Continued Market Caution

Originally, it seemed standard to transfer officials every three years, but a certain Finance Official from Kanda, being exceptionally capable, has remained in his position. However, even he is expected to be transferred in a few years, limiting his ability to halt yen depreciation or prevent a Japanese national collapse. With senior figures in the business community desiring yen depreciation and an increase in consumption tax, aligning with the Ministry of Finance, there seems to be no reason for yen appreciation. Furthermore, as yields on Japanese government bonds rise and these bonds are only marketable to entities like Norinchukin Bank, after President Trump's inauguration, there were murmurs of, "Hey, did you sell U.S. bonds? Hey, intervention?"—leading to being forced to buy U.S. bonds again. Experts, please tell us how to achieve yen appreciation with this move. Indeed, the times call for yen depreciation in crises. Yen depreciation in peacetime. Essentially, a lifetime of yen depreciation. Life is yen depreciation. Remember this for life.

5.Understand the facts first, then speak of dreams or aspirations

If you're overseas, you can clearly see how Japan's competitive edge in manufacturing has fallen flat. For example, foreigners who used to work at Hitachi factories and were once pro-Japan are now driving Grab taxis. When asked why they left their jobs, they reply, "China's wiring technology is cheap and amazing, our factory couldn't compete." In reality, if you visit electronics stores, there are hardly any sections for Japanese products.

The same goes for smartphones: Apple is dominant, followed by Chinese brands for Android devices. There isn't a single Japanese brand in sight. In terms of export balance, you might even mistakenly think most are industrial goods rather than consumer goods because there are so few Japanese products. Samsung, LG, Oppo, Xiaomi, and numerous other emerging brands dominate the market. There isn't a single Japanese product among them.

The only market where Japanese brands are still prominent is the automotive industry. When it comes to automobiles, it's Toyota. However, even Toyota has been heavily criticized in the media lately. If the reports are true, it's pretty bad, but hey, don't some of you advanced conspiracy theory enthusiasts among the readership feel something fishy going on by the sixth sense?

Reference 14) Similar to Daihatsu? Questions raised by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism over Toyota and Honda's misconduct

Simply put, I think Japan's industrial weakening plan might be progressing, but leaving speculation aside, it's clear that Japan's competitiveness has dramatically declined. Instead of the current strategy of "weakening the yen, increasing consumption tax, and begging foreigners for attention," maybe it's better to seriously consider whether this is the right approach.

Honestly, begging people to buy because your currency is cheap is something developing countries did in the Taisho era, right? If there's time to do that, wouldn't it be more efficient to buy up Bitcoin and gold, peg them to the yen, and create something like "Bitcoin-backed currency, the SHIN-YEN," to significantly improve fundraising efficiency?

Buying Bitcoin and using the gains to stop rolling over government bonds and gradually pay off short-term bonds would clear up Japan's domestic debt and make it a sparkling nation. But they'll never do it, will they? No matter how many times I write about it, they won't buy. Are they like a sorcerer in a remote African village who doesn't believe in Bitcoin, or is there some decree from above preventing them from buying? Or is it the usual move where Japanese people get dumped on after President Trump buys up Bitcoin and it jumps to 1 billion yen? I'd like to observe this with interest. Anyway, be careful with stocks. And USD/JPY will keep going up. Those who don't buy Bitcoin are fools. Will I be right this time too? Stay tuned.

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  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

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