


参考1)アメリカ 8月の雇用統計 就業者 市場予想下回る 失業率は改善



参考2)逆イールド (ぎゃくイールド)








ただね、大統領選がイシューとしてメインディッシュに扱われるのは10月だと思うんですよ。9月はまだ早いからね。あくまで、補助的なネタとして扱われるにすぎない。9月のメインディッシュは、Fed(FRB)の利下げと、日銀の決定会合に伴う謎利上げの動向、それらを包摂する(あるいはされる)、逆イールド解消の正常な世界で金融市場はどうなるか、というあたりですよ。メインディッシュなのに3つも肉がありますがwww 腹が一杯で苦しくなりそうな9月です、まだまだ本格下落のサビが始まった序章にすぎませんので、しっかり今日も金融工学を駆使して市場を解析していきましょう。もしかしたら、過去全てのなんちゃらショックを超える激烈な相場を目にすることになるかもしれないからね、我々は。怒涛の8月、漆黒の9月。それでは参りましょう。








現実の世界では、この逸話に登場した暗号通貨バブル勢だけではなく、不動産、金融、AI、半導体、あらゆる産業の好景気さ、そして物価の上昇率などを加味しながら、債券価格・利回りというのは上下していきます。ですが、理屈・ロジックは全く同じです。『短期的に金を借りてでも、今、眼の前に儲かる方法がある!!』と考える人々が増えれば、短期金利は上がります。一方、債券市場は“最も賢い市場”と評される通り、短期金利が高騰していれば、冷静な債券トレーダーは中央銀行の利上げ(金融引き締め)を警戒し、早い段階で長期国債を初めとする安全資産(Safe asset)を買い込むことになります。結果、逆イールドが発生するわけです。逆イールドはいわば、“賢い債券トレーダーと、短気利益を追求する株式トレーダーの温度差を表す現象”とも言え、まさに逸話の金貸しの通り、『なんだかおかしいなあ、でも短期金利(株価)は高いんだよなあ、景気いいのかなあ』、という状態を維持し続けてきた主犯であると言えます。




















参考7)米司法省、NVIDIAに強制調査 反トラスト法視野と報道

要するに、NVIDIAが、顧客の購買活動に自由度を与えていない、事実上、買い手を支配下においている、というイリーガルを、米国の司法省が指摘している、という内容です。まあ、実際、そうなんじゃねえのw でも、イノベーションなんてそんなもんですよ。良いものを作れるのがNVIDIAしかいないのであれば、NVIDIAを選ばざるを得なくなるし、それが資本主義だよね。




まず、日経平均については、二番底を警戒してきた投資家諸君を裏切るように、二番底は来ないことになります。何故かって?一番底がまだ終わってないからwww 今の下げは、あくまで、半導体ショックの第一メロが終わった、サビの最中です。下げるとしたら、ここしかない。この、FRB待ち、日銀待ち、雇用統計抜け、さあ、半導体ショックが演出される、NVIDIA独禁法違反だ、という、この絶望感の中で、下げるなら徹底的に下げてくるはず。ということで、31,000円をインドラの矢が貫くシナリオが今のところ最も高い。この場合、突っ込んだら、28,000円まで見ておかないと行けない。あと7,000円の下げですね。先は長いw。









【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 675:The canary in the market, the dissipation of the inverse yield, pierces through the defense line of the Nikkei Average(225)

It's autumn, isn’t it? I can feel the essence of autumn. I’m not talking about nature or scenery, though. I'm talking about the market. "Ah, it's autumn..."—I'm starting to feel this melancholic and uneasy mood spreading throughout the market. As I always say, in these writings, I try to avoid vague expressions like "it might go up or it might go down" or "it’ll go up but also go down, and here's the range." My motto is to write and analyze the market clearly, stating both the time frame and the direction, which comes with a certain amount of responsibility and pressure.
In my previous article, I honestly wrote, "I might become the boy who cried wolf soon," because after repeatedly warning that stocks were in a dangerous position, I was worried that I'd look like a fool if the market didn’t actually fall. Thankfully, we got through the jobs report, and the Nikkei has dropped sharply by over 4,000 yen, which is a relief (although not really a good thing).

Reference 1) U.S. August Jobs Report: Employment Figures Fell Short of Market Expectations, Unemployment Rate Improved

The jobs report is bad, very bad. In the past, during financial market phases, when bad news came out, we often saw these deceptive rallies where you’d think, "Wait, isn't this supposed to be bad news? Why is the market going up?" This time, although the market initially rose right after the announcement, it’s now responding honestly to the indicators and dropping. How does it feel? Don’t you sense any signs? I, for one, can keenly feel the imminent arrival of a full-scale semiconductor shock.

I’ve written numerous times before that the global economy would (temporarily) crash, and that a sharp drop in the Nikkei and other markets would follow. In previous articles, I believe I’ve already covered most of the reasons (or evidence) for this impending downturn, so today, I’d like to provide some supplementary explanations. Although it's a supplementary explanation, today’s topic might actually be more crucial, as it could determine the U.S. entering into a recession. So, in terms of importance, today’s article might end up being more significant. It’s about the so-called "yield curve inversion resolution."

Reference 2) Yield Curve Inversion

When interest rates, often called the lifeblood of the global economy, move in an unusual way, it can have a profound impact on stock prices (for better or worse). Of course, many of you readers probably think, "Enough with the complicated logic, just tell me if the market’s going up or down, idiot." So, naturally, I’ll clearly say in this article whether the market will rise or fall. To be frank, it’s going down. It’s still going down. After the jobs report, the market bounced back to around 35,120 yen in after-hours trading, but this is nothing. The decline isn't over yet. I’ll detail the scale of the drop later, but for now, you should expect the market to fall below 34,000 yen.

However, simply predicting whether the market will rise or fall isn’t enough; it’s more important to understand the reasoning behind the prediction. So, I’ll also explain the background clearly so that you can fully grasp it. After all, this is the first time since 1929 that the longest yield curve inversion in history, lasting 793 days, has officially come to an end. That has to mean something, right? And the fact is, the stock market in front of us is dropping this much.

By the way, the USD/JPY exchange rate has also become a mess. It feels like there’s some “force,” different from the world we typically observe, that’s strongly pushing the yen higher. Of course, in the end, the yen will definitely depreciate. But for now, there’s a powerful short-term momentum toward yen appreciation. Honestly, I still don’t know what’s behind it. Could it be pricing in the start of a war? Perhaps.

Reference 3) Yen Exchange Rate Rises to the Upper 141 Yen Level per Dollar… Strongest Yen in About a Month

Oil prices are looking suspicious too, aren’t they? It feels like something war-related might be brewing.

Reference 4) [Crude Oil Prices Fall Below $70] The market is now unresponsive to geopolitical risks, with expanded exports of Canadian crude, the world’s fourth-largest producer, putting downward pressure on prices.

What can we read from this? In the big picture, it's the end of dollar-oil capitalism. In the short term, it's the beginning of the semiconductor shock. In the mid-term, I guess it will be something like a market swaying with the presidential election. To put it bluntly, the current market downturn is just the "chorus" of the semiconductor shock that started in August. The "first verse" is over, things have calmed down, and now it’s like, "Here comes the chorus." I’ll go into more detail later about how much further this drop could go. After the market has bottomed out to a certain extent and stabilized, it will start to price in the rise of President Trump. However, if anything happens to Trump, the market could crash completely, which could be catastrophic—I'm not joking when I say we might see the Nikkei drop to 16,000 yen. Therefore, we need to closely watch the presidential election. Depending on the outcome, the scenario I’ve laid out so far—"the Nikkei plunges but then rebounds like a phoenix toward 45,000 yen by year-end"—could change significantly. I really hope it doesn’t, so please, Trump, do your best.

That being said, I think the presidential election will only become a key issue in October. September is still too early. For now, it will just be treated as a secondary topic. The main focus of September will be the Fed’s rate cuts, the mysterious possible rate hike from the Bank of Japan following its policy meeting, and how financial markets will behave in a normalized world after the resolution of the yield curve inversion. Three main courses for one meal, huh? It seems like September will be a lot to digest—this is just the beginning of the "chorus" of the real market downturn. So, let's continue to thoroughly analyze the market using financial engineering today. We may witness a more intense market than any previous "shock" in history. A stormy August, a pitch-black September. Let’s dive in.

1.The world brought about by the resolution of the yield curve inversion

Things like the Fed’s rate cuts and the Bank of Japan’s rate hikes are just parts of the global interest rate picture, so I’d like to start by "traveling" to the world of interest rates and observing the current situation. For those unfamiliar with this topic, it might sound confusing, but I’ll try to explain as clearly as possible, so bear with me. This logic around interest rates is extremely important.

First, let me explain in a super simple way what the yield curve inversion is and what’s happening. A yield curve inversion refers to a situation where short-term interest rates are higher than long-term interest rates. Many of you might be thinking, "So what?" so let’s dive deeper and break it down.

The opposite of an inverted yield curve is a normal yield curve, where short-term interest rates are lower than long-term rates. To make this easier to understand, I’ll use an example involving lending money, which makes it super clear.

Let’s say you borrow money today and plan to repay it in a week. I know, just this example alone might make you laugh, like, "Dude, a week? Ushijima-kun wwww" But please bear with me, as this is just to make things easier to understand. In that week before repayment, various risks could arise—like the borrower running off, getting sick, or lying about their situation. However, from the lender’s perspective, it’s only a week of lending.
Now, between lending money for a week and lending money for a year, which do you think carries more risk? Naturally, just based on the "time period," lending for a year involves a higher likelihood of various risks arising. As I always explain, higher risk means less trust, which in turn means higher interest rates. So, lending for a year will naturally have a higher interest rate. That’s why long-term interest rates are usually higher than short-term ones—this is common sense. We call this a "normal yield curve."

On the other hand, an "inverted yield curve" refers to a situation where short-term interest rates are higher than long-term rates. But in what circumstances does this occur? Let’s bring back our cash-strapped debtor to help illustrate.

Someone borrowed money for a week. The lender made a profit from the short-term interest rate, though not as much as from long-term rates. The same person came back to borrow money again. The lender lent it out once more and earned short-term interest. Then, others also started requesting loans for a week. The lender thought something was odd and asked the borrower what was going on. It turned out that there was a fool in Hong Kong selling Bitcoin for ¥7 million, despite it being certain to be worth ¥1 billion in the future. The borrower wanted to buy Bitcoin in Hong Kong for ¥7 million, sell it in Japan for ¥7.7 million, and guarantee a 10% profit. That’s why they needed to borrow money for a week.
The lender thought, "I should be able to charge a higher short-term interest rate here," and raised the rate before lending to the borrower. Others who heard the rumor also came to borrow money from this lender, agreeing to the same terms. In the end, all loans were repaid, and the lender made a decent profit from short-term interest rates. Then, a new borrower appeared, saying, "I made a profit from short-term Bitcoin trades, and now I want to make money with Ethereum and Solana." The lender set an even higher interest rate this time and asked, "Are you sure you want to borrow at this rate?" The borrower agreed without hesitation and took the loan.
At that point, the lender had a thought: "Isn’t this a cryptocurrency bubble?" Then they wondered, "If people are making profits even with these high rates, wouldn’t I make more if I did it myself?" But since the lender was just that—a lender, not a businessman—they decided not to take on that risk. Especially after hearing the central bank’s statement about raising interest rates to curb inflation from the bubble, the lender decided to take a more conservative approach, thinking, "If there’s a bubble now, it’s bound to burst eventually."
As a precaution against potential risks, the lender bought a large amount of U.S. long-term government bonds (10-year) while interest rates were still high (since the central bank was raising rates). Needless to say, when a lot of U.S. government bonds are bought, their prices rise, and the interest rates fall (as the bonds are seen as popular and trustworthy). Meanwhile, the traders chasing quick profits in the cryptocurrency bubble still had an insatiable demand for short-term funds. They kept coming to the lender, borrowing at high short-term interest rates and making timely repayments.
The lender found this puzzling: "I bought long-term bonds because I thought the bubble would burst, but the economy still seems strong... how strange." This is the phenomenon known as the inverted yield curve.

In the real world, it’s not just the cryptocurrency bubble players from the anecdote. Real estate, finance, AI, semiconductors, and all other booming industries, along with rising inflation, all influence the fluctuations in bond prices and yields. However, the logic remains exactly the same. If more people believe, "Even if I borrow money short-term, there’s a way to make money right now!" then short-term interest rates will rise.
On the other hand, as the bond market is often called the "smartest market," when short-term rates soar, cautious bond traders start buying safe assets like long-term government bonds early on, fearing central bank interest rate hikes (monetary tightening). This results in the creation of an inverted yield curve.
In a way, the inverted yield curve represents the “temperature gap between wise bond traders and equity traders chasing short-term gains.” It’s very much like the lender in the story: "Something seems off, but short-term rates (stock prices) are high, so maybe the economy is doing well?" This state of mind is the primary driver behind sustaining the inverted yield curve.

By the way, there are two notable periods when an inverted yield curve occurred:

・July 2022 onward
・August 1978 to May 1980

These two periods are frequently cited. Since 1978, the U.S. has experienced six recessions, and in each case, a recession began 1 to 1.5 years after the resolution of the inverted yield curve event. The most recent occurrence was the 793-day-long inversion that started in July 2022, which has recently been resolved based on closing prices. For reference, please see the following article:

Reference 5) The Relationship Between Inverted Yield Curves, Economic Cycles, and Stock Prices in the U.S.

However, this is a very tricky point: historical data shows that even if the U.S. enters a recession, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has historically experienced double-digit growth. The key takeaway is that a recession doesn’t necessarily mean that stock prices will fall.

2.The Unprecedented Impact of Recession Plus Inflation and Stagflation

The inverted yield curve phenomenon of the 1980s confirmed the onset of a U.S. recession and subsequently had a significant impact on Japan. However, Japan then experienced an unprecedented bubble, dramatically rising despite the yen's appreciation induced by the 1985 Plaza Accord. Will we see a similar scenario this time?

For stock prices to rise following a recession, at least two conditions are deemed essential in the Japanese market. One is yen depreciation. During the 1980s, the USD/JPY exchange rate was around 220–230 yen. Before the Plaza Accord forced a strong yen appreciation, the dollar had risen to about 250 yen. Although the Nikkei reached near its all-time high of 40,000 yen despite the rapid yen appreciation, it later plunged, leading to the "lost 30 years." From an economist's perspective, yen depreciation makes bond yields more likely to rise. If stock earnings yields rise more than bond yields, risk money will flow into the stock market at an accelerating pace.

Another factor is inflation. While it may seem contradictory to mention yen depreciation and inflation together, the key is that a moderate yen depreciation and moderate inflation must occur simultaneously to meet the essential conditions for stock price increases following a recession. Of course, this assumes that inflation is not excessively high.

This inflation is not about whether the Bank of Japan's rate hikes will suppress inflation or whether domestic CPI improves. It refers to a broader perspective on global inflation. Specifically, it's about whether the "value of fiat currencies relative to inflation" in the global economy is rising or falling overall. If global fiat currencies, including the dollar and the euro, are strengthening against inflation, prices will not rise significantly even if cross-yen rates are low. Conversely, if global fiat currencies are weakening against inflation, prices will generally be high regardless of how high cross-yen rates are. When inflation rises, the value of fiat currencies depreciates, meaning that earning money is akin to “earning with paper money,” which prevents a robust economic recovery. As a result, stock prices, which are an indicator of economic conditions, will also struggle to rise, and the post-recession phoenix plan may not materialize.

The inverted yield curve has been resolved. It seems likely that a U.S. recession is imminent. The employment data is also poor. This is the current consensus on the global economy. From here, we must address the challenging question: "Can the U.S. overcome inflation while avoiding a recession?" The increasing opinion that "such a soft landing is impossible" suggests that the decline in U.S. stocks is becoming more pronounced.

3.Fed (FRB) Rate Cuts and Bank of Japan Rate Hikes

It's quite mysterious that the financial policies of the U.S. and Japan, which are nearly inseparable, are so contrary. Japan has been continuously pursuing monetary easing to support the U.S. economy and stock markets, and it's truly unfortunate that Governor Ueda of the Bank of Japan is now faced with the challenge of addressing this. While the U.S. is using the potential recession as a reason to lower rates under the guise of successfully controlling inflation (also aiming to stimulate the economy), the Bank of Japan is preparing to implement further rate hikes to achieve a world with positive interest rates. Given that Japan's rates have been frozen at negative levels for a long time, it's not an apples-to-apples comparison with the U.S., but there's an old stock market adage: "Buying stocks when policy (long-term bond) yields are rising rarely ends well." Will Governor Ueda's rate hikes be successful?

One thing that can be said is that interest rate changes cannot be evaluated solely based on yields. Discussions often revolve around whether rates will drop by 50 basis points or 25 basis points, but in extreme cases, a 1% change when the stock market is at 40,000 points has twice the impact compared to when it's at 20,000 points. The same applies to exchange rates. The meaning of a 0.25% yield when the yen-dollar rate is 80 yen is entirely different from when it's 160 yen. To achieve the intended effects of monetary policy, such as economic stimulation or price stabilization, it's essential to consider what goals are being pursued with rate adjustments and the current market environment, especially focusing on exchange rates while managing the yield curve.

Looking at the current volatility of the Nikkei 225 and the movements of the yen-dollar exchange rate, if asked whether it is the right time for a rate hike and whether it will be effective, one might evaluate that "it could have medium-term effects, but in the short term, stock prices and the yen-dollar rate could be severely impacted." The Nikkei 225 seems to have become almost like a toy, perhaps because it's used by foreigners as a hedge against U.S. stocks. Hence, if hawkish statements about rate hikes are made, it will likely face intense selling pressure. On the other hand, if rate hikes are not made while the Nikkei 225 is relatively high (laughs), it could lead to a tragic scenario where, even if the Nikkei 225 drops to 16,000 yen, there will be almost no room for rate cuts (tears). So, it is indeed a difficult decision.

Regarding the U.S., honestly, it depends on the presidential election. Whether the Fed's rate hike is 25 or 50 basis points, it is more likely that any strong selling will not be due to the rate hike itself, but rather as a secondary effect related to the semiconductor shock. It would make sense to think that rate cuts will be used as an additional factor while the semiconductor shock continues. It will likely take more time before the market fully prices in Fed rate cuts. The U.S. stock market is in a situation where it's difficult to easily say "sell on the fact (buy on the fact)." As mentioned before, everything depends on the presidential election. If Trump is elected, it will spike; if Harris is elected, it will crash.

4.The Shock of NVIDIA's Antitrust Violation Allegations Delivering the Final Blow to the Semiconductor Shock

The most shocking news for me personally is this. It truly feels like when things go wrong, they pile up. Just like with cryptocurrencies and the AI industry, adult life can be quite unpleasant. Before a recession or a financial panic, such mysterious pressure news tends to emerge...

Reference 6) Nvidia Ordered to Submit Documents; US DOJ Intensifies Antitrust Investigation - Reports

Reference 7) US DOJ Forces Investigation into NVIDIA; Antitrust Concerns Reported

In short, the US Department of Justice is accusing NVIDIA of not allowing customers freedom in their purchasing activities, essentially controlling buyers. Well, that might actually be the case. But that's often how innovation works. If NVIDIA is the only one capable of creating something great, then people have no choice but to choose NVIDIA, and that's capitalism.

It will take at least 1 to 2 years, possibly 2 to 3 years, before a court decision is reached, so a quick judgment is not possible. However, with Google losing in the first instance and Apple being sued, and with US authorities fully committing to tackling big tech, it's likely that the semiconductor index, including NVIDIA, will see further declines.

5.So, what happens to stock prices?

I've written a lot of theory. Finally, based on the latest options strategies, technical analysis, fundamentals, supply and demand, and the overall atmosphere, I'll provide a forecast for stock prices.

First, regarding the Nikkei average, investors who have been wary of a second bottom will be disappointed, as it looks like the second bottom won’t materialize. Why? Because the first bottom hasn't finished yet! The current decline is merely the interlude of the semiconductor shock’s first movement, still in the middle of the downturn. If it's going to drop, this is the place. In this sense of despair—waiting for the Fed, waiting for the BOJ, waiting for the employment data to come out, and the semiconductor shock's drama, including NVIDIA's antitrust issues—if a drop happens, it should be thorough. Thus, the scenario where the Nikkei is pierced by the arrow of Indra, reaching 31,000 yen, is currently the most likely. In this case, if it dives, we should watch for a drop down to 28,000 yen. That’s another 7,000 yen drop. The road ahead is long!

Next, there's a large volume of options activity around 33,000 to 34,000 yen, which might suggest that this level is being watched. If the market stabilizes here, it could indicate that the second bottom has indeed arrived, attracting many who want to buy at the second bottom, and the market might settle around this level. This is the second candidate target.

Finally, although it is quite unlikely, if during the semiconductor shock, BOJ Governor Ueda unexpectedly announces a hawkish stance with "We will aggressively hike rates," it’s possible that the market could plunge further to 24,000 yen. Well, even if it did hit 24,000 yen, considering it would be a 40% drop from 40,000 yen, it’s not an impossible scenario. A 40% drop isn’t a big deal; it's significant but not unheard of. From 20,000 yen to 12,000 yen—that’s significant!

The biggest factor, as always, is the exchange rate—USD/JPY. The lowest value of the dollar in the previous decline has already been surpassed as of last night. Given the current strong yen, isn’t it terrifying that the Nikkei is still at 35,120 yen? Last time, when the yen was at 141 yen to the dollar, the Nikkei dropped to 31,000 yen. There’s still room for further decline—more than 10%. As the yen strengthens, the potential for further declines in the Nikkei increases. It’s already too late. Look at the Nikkei in dollar terms.

Reference 8) Nikkei in USD terms

Isn’t there still a drop of 35 points coming? Considering a 15% decline, around 28,000 yen seems to be the bottom. Looking at this, do you still think the Nikkei will rise easily? Normally, you wouldn’t think so. It’s too late. If you’re going to sell, now is the only time. Right now, at this moment. Well, this article has consistently recommended selling since the Nikkei was over 39,000 yen ← flag

This year, I’ve been perfectly in sync with the market, accurately timing the rise from the start of the year, the drop in August, and the current decline. I believe the predictions will come true. Even though I’m pushing for selling, if the long-awaited Nikkei 24,000 yen or, in a worst-case scenario, a drop below 20,000 yen happens, I’ll start pushing for 45,000 yen, buy aggressively, and then the Nikkei will reach 75,000 yen. That’s if the yen weakens and if President Trump is elected. It’s conditional, of course. Bitcoin will reach 100 million yen regardless. For those concerned, let me assure you, there’s no need to worry. Those selling are fools. They might see $35,000, but ignore them. After that, it’s an infinite rise. Oh, and by the way, we’re almost done with the long-awaited issue regarding the listing and MM’s policies, so stay tuned for that as well.

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