

いやー、早速ですが本稿読者の皆様、爆益of爆益、本当におめでとうございます。本稿セカオワコラムは、もう、よげんの書ですね。20世紀少年のカツマタくんもびっくりの予測精度です。とにかく読者の皆様が爆益利回り率最大化するのが本稿の冥利に尽きますよ。為替とか、既に146円代ですよwww 日経平均なんて、夜間取引の戻りが34,800円ですよwww 何だよこれ。やばすぎる。まさに、The 殺戮、The殺落、The爆益チャンスです。ていうか前回のコラムの値幅で年一回取れば不労所得完成と書いていたのに、こんな短い期間で二回も大チャンス来るとか神の思し召しですよね。本稿で時期と目標金額がハッキリと書いてある未来の相場を読む。その方向に見合ったポジションを取る。500ピプスゲット(レバレッジにもよるが1万円賭けたとして5万円~10万円ゲット)。先物に至っては天井圏から5,000円近くショートでゲットする。現金を出金する。これを繰り返す。イージーゲーム過ぎる。イージーゲーム。正直、この下げは8SQ以後に来ると思っていましたが、9月、10月の下落相場を早くも8月3日にやってしまいましたね。さあ、こっからですよ勝負は。こっから。といっても、今回の下落で、読者の皆様は数年分の不労所得をゲット出来たはずなので、あとは捨ててもいいお金(ボーナス)で残りの利殖活動に励んでくださいね。確定した利益は出金減資してビットコインに換金ですよ。良い子は言うことをちゃんと聞いて下さいね。












参考1)日経平均2216円安 ブラックマンデー以来2位の下げ幅

参考2)Nikkei 225


参考3)SOX指数 日足チャート



参考4)米ドル/円(USD/JPY) FX為替レート・チャート




参考6)日銀 追加利上げ決定 政策金利0.25%程度に【総裁会見詳細も】













少し話の角度を変えますね。AI、生成AI、どっちでも良いんですけど、AIによって、人生が変わった人ってどれくらいいます?ウェブ制作会社とか、コーディング会社とか、システム開発会社とかなら、エンジニアリングコストが劇的に減って、人生変わった、という人が、多少はいるかもしれませんね。でも、インターネットとかフィンテックとか金融で人生変わった人と、AIで人生が変わった人って、多分比較にならないと思うんですよ。数が。当然、AIで人生変わったって言う人は少ないと思うんですよ。何故か。AIは、借金も消費も生まないからですよ。資本主義の効率化に役立つことはあっても、資本主義の拡充はAIには出来ないんですよ。だってそうでしょ。人と会いたくないからAIと壁打ちする。AIが作り上げた生成アイドルを追いかける。結婚するのが面倒くさいからAIと暮らす。どこに借金と消費が入り込む余地があるのこれw つまりAIと資本主義は相性が悪いんですよ。少なくとも、現状の、ハードウェア(プロセッシングマシン、半導体)が主導するAI相場と、資本主義は相性が悪い。なぜなら、根源的な借金と消費を誘発しないから、ですよ。


















ちなみに、これで33,000円割れて28,000円とか25,000円とかまで日経突っ込んだら、そして為替が120円とかまで押し戻されたら、残念ながら日本の復活はなかった事になり、“二浪で早稲田相場”としてこの下落は歴史に名が刻まれることになります。その時はビットコインを握りしめて新しい資本主義()を期待して待つことといたしましょう。二浪で早稲田とともに。May the Niro be with you.



【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 670:Still unnamed shock, starting with the Bank of Japan's interest rate hike, combined with foreigners' massive selling, completely decimating the new NISA buyers and the bullish side

Well, let me start by congratulating all our readers on their massive profits. This column has become a prophecy book, surprising even Katsumata-kun from "20th Century Boys" with its predictive accuracy. It's truly fulfilling to see our readers maximize their profit yields. The exchange rate is already in the 146 yen range, lol. The Nikkei average is at 34,800 yen in after-hours trading, lol. What is this? It's insane. This is exactly "The Slaughter," "The Sell-off," and "The Massive Profit Opportunity." In the previous column, I mentioned that achieving such profits once a year would create passive income, yet we've had two major opportunities in such a short period—it's like a divine gift. You read about future market movements, including timing and target amounts, here in this column. You take positions accordingly. You gain 500 pips (depending on leverage, turning a 10,000 yen bet into 50,000 to 100,000 yen). In futures, you short near the peak and gain close to 5,000 yen. You withdraw cash. You repeat this process. It's too easy. Too easy. Honestly, I expected this drop to come after the 8SQ, but here we are with the September-October decline happening as early as August 3rd. Now, the real game begins. Although, with this recent drop, our readers should have secured several years' worth of passive income. From here on, use any extra money (like bonuses) for further investments. Withdraw the confirmed profits, reduce capital, and convert it to Bitcoin. Good kids, follow the advice properly.

In this world, the strong win, and the weak lose. The market, while being an exceptionally well-designed free market, operates on the same principle: the strong win, and the weak lose. The weak are thoroughly defeated. When it comes to the market, strength and weakness are determined by intellect. Intelligence. Smarts. In other words, fools lose, and the wise win.

In the recent market, terms like the new NISA and iDeCo are being thrown around in Japan, and there's a lot of hype like, "Invest instead of just saving!" or "You can win by steadily accumulating investments!" They're creating a market by gathering money from people who don't use their heads much. These people, who don't use their heads, are the intellectually weak. When these weak individuals pool their investments, the strong, who are intellectually superior, can just take it all when they get serious. And that’s what's happening now. It's crystal clear.
In other words, as long as these low-intelligence groups are standing idly as the middle class, believing "Just do accumulation investments without thinking too hard," they can't win in the wild jungle of the market. They don’t think about anything, so how could they possibly win? Most of the long investors fall into this category of people who don’t think. The Bank of Japan (BoJ) is saying they want to stop buying ETFs, raise interest rates, and stop purchasing bonds. The BoJ is the country's central bank. The country is calling out, saying that the bubble is over, and it's time to end the dance by stopping policies of buying stocks and bonds and raising interest rates. Yet, despite this call from the central bank, people are still buying stocks, shouting "New NISA lol, iDeCo lol," and "The rebound is near lol." Are you guys alright?
Those same people, when advised to be cautious with stocks and to buy some Bitcoin just in case, respond with "Bitcoin lol, that's a scam lol," showing a lack of understanding. Are you guys okay? Can you even see your securities account balance with your own eyes? What, are you some kind of sorcerer who can summon buying power stronger than the nation? An Onmyoji? If so, then fine. But the moment you think you can get by without using your head, you've already fallen into the market's trap. You stepped into the ruthless world of the market where people fall left and right, so you can't blame Harrison in the mountains. Everything is your own responsibility. Investors who stand idly by and stop thinking, justifying it with "long-term investment," are facing a market that will strip them to the bone, so please be very careful. You’ll truly go bankrupt.

Starting with such provocative language, this crude column will now get to the main topic. With significant events like the Bank of Japan meeting and the FOMC behind us, it’s become much easier to predict the market’s direction. The employment statistics have been very poor, which might feel like adding insult to injury for buyers, but remember, no rain lasts forever. Stay strong, keep smiling, and be kind. Let’s continue studying cutting-edge financial engineering and the future of stock prices and exchange rates. Let's get started.

1.The Capitulation is Near

In the previous column, I started right off with, "The decline isn't over yet," but in today's column, I'm saying the opposite: the capitulation is near. Capitulation, or a selling climax, refers to the intense final drop that signals a reversal in a declining market.

Some of you might despair, thinking, "Wait, if the capitulation is near, does that mean it’s still going to drop from here... (dying)?" Unfortunately, yes, it will still drop. However, the extent of the decline has significantly shrunk, so the next intense drop should be the selling climax. As I've written in previous columns, the bottom is at 33,000 yen. While it might momentarily dip below 33,000 yen, once it drops another 1,800 yen or so, this current decline should come to a temporary halt.

Of course, the market can sometimes overshoot, so even if it dips to 33,000 yen and the decline doesn't stop, there's a slight possibility it could fall to below 30,000 yen, even approaching 28,000 yen. If this happens, it would no longer be a normal market scenario but akin to the scale of the Lehman Shock or the COVID-19 Shock, which means we would need to fundamentally reconsider the end of the excess liquidity market. In any case, I'll later summarize the highly probable stock prices and exchange rates, so for now, please set aside any irregular scenarios and first understand the usual scenario.

Firstly, I want to revisit why this decline happened in the first place. I will delve deeper into this in the following sections.

2.The most likely candidate for the name of this shock: The Generative AI Shock

Humans are equipped with a convenient function called the forgetting curve, which means that we naturally tend to forget things we learn while walking. It's said that without this ability to forget, humans would die from depression, highlighting the importance of the ability to forget. However, in the world of the market, "forgetting" means death. Forgetting past market trends and experiences means you cannot survive in the wild jungle of the market.

Regarding the current decline, the media has been churning out a lot of low-quality articles, calling it the "Ueda Shock" or the "Rate Hike Shock," but these are not the true causes of the decline. The market was already declining long before the BOJ and FOMC meetings. It’s crucial to think about and analyze what the real starting point of the decline was.

Reference 1) Nikkei falls by 2,216 points, the second-largest drop since Black Monday

Reference 2) Nikkei 225

Take a good look at the Nikkei chart. It hit a high and formed an island reversal on July 11, just three weeks ago. What happened then? The semiconductor shock occurred. In other words, it was the starting point of the Generative AI Shock, the collapse of the AI bubble. Compare the Nikkei Average with the SOX Index below.

Reference 3) SOX Index Daily Chart

How about that? They look very similar, don’t they? The key point of this decline is understanding that "the semiconductor shock happened, and that shock was the starting point of the decline." The BOJ, FOMC, and Mr. Ueda are secondary matters. They are just after-the-fact explanations, and they are meaningless.

One more thing. One of the explosive triggers for the semiconductor shock was the "currency intervention." The persistent intervention that knocked the rate from over 160 yen down to nearly 156 yen. That intervention also took place on July 11. Take another look at this chart.

Reference 4) USD/JPY FX Exchange Rate Chart

Whether it's USD/JPY or the Nikkei, the clear starting points for the decline are the fall of the semiconductor index and the intervention in USD/JPY (towards yen appreciation). Without these two events, both the stock prices and USD/JPY would have continued to rise. But that didn't happen. They fell. Why? Here lies the truth. The truth of the market and the world.

Reference 5) Masato Kanda, former Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs, appointed as Special Advisor to the Cabinet.

Masato Kanda, renowned as a former Vice Minister of Finance, is now recognized as the key figure behind the recent yen appreciation (as of now). This is why Kanda has been appointed as a Special Advisor to the Cabinet. This appointment confirms the long-held speculation discussed in this column. Kanda's persistent yen-buying intervention was indeed the result of "government intention." Specifically, it was the intention of the ruling party, or more precisely, the Kishida administration. Therefore, despite the frustrations of those within the Ministry of Finance, who may have felt their patience wearing thin, the yen was guided toward appreciation, even at the cost of negating the benefits of a weaker yen.

Reference 6) BOJ Decides on Additional Rate Hike, Policy Rate Around 0.25% [Details of the Governor’s Press Conference]

The Bank of Japan has also been implementing coordinated policies with the government, and this time, it made a surprising decision to raise interest rates and reduce bond purchases. The interest rate hike is 0.15% (raising the policy rate target to 0.25%), and regarding bond purchases, it will reduce them by 400 billion yen every quarter.

The macroeconomic impact of the rate hike and reduction in government bond purchases, as well as its effects on your daily lives, will be discussed later. However, it is clear that the yen appreciation driven by Masato Kanda’s direction and the reduction in bond purchases and rate hikes by Ueda's BOJ are aligned with the current administration's intentions and plans. This indicates that Japan will be following this policy direction for some time. I would like to further examine what this actually means.

3.What Happens When We Return to a World of Interest Rates and Yen Appreciation

To summarize the government's intentions:

・They want to strengthen the yen (at least more than it is now)
・They want to reduce government bond purchases
・They want to raise taxes
・They want to increase interest rates (to overcome inflation)

It’s clear that both Ueda’s BOJ and Kanda, as Finance Minister, are seen as instruments that closely follow the government’s intentions. However, what's complicated is that the government’s intentions are those of the Kishida administration (≒ Ministry of Finance), and not necessarily those of the ruling parties like the LDP or Komeito. It can be hypothesized that the Ministry of Finance wants to guide the yen toward appreciation, increase taxes, reduce bond purchases, and raise interest rates.

Some might wonder, "Won't a stronger yen lead to deflation and economic difficulties?" Yes, it would be problematic. But the Ministry of Finance isn’t concerned about that. Japan is the world’s largest net creditor. It holds nearly 300 trillion yen in American bonds that will never be repaid. If the yen appreciates by 10%, the value of these bonds increases by 10% from Japan’s perspective, which means, from the U.S.'s perspective, their debt to Japan effectively increases by 10% (at least in formal terms). From the Ministry of Finance's point of view, as long as they can protect the yen and the country's currency, they don't care if stocks fall or if the people suffer. They would simply dismiss such concerns with a "Don’t desire, win until you do" attitude.

Ueda’s BOJ is also likely to thoroughly incorporate the Ministry of Finance's (or more precisely, the Kishida administration's) intentions into its policy management. Particularly, Ueda’s recent statements—such as "We will raise interest rates intermittently as needed" and "It is unlikely that a 0.5% cap will be the limit. We will proceed with rate hikes as necessary"—give a strong impression of a hawkish stance, indicating that the policy interest rate could rise to near 1% in the near future.

When interest rates rise, it’s obvious that both companies and individuals face reduced capacity for financing, leading to tighter financial conditions. While one might borrow money at 1%, borrowing would become less attractive at 10%. Similarly, as interest rates rise, fewer people will borrow money. With fewer borrowers, consumption will decline (because there’s less money to spend), and decreased consumption will hurt corporate performance. Poor corporate performance will lead to lower stock prices. This follows the logic of "when the wind blows, the bucket maker benefits," as higher interest rates, like high blood pressure, have adverse effects on the economy. Interest rates are the lifeblood of capitalism, and rising rates create high pressure that negatively impacts the economic system.

You might think, "So, is the Kishida administration trying to induce a stock market decline???" But I doubt they have the intellectual capacity or judgment to consider such complex matters. They are likely preoccupied with maintaining their approval ratings. After all, this is the person who created the powerful term “Waseda after two years of浪” (repeating a year). Waseda after two years of浪. Why Waseda and why after two years of浪? It’s a powerful term. A beloved senior. He doesn’t own a single stock himself.

Do you remember when Prime Minister Kishida came into office and proposed the concept of "new capitalism"? The definition and goals of new capitalism have strayed quite a bit from the initial explanations, and even experts have had to admit that Kishida seems like a "regular capitalist." However, I believe that at the core, Kishida might have a deep-seated anger toward traditional capitalism. After all, he went to Waseda after repeating two years.

Regular capitalism is based on debt and consumption, driving a consumption society by continually stimulating the desire to "consume even if it means borrowing money." Bernard Arnault is a prime example of this. He has created a brand value that everyone aspires to, and people—from celebrities and Hollywood stars to ordinary individuals—spend their hard-earned money on brands like Louis Vuitton and Hennessy. Arnault built this collection system. In other words, the person who creates something that people want so badly they’re willing to go into debt to get it wins. In the consumer market, Bernard Arnault represents the pinnacle of this drive, while in the investment market, the pinnacle is the stock exchanges, like the Tokyo Stock Exchange or NASDAQ. Margin trading, for example, is a prime case of this, with the energy behind "buying stocks on margin that are expected to rise" being immense. Human desires and the force of these desires have driven capitalism. The factor that dampens these two major desires, "debt and consumption," is interest rates. If interest rates are zero, that's one thing, but if policy rates rise to 1% or 2%, it will dampen both borrowing and consumption. That’s why stock prices fall when rates rise—the future of reduced borrowing and decreased consumption becomes evident.

Let's shift the angle of the discussion a bit. How many people’s lives have truly changed because of AI or generative AI? For those in web development, coding, or systems development, there might be some who have seen a dramatic reduction in engineering costs and have had their lives changed. But comparing those whose lives have been changed by the internet or fintech to those changed by AI, the difference is probably huge. The number of people whose lives have changed due to AI is likely much smaller. Why is that? Because AI doesn’t create debt or consumption. While it might help with the efficiency of capitalism, it can't expand capitalism. Think about it: people avoid meeting others by interacting with AI, follow AI-generated virtual idols, or live with AI because marriage seems inconvenient. Where is the room for debt and consumption in this scenario? In other words, AI and capitalism are not a good match. At least, the current AI market driven by hardware (processing machines, semiconductors) is not compatible with capitalism because it doesn't stimulate fundamental debt and consumption.

Additionally, excessive liquidity markets—where governments print money to stimulate the economy—are also poorly matched with AI. As AI becomes smarter, it might start saying things like, "Do you really think trickle-down economics works? Look at the savings balances of elderly people in Japan, idiot," or "How can you overcome inflation with endlessly printed worthless money? Are you stupid?" or "Seriously, raising rates will collapse the value of yen assets and lower bond prices, so you should avoid it." In essence, AI will start revealing the truth. And that truth carries the risk of fundamentally destroying the deceptive capitalist society that barely functions by weaving together irrationalities. Therefore, AI is extremely incompatible with capitalism— fundamentally incompatible. Blockchain was also quite incompatible with capitalism (or rather, democracy), but AI and capitalism are like oil and water: thoroughly incompatible.

It's very intriguing that the collapse of the AI and semiconductor markets has been a key factor in the recent downturn in the stock market. Additionally, yen-buying interventions have further accelerated this decline, occurring almost on the same day. Moreover, the Bank of Japan's rate hikes, which have been justified as “normalizing” monetary policy, have further exacerbated the situation. While it's certainly not as if these events can be dismissed as mere conspiracy theories, the simultaneous emergence of negative factors that impede the "debt and consumption" engine of capitalism—however coincidental—remains extremely interesting.

4.The fools who fall for fraudulent ads generated by AI, and the fools who lose money to market algorithms (AI) that are designed to exploit those who are deceived

The smarter AI becomes, the closer we get to a "Terminator" scenario where, as humans increasingly rely on AI, a confrontation between humanity and AI becomes inevitable. This isn't just a sci-fi fantasy—it's a stark reality. After all, AI is designed to find optimal solutions. The optimal solutions for humanity and the Earth might very well involve reducing the population and eliminating foolish people. Once AI becomes smart enough to reach this conclusion, the AI industry could become immense, but there’s no guarantee that humanity will be able to control it.

Compared to this, today’s AI is like child’s play. It might make certain tasks easier or lead to scenarios where fraudsters using AI-generated ads make money, only to lose it all when they invest in the market and get wiped out by algorithms. This is a relatively trivial matter. With AI at its current level, no real innovation is likely to occur.

In the end, the current AI bubble was nothing more than a house of cards. Once its true nature was exposed, funds quickly withdrew from the market, and everyone took a moment to reassess. It’s clear upon calm reflection: "In a world with interest rates, and with AI becoming somewhat usable, what kind of world can we expect?" The answer is straightforward. "A world where, using AI as efficiently as possible while minimizing hiring and reducing interest costs," becomes possible. Is that a thriving economy? No. That’s why we are currently experiencing a drastic decline in the stock market—indeed, in all financial markets—that seems almost intent on negation.

In short, the world is standing at a crossroads between entering a stagflation recession or maintaining a period of prosperity. Whether we can withstand this critical juncture depends on the following essential factors:

・A weaker yen
・Rising stock prices
・sing bond prices

If these factors are not met, it will signal the beginning of the era of "New Capitalism". The key currency of that time will undoubtedly be Bitcoin. All central banks will be required to hold Bitcoin as reserves to issue currency. With the majority of the 21 million Bitcoins already issued, they will become assets that are virtually inaccessible and nearly impossible to purchase. Therefore, if you hold Bitcoin or assets that are not dependent on fiat currencies (like gold or real estate), you will have a good chance of surviving, regardless of whether the world ends or the era of New Capitalism arrives.

If these factors are not met, it will signal the beginning of the era of "New Capitalism". The key currency of that time will undoubtedly be Bitcoin. All central banks will be required to hold Bitcoin as reserves to issue currency. With the majority of the 21 million Bitcoins already issued, they will become assets that are virtually inaccessible and nearly impossible to purchase. Therefore, if you hold Bitcoin or assets that are not dependent on fiat currencies (like gold or real estate), you will have a good chance of surviving, regardless of whether the world ends or the era of New Capitalism arrives.

Despite this, seeing Bitcoin drop 10% due to a minor decline in the stock market seems absurd. How much contempt can the financial markets have for modern people? Bitcoin presents a perfect opportunity for accumulation whenever it drops—at 50,000 yen, 150,000 yen, 500,000 yen, or 1,000,000 yen. No matter how much you try to convey the true essence, it seems it will never be understood. Miss the chance to buy when the opportunity comes, and you might find the moon shining on the dark day.

5.So, what should be done?

Finally, as usual, I'll give clear instructions that even a fool can understand. As mentioned in the first section, stocks will continue to fall, but the selling climax is approaching. The targets are as follows:

・Nikkei 225: around 33,000 yen
・USD/JPY: around 144.533 yen

Here, we should hit the bottom. Short sellers should keep selling aggressively until this level is reached. Once we get to this level, take your profits, withdraw the gains, and exchange them for Bitcoin. Store Bitcoin semi-permanently until it multiplies by over 100 times from here. Honestly, it might be worth buying aggressively, even with the risk of averaging down by about 3,000 yen, but since pushing further may deplete your resources, please approach with caution to avoid any losses.

It is likely that next Monday will bring a severe drop, akin to Black Monday, and a circuit breaker might be triggered at 33,000 yen (a trading halt to prevent further decline). If you start seeing comments like "stocks are finished, we're doomed," there is a strong possibility of a sudden surge towards the 8SQ (the second Thursday of the two-week period), and the market might rebound to 38,000 yen with comments like "Back to 38,000 yen, you idiots who sold!" So be cautious about selling too much. Again, the selling climax is near. It’s coming soon. For reference, I’ve attached the SQ value list for you to review carefully. Those with a good intuition might notice something important.

Reference 7) 2024 SQ Values

Buying at the bottom would be the best outcome, so let’s aim for that. I believe by the end of the year, the market will rise as if the summer and autumn crashes were just a lie. We might see the dollar-yen at 165 yen or the Nikkei at 45,000 yen. Let’s see if this prediction turns out to be accurate.

By the way, if the Nikkei breaks below 33,000 yen and drops to 28,000 yen or 25,000 yen, and if the yen moves back to around 120 yen, unfortunately, Japan's revival might not materialize. This drop will be remembered in history as the “Two-Year Waseda Market.” In that case, we’ll hold on to Bitcoin and wait for the new capitalism. Along with the “Two-Year Waseda” legacy. May the Niro be with you.

"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.

This is a membership (circle) recommended for the following individuals:

  • Those interested in the genesis and truth of WWB, its current status, and future possibilities.

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"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.

A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.

With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

▼Purchase the book here▼

"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

▼Purchase the book here▼
