
米国Top MBA生の書く英語試験回答例~TOEFL Independent Writing編①~


本日から無料企画を始めようと思います。ざっくり言うと「いわゆる試験英語を米国Top MBA卒が回答したらどんな回答になるの?」というものです。主にTOEFLや大学入試のアウトプット系の試験(WritingやSpeaking)を対象にしていこうと思います。記念すべき第一回目は、TOEFLを受験する方には鬼門の一つ、Independent Writingです!



※ 以下のルールで書いています。

Q: Some people think that parents should plan their children’s leisure time carefully. Other people believe? those children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time, Which idea do you agree with? Give reasons for your choice.
I firmly believe that parents should not interfere with what their children do during their spare time. Undue interference could terribly undermine the children’s sense of independence and, in the worst case, children would end up being a helpless individual. What follows is my rationale behind this argument.
To begin with, children are supposed to learn how to plan their leisure time by themselves. This is not a trivial matter. An ability to plan a schedule could be a critical factor to survive in the real world when they grow up. Personally, I have seen a lot of people who are not capable of planning what they have to do and how to prioritize things in private life or in the workplace. I feel that the lack of the ability could be, at least in part, attributable to the lack of practice of planning their schedule in childhood. Parents should not take away the opportunities to practice this training in childhood when a mistake would not lead to a critical result. If they grow up without this ability, it is much harder to nurture it later in life and the children could end up being helpless persons.
Secondly, parents do not completely understand what their children really want to do. Not to mention, parents are a totally different individual from their children and cannot understand what the children actually wish to do during their leisure time. The children might want to play a videogame, while the parents want them to study harder. According to a research conducted by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, if a desire to do something is suppressed unreasonably in childhood, the desire will be getting bigger and would present itself in an unhealthier way when he/she grows up and becomes able to do anything they want. In the example above, the children who are not allowed to play a videogame as long as they want might be addicted to it and cannot stop playing it later. This could be a disaster and, unfortunately, the parents cannot be of any help at this point. Parents should let their children engage in an activity they wish to as long as it is not illegal or hurting someone else.
Finally, children can be more responsible than adults usually expect. I totally understand what people against my rationales argue in the belief that children cannot take responsibility for their wrongdoing, so parents should plan all that they do and be willing to take responsibility on behalf of them. However, in my view, children are not irresponsible for what they have done especially when their behaviors are what they truly want to do. I know a piece of academic evidence on this argument indicating that children would be more responsible for their actions when they act based on their authentic beliefs.
In total, parents should not prevent their children from doing what they want to do for the reasons I discussed above. The interference could sabotage the children’s opportunities to practice schedule by themselves. Also, parents should be respectful of their children as a different individual. Plus, typically children have a sense of responsibility than adults usually assume.


