
函館のダイの自己紹介です。(This is a self-introduction of Dai in Hakodate.)


Since my hometown is Hakodate in Hokkaido, my pen name is "Hakodate Dai".




After 18 years of experience as a recruitment consultant and personnel MGR at an international recruitment company, I am a freelance recruitment and training consultant.



For 18 years, we have supported career changes from professionals in their 20s to executives in their 60s, with a focus on distribution, eating out, services, consumers, construction, and real estate.
Over 18 years, we have successfully counseled more than 8,000 registrants and supported more than 400 companies.


2005年、2006年 西日本個人年間MVP 2年連続受賞と順調にキャリアを積み重ね、シニアコンサルタント・MGRへと昇格。

In 2005 and 2006, he was promoted to senior consultant MGR after steadily accumulating his career with receiving the West Japan Individual Annual MVP Award for the second consecutive year.
Due to his achievements, he moved from the Osaka branch to the Tokyo head office, participated as an MGR for a new project, and experienced management of up to 14 people.
After that, he was selected for the in-house consultant recruitment strengthening project, and served as MGR and senior recruiter of the recruitment team of the personnel department, and contributed greatly to recruitment.




(1) Temporary job (change of job)-> Based on the experience of a recruitment consultant of a recruitment company in the previous job, know-how of changing jobs, actual work contents of each industry, working hours, salary and skills to acquire. And from the personnel MGR experience, know-how of hiring employees and training skills.
It is possible to provide information to those who have no experience in other companies or industries and who want to know the actual situation or who want to get happiness by changing jobs (rewarding, skill improvement, salary increase, etc.).
In addition, from numerous interviews and negotiation experiences with companies, various information other than job changes that leads to success in life.


(2) Investment-> I have about 20 years of investment experience. We have experienced numerous investment failures, the collapse of the IT bubble, the Lehman shock, and the corona shock, which have caused three major stock price drops, and have overcome them.



③Health-> I will introduce the diet and exercise that I have practiced in the past year as a health nerd.







① Temporary job (change of job)-> I would like you to move in a happy direction by providing information that allows you to make correct decisions at the crossroads of your life.

(2) Investment-> "It seems that the service of Matsui Securities in May 1998 was the first time that individual investors could buy stocks on the Internet in earnest.
Around this time, I started trading stocks specializing in the Internet.
There are no individuals around me who trade stocks, and I remember that the fees are quite high even in the Internet environment. Starting with Japanese stocks, we have achieved results in purchasing domestic and foreign investment trusts, buying and selling US stocks and US ETFs, buying and selling virtual currencies, and CFD trading at foreign securities companies.
Through this experience, I was able to establish a long-term funded investment method for overseas ETFs and overseas investment trusts that will definitely generate profits.

From this experience, I would like to pass on investment know-how and use it to aim for FIRE from 10 years of investment or to create an elegant living foundation after retirement.

③ Health-> Health I hope that you will enjoy your life by getting it.


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