







The Dictionary of Snobs:May 28th(Tuesday)

"The Dictionary of Snobs" (Zokubutsu Zukan) is a novel by Yasutaka Tsutsui, published by Shinchosha 52 years ago in 1972. I remember reading it over a few days in my dorm room when I was a freshman in Waseda University (1981).

The bizarre characters and relationships of the snobs gathered at the critic agency "Ryōzanpaku Productions" were not only out of the ordinary, but the critics' actions and statements regarding their special themes for society were deeply insightful. This made me realize the futility of simplistic thinking when considering ways of living.

Furthermore, after finishing the book, I remember being struck by an inexpressible sense of humor and a cynically skewed perspective on society, which left me in a state of mental paralysis and lingering aftereffects for a while.

When I read this novel (though it was published in 1972) in the 1980s, Japan was still full of vitality, with a clear, shared national goal of catching up with the Western countries. Despite various societal issues, there was a sense of optimism, a willingness to work hard, and an overall bright and constructive atmosphere in society.

In contrast, what about Japan today? Faced with the unclear goal of achieving "carbon neutrality by 2050," we are unable to decide on concrete policy designs. When the United States, now an energy-exporting country, criticizes the decarbonization outlook of the International Energy Agency (IEA)—which has represented the views of energy-consuming countries—we see "experts" wagging their tails and joining the criticism of the IEA.

The eccentric critics in "The Dictionary of Snobs" seem much more trustworthy to me now.