




 10日ほど前から,毎朝,小さじ一杯のアマニ油をコーヒーに入れて飲み続け,お昼にはカスピ海ヨーグルトにもアマニ油を入れて食べてきた。昨日,2ヵ月に一度の主治医のところでの血液検査では,LDLが89 mg/dLに低下し,HDLが51 mg/dLに上がった。これは結構,効果があるのかもしれない。

Cholesterol:June 9th(Sunday)

Cholesterol is a type of lipid found in the human body. It is an essential material for making cell membranes, hormones, and bile acids. However, if the amount of cholesterol dissolved in the blood becomes either excessive or insufficient, it can cause conditions such as arteriosclerosis or cerebral hemorrhage.

Cholesterol binds with proteins and other substances to form lipoproteins, which dissolve in the blood. There are two types of lipoproteins: LDL (low-density lipoprotein), known as "bad" cholesterol, which carries cholesterol from the liver throughout the body and stores it; and HDL (high-density lipoprotein), known as "good" cholesterol, which transports cholesterol accumulated in the blood vessel walls back to the liver.

For a long time, I have been in an imbalanced state where the LDL level, a factor for lifestyle diseases, was high, and the HDL level was low. I have been taking medication and paying attention to my diet and moderate exercise.

About ten days ago, I started drinking a teaspoon of flaxseed oil in my coffee every morning and adding it to Caspian Sea yogurt at lunch. Yesterday, at my bi-monthly blood test with my primary care physician, my LDL level dropped to 89 mg/dL, and my HDL level rose to 51 mg/dL. This may indeed be quite effective.