

Nice to meet you. My name is Hy (Hy) and I am working as a Business Development Manager in Singapore. This time  we're going to give you my introduction both in English and Japanese .

きっかけは「日本好き」 The trigger was a "love of Japan".

I started working for this company because I "love Japan very much." Four years ago, when I quit the PR company I was working for and started looking for a job, I found "SingaLife". At that time, it was my second time job hunting, so there were fewer offers and fewer options than the first time.

Among these options, I was most attracted to SingaLife. Partly because Japan has been my favorite country since I was a child, but also because I thought that a Japanese company dealing with web-related business was very fresh and interesting. For these reasons, I accepted the offer that Mr. Iida gave me with the mindset of "just giving it a try for the time being.


日本人と一緒にお仕事してみて感じた「シンガポール人のライフスタイルと異なる部分」 Lifestyle difference between Japanese and Singaporean

When I started working at SingaLife, I was surprised at how different our lifestyles are! For example, Japanese people read printed materials such as magazines and newspapers. Most Singaporeans don't read printed matter anymore. They all use digital versions of magazines and newspapers. The reason is probably because Singaporeans are not good at having (owning) many things.

「同僚と外食に行くこと」に驚き Surprised at "going out to eat with co-workers."

Another thing that surprised me when I first joined the company was how much all the employees enjoyed the dinners. I was really surprised at how much they enjoyed drinking and eating together, as if they were friends. In Singapore, colleagues are usually not that close to each other, even though you had some close friends , its just two or three . So it is pretty rare for all the employees to be close.

And even when I do go out to eat with my colleagues, we never enjoy drinking and eating at the same table! In Singapore, it is common to change place, such as having a meal and then going to a bar. This is true not only when meeting colleagues, but also when meeting friends.

感謝の言葉がモチベーションに繋がる Motivation is a word of thanks.

One of the best things about working at SingaLife is the appreciation from the representatives and colleagues. This is a big point and I think it motivates me a lot.

There are many things I have learned working for SingaLife. For example, sales, marketing, human resource management, PR (publicity/public relations), recruiting, and many more. And most of all, I am grateful for the trust that our CEO has in me. Whenever I share an idea with him and tell him I want to do something, he says, "Please do it. I realize how difficult it is to find a boss who trusts his employees so much, appreciates them so much, and gives them opportunities to learn.

From that aspect, I am truly grateful to SingaLife for inspiring me to think about what "working" should be like.

SingaLifeの魅力は本当に「人」  The attraction of SingaLife is really "people".

The people are really attractive. I am really good friends with my co-workers, and I still get along very well with people I used to work with. The fact that everyone is about the same age allows us to talk to each other about everything, not only work, but also our personal lives. I think one. of the attractions of this company is that we can all work together as a team.

Another thing that I think is attractive is that Mr. Iida is always determined to establish many businesses. That allows us to try and learn many new things too. I think that the fact SingaLife gives us so many opportunities to learn is also the attraction of SingaLife.

将来の目標はSingaLifeと良い関係を築きながらいつか独立すること Future goal is "independence"

I am now living a very fulfilling life. There are many things that I want to do as an individual within the company and many things that the company as a whole should aim for. I believe that after clearing them one by one, I will be able to become independent. Mr. Iida supports my future independence, and as a representative of the company, I respect him and feel that he is a good friend of mine.

In this environment with attractive people and ready to take on the challenge of new steps, I intend to move forward toward my dreams while considering the true meaning of "work".

Next time I'll tell you more about what I do about my job.

Japan Navi Group問い合わせ

Fifty One Media メディアウェブサイト
Weekly SingaLife;https://singalife.com
Study In Japan(英語):www.studyinjapansg.com

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