
理科系の論理構造と優雅さ        (Logical structure and elegance in science)




There is a type of written expression in science texts that does not appear as often in humanities texts. It is expression through mathematical formulas. Mathematical expressions, while having a mathematical background, provide useful information in science, which searches for laws in the real world. It is as if there are three poles: the real world, the world of verbal thinking, and the world of mathematics. 
 Mathematics has always been a high class tool. It was one of the amusements to solve the mysteries of the world, popular among the aristocracy. 
 But now mathematics has become the solid ground of modern science. This mathematics no longer remains on the notebooks of the workplace, smudged and smeared with sweat, blood, and tears, but it gives one the impression that at certain times, an elegance emerges from it. This elegance can be said to come from history, but it may also come from the strength of the scientific arm that takes on the mysteries of the world of mathematics. It may also come from the time spent facing one's own mathematical thinking.
 The backbone of logic in science is mathematics. What logic cannot boil down to is the real world. I cannot help but feel that this gap is the very mathematical structure of the world. Furthermore, I think that mathematics, which describes the real world, observes the fractal-like structure of trees.        This is the logical structure of science. Explaining reality in the world of mathematics, however, leaves a deep gap that cannot be filled. Just as the more one investigates a mystery, the more new mysteries are created, is the god of mathematics gently laughing at those who struggle desperately in this world full of chasms?
