
歌詞を読む8 「国生み」

english bellow


淡路 伊予 阿波 隠岐 筑紫 壱岐 対馬 佐渡

この世界をうみましょう すべての命 はじまる
物語が あふれだすの 光と闇よ まざれ

国めぐり争うの 刀と弓矢

二度死んでも蘇る 男が王になるでしょう
嘘をつく女の子 あまのじゃくに
嗚呼 八つ頭もつ大蛇 酒が好き

そうよ 物語つみあげて世界になる


扉が開いた 地上は輝く

忘れないで伝えてね つみあげてゆく話を
それらこそが世界になる この国をかたちづくる

もろみなに宿るでしょう 命語り
そうよ あなたにもうまれゆく物語

そうよ 物語つみあげて世界になる

「Birth of the country」

Awaji,  Iyo,  Awa,  Oki,  Tsukushi,  Tsushima,  Sado

Let’s bear this world where every kind of life shall begin
Oh, light and darkness overflowing in this tale, mix to each other

Those blades and bows causing wars in the country

The man shall die twice and reborn, to become the king
The demon-girl, always lying
Oh, great snake bearing eight heads, you love to drink

But also sadness and happiness
Weave them into each other and bear everything
Oh yes, the tale shall pile up little by little and become this world

Look, You, the virgin whom cloistered herself
The Earth is enshrouded in darkness
“Go outside”  “Oh no”
“What should I do...Sing! Dance!” “What a ruckus” 
The door is open and the Earth is shining

Narrate this tale shaping itself little by little,
without forgetting anything of it

It will become the world, and shape this country
This tale of life shall dwell in everyone
Yes, this story shall also be born in you

Happiness, sadness
Every heaps and piles of it shall pile together
and everything shall be born
Oh yes, the tale shall pile up little by little and become this world


*アルバム「新訳古事記 イザナミの段 KOJIKI - Japanese mythology-」(2019) より

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