世界や関係性の病に対しての免疫力をアップデートする Update immunity to the world and relational diseases


There are many wonderful religious teachings in the world and many wonderful believers. I do not deny that fact. I would rather respect that fact.

However, I am saddened and regret that because of their goodness, they are unable to stop the spreading of the cycle of responsibility shifting and violence, or that they are used in the opposite way.


The "good" and the “bad” don’t cancel each other out. If a group has also done “good things,” but on the other hand has done excessively “bad things,” it is a “bad group.


If Hitler had picked up a wet puppy.


I also added an English translation, though it is a machine translation.

The translation may be strange.

Sorry if it is hard to read.


I contemplate the possibility of "our solidarity and cooperation" not only with students, but with all people around the world who are oppressed and subjugated by structures of domination, manipulation and exploitation.


There are valuable truths in each of these seemingly conflicting insights. Each of them is valuable in its own right, because they are different perspectives with their own autonomy.





The important thing is not to compete with each other for the superiority of each other's truth or to suppress or shut down the other's truth. They are simply different points of view, and they must be encompassed in a larger context.

To be specific, we must find common ground for each issue. It is about deepening each truth or issue. By deepening them, we are sure to come across universal issues somewhere.

We will surely encounter a situation that requires a shift in thinking to rethink them in a larger context and transcend the limitations of existing frameworks. Only then will it be possible to have constructive dialogues and discussions that are truly beneficial to the future, while maintaining mutual autonomy and respect.

The key is not to give up halfway. Don't pretend to understand. And don't leave it to others. You must start from your own feet and work on them.



I am a second generation religious person. I have been subjected to moral harassment, religious harassment (which is abuse using religion), group stalking, gaslighting (which is mental abuse to manipulate perceptions), and other acts of assault, violation, abuse, human rights violations, etc. by my parents, siblings, and ex-husband, and fortunately or unfortunately, with actual experience I have also had the good fortune to observe perpetrators of moral harassment, harassment, stalking, gaslighting, etc. up close and personal. It seems that there are some common characteristics of these perpetrators. The characteristics of these perpetrators are surprisingly visible when we watch the news that is making the rounds.

Some examples are as follows


They are the ones who cling to the relationship, dragging it down and hindering it, yet they manipulate every situation, place and relationship to make it seem as if it is the other side’s problem.


The premise is wrong to begin with: selfish delusions, beliefs, religious delusions, etc.


They assume a delusion that is convenient for them and make it a public fact: they make it known that the other side has a problem, and then they set up situations, occasions, conditions, etc., so that the other side, who has become emotional, actually causes the problem. And they spread misinformation and prejudice to the people around them and make it known to the public. In this way, they justify the continuation of their (their own) perpetrated abusive behavior.


The perpetrator intentionally incites the victim to become emotionally involved through persistent and insidious abuse and harassment, and then, when the victim has reached the end of his/her patience, makes it known as “the problem is the immaturity of the other party (group) who is too emotionally involved,” etc:






The perpetrator intentionally incites the victim to become emotionally involved through persistent and insidious abuse and harassment, and then, when the victim has reached the end of his/her patience, makes it known as “the problem is the immaturity of the other party (group) who is too emotionally involved,” etc:

The perpetrators themselves ‘replace their own position with that of the victim.

Despite the perpetrators themselves committing such brutal and despicable acts of perpetration, violation of human rights, and unjustified infringement and occupation over a long period of time that they could be killed in revenge by their victims,

We will be killed! We will be killed!” “They are a dangerous group of people who will do anything to us! They will get revenge! They are terrorists!

They are terrorists!” and so on, and by making a fuss and propagandizing around them, they replace their own position as perpetrators with that of the victims.

In this way, they (perpetrators) spread prejudice by pretending to seek sympathy, cooperation, understanding, and consent from those around them, and not only do they “not apologize, atone, or make reparations” to the original victims, but they “force them to make unjust concessions, retreat, etc.”


This is a vicious strategy to shift the blame from the perpetrators themselves to the victims, but also to oppress them and force them to back down from their legitimate rights and push through with their own greedy and outrageous demands.


*In this way, the victim, the people involved, and the people around them are confused and their perceptions are distorted because their normal perceptions are disturbed when they are put in this category, because they use their relationships, including those around them, to create facts based on delusions and fictions. This method of manipulating perceptions and mental abuse is called gaslighting.



◆All of the normal efforts to build a healthy relationship will be avenged (and increasingly exacerbate the perpetrator).

 Any effort to build a normal healthy relationship with someone who is trying to deceive you in the first place is to welcome a being who should be repelled into a place and relationship that should not be allowed to intrude.


Religion, while it can be used and exploited, is unfortunately unlikely to have the self-cleansing capacity to normalize or sanitize the problem. Rather, It is more likely to become a hotbed.



There are many wonderful religious teachings in the world and many wonderful believers. I do not deny that fact. I would rather respect that fact.

However, I am saddened and regret that because of their goodness, they are unable to stop the spreading of the cycle of responsibility shifting and violence, or that they are used in the opposite way.



The Intrapsychic structure of personality disorders and aggressive personalities is said to be an externalizing structure (an intrapsychic structure that shifts responsibility to the outside).

Example: attributing negativity to something other than oneself. Other-blaming and other-punishing (intentionally framing and blaming others, falsely accusing and punishing others), etc. 





Some religions pave the way for externalizing structures (shifting responsibility to the outside world, attributing negativity to something other than oneself, other-blaming, other-punishing, etc.) to be further reinforced and justified, thus giving an excuse to justify relationships based on selfish delusions.

Not only that, they demand apologies, redemption, gratitude, and even rewards from their victims while perpetrating, abusing, and violating them through the “messiah fantasy: I (we) will save others (the world). They also greedily demand that the victim step down from his/her rightful rights and position.

Furthermore, it seems to me that the failure to get what is demanded can be used as a pretext to justify escalating the attack, such as ‘leading, punishing, or teaching a foolish opponent’.





◆There is a paradox that when dealing with individuals (or groups) who have an "externalizing structure of shift the blame and lay the blame on others" in their internal mental structure, normal efforts to build and improve healthy relationships will be counterproductive and only serve to aggravate the situation. This is because it only provides them with an excuse or opening to take advantage of.

The basic rule of thumb is to discard a corrupt relationship. It would be better if it were possible to break off the relationship and run away from it, but if that is difficult in reality, we need to think about how the relationship should be. All we know is that it cannot be dealt with the way it has always been.

I think it is necessary to update the way we think and perceive the way individuals and groups should be and the way relationships should be.



(One example is to refer to the findings and clinical methods of experts who can identify their strategies:

I believe that it is necessary to set constructive and healthy "limits and boundaries" with reference to the clinical methods of experts and "return their responsibility to them" in order to stop their vicious cycle of blame-shifting and violence.)


The problem lies In the way individuals and groups satisfy their self-esteem by humiliating others, justifying acts of aggression and abuse, and betraying trust, deceiving, and taunting others as proof of their own and the group’s superiority.

It Is important to pay attention to how we are and how we relate to ourselves and to others, and to have the ability to make choices so that we do not fall into the category of such corrupt relational pathologies.

It Is also necessary to be well aware of “the nature of the diseased relationship that erodes and corrupts the relationship from the inside.


The party In need of a corrupt relationship needs someone to blame and sacrifice for its own conflicts to the outside world, so it is skilled in the art of deceiving and eroding the healthy partnerships and trust that people build. It is far beyond the imagination of anyone with a healthy mind or soul.

Some of them resort to emotional blackmail, such as psychological extortion (this is an obvious example), but others are more subtle, invading close relationships (e.g., financial partnerships) and intimate relationships (e.g., private partnerships) from their surrounding networks, gathering information, entangling, pressuring, and so on. The range of activities is wide, including



The cycle of violence is said to be a learning problem.

*Violence: includes physical, psychological, and social violence





At some point in their development, perpetrators learn the flavor of violence. And each time he or she chooses to benefit from violence, these brain circuits are reinforced.

And once the set of violence and pleasure (profit, flavor) is learned, it is difficult to give it up. First of all, the individual must be able to recognize it as a problem, but for them it Is not a problem, it has become 'the problem of the surroundings and the other person.

If they (the perpetrators) themselves can get pleasure and taste, and can shift the responsibility to the other party (the victim) at the cost of violence, it is a magic wand that they (the perpetrators) themselves must cover up by any means and “must not give it up even if it deceives themselves and others.

It Is like a magic gavel. If they strike it as they please, they make a profit. It produces a good taste. It gives pleasure. They will not let it go. It is perhaps more natural to assume that it is normal to try to control, manipulate, and squeeze as much of the flavor out of it as possible.


The problem is not only a problem for the person concerned and those around him or her.


Because violence is a learned problem.

It spreads as a relational pathology that infects the relational style and mimics or be complicit in it, whether front stage or behind the scenes.

Not only that, it is a kind of "relationship cancer" that leads to the overall dysfunction of the foundations necessary for healthy relationships, such as trust, integrity, and a sense of community, which are necessary for a healthy working relationship in the first place.


On universal human rights

人権を否定し踏みにじる個人や集団に対して、人権を適用するのか? できるのか? という基本的な問題もあると思います。秩序やルールを一律に適用するのには現実に限界があるように思われます。

Do we apply human rights to individuals or groups that deny and trample on human rights? Can we? I think there is also the basic question of “Can we do it? There seems to be a practical limit to the uniform application of order and rules.






I believe that those who ridicule and taunt universal human rights as a theoretical theory, an ideal, or an illusion anyway do not understand the basics.

It is a provisional tool, and the illusory nature of ideas and concepts is the same for all orders, rules, and restrictions in human society, because they are basically one provisional tool that is assumed.

Order is a provisional boundary, a delimitation, a means, a tool, an art (technology), and a fluid thing that is renewed from time to time.

The concept of universal human rights, though illusory, is a common denominator, a tentative assumption or proposal, a hope (and by hope, we mean a possibility, an expectation) that will bring order to people of diverse circumstances and backgrounds living within the great vehicle that is the earth at this point in time. It is a tentative assumption or proposal.

It is dangerous to perceive it in an unserious or immature way of thinking. Reality is far beyond imagination and basically bottomless. Order is barely woven into the fabric because it is created by the majority believing that the foundation is secured by hard work: through illusory, hypothetical, and provisional means.

Moreover, the ideal or idea of universal human rights is basically only limited to the human organism, which exists in one vehicle, the earth. Nonetheless, it is a valuable first step, with hopes and possibilities for the future.


I think the world view needs to be updated.




The first step is to pay attention and become aware.

We need to pay attention to the way we and others exist and relate to each other, starting with our immediate surroundings, and consider whether there are "structures of control, manipulation, and exploitation" in that way of being.

If you become aware of them, try to distance yourself from them, either psychologically or physically, and observe them carefully.

Control structures are basically relationships that may be useful temporarily and provisionally, but should be terminated when immediate emergencies are dealt with.

This is because it is also a pathological structure of relationship called "tyranny. It is also a structure that inevitably leads to the corruption of power.

In a dominate-subordinate relationship or domination structure, the lower one is placed, the harsher and more cruel the transfer of oppression becomes, but it is the lower structure that effectively supports the hierarchical structure. It is like a system that destroys the important foundation on which it is placed.

The healthy state of nature is basically a holonic structure, consisting of a hierarchical structure of "inclusion and transcendence.


I would also like to suggest adding the concepts of autonomy, homeostasis, and fluidity as tools for thinking and viewing the world.


The Image of autonomy that we are referring to here is very close to the emergent and active power and orientation inherent in nature, itself, life, and existence.

Some people may think of autonomy as a strict self-discipline, but this is simply one aspect of autonomy, and it is better to think of it as just that.

It is better to think of it as a state of being in accordance with the inner logic and function of life and existence itself.


the capacity of a rational individual to make an informed, un-coerced decision

合理的な個が、総合的にすべての情報を与えられた(得ている)状態で、他からの干渉を受けない自由な意思決定をすることが可能なキャ パシティー(可能な能力・状態=権利・権能)

オートノミー - Wikipediaより

Autonomy is an English word derived from ancient Greek. The concept is derived from the ancient Greek word meaning “one who gives himself his own laws.”

The word Is defined as.

“the capacity of a rational individual to make an informed, uncoerced decision” 

Capacity (possible ability/status = rights/authority) that enables a rational individual to make decisions freely, without interference from others, with all information comprehensively given (obtained).

Autonomy – from Wikipedia(※Japanese version)


One concept closely related to this autonomy is the concept of homeostasis.

恒常性(こうじょうせい)ないしはホメオスターシス(希: ὅμοιοστάσις、英: homeostasis)とは、生物において、その内部環境を一定の状態に保ちつづけようとする傾向のことである。


恒常性(こうじょうせい)ないしはホメオスターシス- Wikipediaより

Homeostasis or homeostasis (Greek: ὅὅμοιοστάσις, English: homeostasis) is the tendency of an organism to maintain its internal environment in a constant state.

Homeostasis is one of the most important properties of living organisms, and refers to the property or state of an organism in which its condition remains constant regardless of changes in internal and external environmental factors.

It Is one of the requirements for an organism to be an organism, and is also an important factor in defining health. It is also referred to as biostasis (/biostasis).

Homeostasis or homeostasis – from Wikipedia(※Japanese version)


心とからだの健康相談室 HOME > 人体の機能とはたらき ホメオスタシスとは

Homeostasis (biological homeostasis) is maintained by the functions of the nervous system (autonomic nervous system) and the endocrine system (hormones), but in recent years, the immune system has been added to these systems and is thought to be maintained by the interaction of the three systems.

Mental and Physical Health Consultation Room HOME > Functions and Functions of the Human Body   What is Homeostasis?




The image of homeostasis here refers to the power or function to maintain a certain state or balance in the overall relationship or state of being, while repeating birth and death, and constantly renewing itself.

Another concept closely related to these is that of fluidity.

Fluidity is flow, or movement.


You may notice that these laws are fundamentally flowing through existence, relationships, and the world, and that they are autonomous, balanced, and working together.

The reason why I would like to propose awareness, images, perspectives, and ways of thinking about these ways of being is because I believe that they contain the key to our future and important wisdom at this stage of our lives.

If we look at the world from the perspective of autonomy, homeostasis, and fluidity, we will be forced to update the way we perceive all things.

Let me mention the most important point for the moment:

This is because it is also the most powerful and universal tool we have at this stage to uncover the pathologies of domination structures and relationships.


Increasing awareness of the autonomy, homeostasis, and fluidity of one’s being will also lead to respecting it.

It will also lead to a deeper awareness of, and respect for, the ways in which other beings and worlds exist and relate to us.

It is natural to develop a worldview through individualized and concrete sensations and experiences that are firmly rooted in one’s mind and body, and through the intellect that recognizes these sensations and experiences.

It is precisely because of the limitations and restrictions of the body that the mind, which is firmly rooted in physical knowledge, and the environment that surrounds it, can develop sensitivity and the intelligence to recognize and distinguish relationships between these sensations and experiences.

When we look at “ourselves,” “beings other than ourselves (not only humans, but all beings),” their “relationships,” and “the world” based on the concepts of autonomy, homeostasis, and fluidity, we may begin to understand, even if only somewhat sensibly, the necessity and method of restraining our desire for domination, conquest, and tyranny. I believe that we will be able to understand the necessity and method of restraining our desire for domination, conquest and tyranny.



The concept of universal human rights and respect for all life and existence, its autonomy, homeostasis, and fluidity, is not a theory on a desk, a picture in a box, a mere fantasy, illusion, or idealism. They start from the way one’s own existence and relationships are, and as one deepens and expands one’s “granularity of awareness and understanding” of others, all beings other than oneself, the world, and the universe, one’s own physicality, relationships with the mind and body, and one's whole being (“body,” “mind,” “soul,” and “spirit/essence”) are developed. It is also an “individual and concrete sensation and awareness” rooted in the mode of existence of our whole being (body, mind, soul, and spirit/essence) as it expands and develops. 

It is no exaggeration to say that everything begins with the relationship with the mysterious “I phenomenon” that is oneself.

The deep insight, awareness, and understanding of oneself, and the respect for autonomy, homeostasis, and fluidity of oneself, is connected to the deep insight, awareness, and understanding of other beings, and the respect for their autonomy, homeostasis, and fluidity, and is a “provisional, intermediate, and temporary foundation” for fairness and equality in the deepest sense of the word. It is a “visionary, interim, and temporary foundation (which is progressively renewed)”, a “compass”.




If we are not at peace with ourselves first, we will not be at peace with others. If we are uncomfortable with ourselves (or alone), we will try to resolve it through our relationships with others. They will try to control other beings and relationships as tools for their own selfish purposes. We must be able to restrain ourselves from such a way of being. It interferes with and distorts autonomy, homeostasis, and fluidity. It is an unjust use of power and violence.

It may start out as small acts of violence, but they ripple out and spread. Violence is a learning process, and as people learn to appreciate and benefit from it, there will be more and more entities that will imitate it, participate in it, and cling to it to maintain their structures of control. Where there is a dominant-subordinate relationship, there will be oppression and transference. And the lower down the hierarchy, the harsher, crueler, and more miserable the oppression becomes. It is like a cycle of violence. Like a relational cancer, it will corrupt the foundation for healthy cooperation from the inside out, eventually making it totally dysfunctional.

The key is always in the relationship at hand.

This is where we need to start, keep our feet on the ground (and Down to Earth) and update our worldview.





■Supplement: Fluidity and homeostasis

Have you ever heard of brackish water area?

It is an area where seawater and freshwater mix, and is the boundary between the sea and rivers. In this area, saltwater fish and freshwater fish swim together.

If you have an image of a boundary area like brackish water, such as wavy or layered gradations, it will be easier to imagine the fluidity and constancy of existence.

汽水域(きすいいき)とは、河川・湖沼および沿海などの水域のうち、汽水(brackish water)が占める区域である。漢字の「汽」は「水気を帯びた」という意味を含み、「汽水」は淡水と海水が混在した状態の液体を指す用語である。






汽水域 - Wikipediaより

A brackish water area is an area of rivers, lakes, marshes, and coastal waters occupied by brackish water.

The Chinese character "汽" includes the meaning "tinged with moisture. "汽水" means "brackish water" in English

Brackish water" is a term used to describe a liquid that is a mixture of fresh and salt water.


Sea level fluctuates with the ebb and flow of the tides, so that at high tide, seawater flows upstream of the estuary, while at low tide, freshwater flows farther downstream. The area affected by both is brackish water. Shallow areas are tidal flats. The area near the mouth of the river has a two-layered structure, with freshwater flowing in from the upper reaches of the river on the upper layer and seawater below, which is called a saltwater wedge.

In general, because of the slower flow velocity in estuaries, the bottom sediment is often sandy mud, and there is a high accumulation of organic matter. The decomposition of this organic matter results in anaerobic conditions within the mud, which gives off a foul odor. However, because of this deposition and decomposition of organic matter, it can support more organisms than it can produce within its area. These phenomena are also an important part of nature’s purification process, and brackish waters have a major function in this regard.


Many organisms that inhabit brackish waters are tolerant of changes in salinity, creating a unique biota. Some freshwater, coastal, and pelagic organisms that do not appear to be dependent on brackish water because of its abundant nutrients and high primary production spend part of their lives in brackish water, including juveniles and young. Because of differences in water temperature and density, freshwater and saltwater do not immediately intersect, but often form layers. Therefore, there are differences in the effects of freshwater and saltwater depending on the depth and distance from running water, and zonal distributions of organisms are often observed. On the freshwater side, wetland angiosperms (reeds, etc.) are found, while on the seaward side, low-salinity tolerant seaweeds are found. Mangrove forests are also common in subtropical and tropical regions.

Brackish water – from Wikipedia(※Japanese version)

English version


We are not beings bounded by firm, definite boundaries, but rather we are fluid beings with boundary areas just like a brackish water body. It may be easier to understand if we imagine that we have our own autonomy while maintaining homeostasis and fluidity.



■Supplement 2: Relationship Corruption and Pathology

It may be easier to recognize relationship corruption and pathology if you have prior knowledge of these: “Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (formerly known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy),” “covert aggressive personality (manipulator, A type of aggressive personality),” “Gaslighting (mental abuse that distorts perception)


他者の身体的・精神的疾患の臨床像を捏造することを指します。多くの場合、養育者・介護者・看護者等により世話をしている相手に対して行われます。この障害は代理人による虚偽性障害や代理ミュンヒハウゼン症候群(MSBP:Munchausen syndorome by proxy)、児童虐待の一種として知られていました。



◆activism that is inflicted on others.

This term refers to the fabrication of a clinical picture of another person’s physical or mental illness. Often perpetrated against the person being cared for by a nurturer, caregiver, nurse, etc. This disorder has been known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP: Munchausen syndorome by proxy), a form of child abuse.

Parents and other caregivers, nurses, caregivers, etc. intentionally create or fabricate physical or mental symptoms or signs in the “person being cared for” (usually the child) rather than in themselves.

Activism that is inflicted on others” differs from self-injurious behavior such as “Factitious Disorder Imposed on Self,” “Munchausen Syndrome,” and “wrist cutting,” in that the person intentionally inflicts injury on others.

It is an act in which the perpetrator seeks to benefit himself/herself (e.g., to satisfy his/her need for approval) by devotedly caring for others whom he/she intentionally inflicted injury on.

The unknowingly substituted victim (child) is repeatedly exposed to repeated suffering, subjected to invasive tests and treatments, or tied to a hospital and kept away from social activities for extended periods of time. They may be left with serious permanent disabilities or even die.


Julie Gregory

Sickened: The True Story of a Lost Childhood

Julie Gregory

Sickened: The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood

MSBP虐待を生き延び、自らが受けた被害を公開しているジュリー・グレゴリーさんの勇気ある告発は、著書『 Sickend [シックエンド]:母に病気にされ続けたジュリー』(竹書房文庫、2004年)に詳細に記録されています。内外の視点から、日常生活の中に織り込まれていく狂気や家族の関係性等もリアルに著されています。病気にされていた当時の母親や家族との写真、当時の医療記録や病院の請求書などの写真も掲載されています。

The courageous accusations of Julie Gregory, a survivor of MSBP abuse who has gone public with the harm she suffered, are documented in detail in her book, Sickened The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood/Sickened The Memoir of a Munchausen by Proxy Childhood.

The book realistically describes the insanity and family relationships that are woven into daily life from both inside and outside perspectives. The book also includes photos of his mother and family at the time he was made ill, medical records and hospital bills from that time.

『親の手で病気にされる子どもたち 医療乱用虐待と代理ミュンヒハウゼン症候群』 [著]南部さおり(学芸みらい社、2021年)

Children Made Sick by Their Parents: Medical Abuse and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, [by] Saori Nambu (Gakugei Mirai Sha, 2021)

 『子どもを病人にしたてる親たち  代理によるミュンヒハウゼン症候群』 [著]坂井聖二(明石書店、 2003年)

 Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy,” by Seiji Sakai (Akashi Shoten, 2003).

MSD マニュアル プロフェッショナル版

他者に負わせる作為症  執筆者  Joel E. Dimsdale , MD, University of California, San Diego  レビュー/改訂 2020年 10月

MSD Manual Professional Version

Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another

By Joel E. Dimsdale, MD, University of California, San Diego Reviewed/Revised Aug 2022

Wikipedia 代理ミュンヒハウゼン症候群

Wikipedia Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy





The most desirable parents are those who love their children.

 Next is the parent who does not love the child but knows it.

 Worst of all are parents who do not love their children but think they do.

 Even worse than the worst are the parents who believe they love their children while emotionally abusing them. They think they are "love people" who love their children, but in fact they are sadists



Moral harassers think they are doing something wonderful, when in fact they are tearing the heart out of the other person. He thinks he is a saint while satisfying the sadistic impulse within him.

The moral harasser fails to understand that what he or she thought was “love” is sadism in disguise. Unable to understand that he or she is not loving the other person, but is controlling him or her with sadism.

モラル・ハラスメントの心理構造  見せかけの愛で相手を苦しめる人  加藤 諦三 大和書房

The Psychological Structure of Moral Harassment: People who Torment Others with Pretended Love    

By Taizo Kato  Yamato Shobo










ジョージ・サイモンPh.D は潜在的攻撃性パーソナリティの例として、人民寺院の教祖だったジム・ジョーンズ、カルト集団ブランチ・ダビディアンの指導者デビッド・コレシュを挙げています。


◆covert aggressive Personality

This is one type of aggressive personality proposed by American psychologist George Simon, Ph.

It refers to a personality that tries to control the other person’s mind at will and dominates the other person for its own benefit.

It is characteristic of the covert aggressive Personality to attack the victim in an extremely cunning and insidious manner that is difficult to discern, in order to fulfill his or her wishes and gain a dominant position.

They seek to win over their opponents, to have them do their bidding, and to have power and control over others.

The tricks they use are casual but effective, overcoming their opponents and maintaining a dominant position in interpersonal relationships.

They know how to present themselves, and are skilled at “false politeness,” “subduing resistance,” “acting charming,” and so on.

They see relationships as an “exploit – be exploited” relationship.

George Simon, Ph.D., cites Jim Jones, the founder of the People’s Temple, and David Koresh, the leader of the cult Branch Davidians, as examples of covert aggressive personalities.

While it is not possible to list all of the ways in which the covert aggressive Personality manipulates relationships and controls others, Dr. George Simon offers the following.






















 〈Selective inattention (or selective attention)〉


 〈Change the subject〉


 〈Implicit threats〉

 〈Guilt tactics〉

 〈Stimulate shame〉

 〈Play the victim・Playing the victim〉

 〈Slander the victims〉

 〈Play the loyal servant〉

 〈Intrigue others〉

 〈Shift the blame(lay the blame on others)〉

 〈feign innocence〉

 〈Feign ignorance or confusion〉

 〈Acting menacingly and threateningly〉

こうした反応行動や対人操作のいくつかは、攻撃性パーソナリティー、とりわけ潜在的攻撃性パーソナリティーが好んで用いる戦術です。これらはそれ自体が対人操作の道具であると同時に、当人が自分を変えることを拒んでいる具体的な抵抗の証でもあるとジョージ・サイモン博士はご著書(IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People George Simon, Jr., Ph.D.『他人を支配したがる人たち 身近にいる「マニピュレーター」の脅威』 ジョージ・サイモン)の中で仰られています。

Some of these reactive behaviors and interpersonal manipulations are favorite tactics of aggressive personalities, especially covert aggressive personalities. They are both tools of interpersonal manipulation in their own right, as well as evidence of the person’s specific resistance to change, according to Dr. George Simon in his book (IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People George Simon, Jr., Ph.D. “The Manipulative Menace Around Us” George Simon).


Making victims and others believe that "they [aggressors] are doing it to protect themselves" is an extremely effective ploy for the aggressors themselves to overwhelm their opponents in the fight.


When a person suffering from a personality disorder exhibits such behavior, many of the reactions that have been thought of as defense mechanisms should be considered to be behaviors to avoid responsibility and intentional acts to manipulate relationships with others and to dominate them.


What is striking about personality disorders, especially aggressive personalities, is that they seek to achieve their desires by mobilizing various emotional languages or by manipulating interpersonal relationships


Denial as fraud is hardly a defense in the first place.

It is the “deliberate manipulation” of the attacker to gradually force the victim to admit their deviousness, to extract concessions from them, or to make them recuse themselves, and in some cases, to make them believe that the victim is the problem.


Their purpose is not to protect themselves from emotional pain, guilt, or shame, nor is it to prevent the events they fear from occurring.

On the contrary, their real purpose in engaging in these acts is to ensure that the desired situation is triggered or to dominate and control others.



By using these tactics, they drive their opponents into a corner and even have some synergistic effects.

First, they can hide their belligerent intentions.

Second, they can put their victims on the defensive by using them frequently.

Third, because they use it habitually, their own antisocial success is increased, but their own strengths in the way they relate to the world are reinforced. The opportunity for them to change their ways becomes more and more remote because the opportunity for them to accept and submit to social norms is blocked.

And fourth, since few people can properly understand what they say and do, these methods are highly effective as a means of exploiting, manipulating, and controlling others.

Those who are familiar with the traditional psychological model would assume that those who exhibit such behavior are "defending themselves.

Making victims and others believe that the aggressors are doing it to defend themselves is an extremely effective ploy for the aggressors themselves to overwhelm their opponents in the fight.

IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People George Simon, Jr., Ph.D. 他人を支配したがる人たち  身近にいる「マニピュレーター」の脅威  ジョージ・サイモン  秋山勝[訳]  草思社文庫 2014)*2013年同社刊行『あなたの心を操る隣人 より

◆ガスライティング(英: gaslighting)



A form of psychological abuse in which false information is intentionally presented to the victim in order to make him or her doubt his or her own memory, perception, and sanity. Examples range from simple denials by the perpetrator of the harassment to bizarre happenings designed to confuse the victim.

The name “gaslighting” is a reference to the play (and film adaptation) Gaslight. The term is now also used in clinical and academic research papers.


心理学者のマーサ・スタウト(英語版)は、ソシオパスはよくガスライティングの手法を使うと述べている。ソシオパスは、絶えず社会的道徳規範から逸脱し、法を破り、他人を食い物とするが、概して表面上は魅力的で、巧みな嘘つきであり、犯罪に関わるようなことはしない。従って、ソシオパスの犠牲者になっている人は自分の認識能力を疑ってしまうことがある。Jacobson と Gottman によると、配偶者間の身体的虐待の加害者の一部は、被害者側にガスライティングを行なっている場合があり、自分が暴力的であったことをきっぱり否定することさえある。

心理学者の Gertrude Gass と William C. Nichols は、夫婦間の不義で時々見られるある種の原動力を描写するのにガスライティングという語を使っている。「セラピストは被害者である女性の反応を誤って解釈することで彼女の苦痛をさらに強めてしまうことがある。… 夫が行なうガスライティングは、一部の女性にはいわゆる神経衰弱をもたらし、最悪の場合、自殺につながる。」


Wikipedia ガスライティング より

A Clinical Example

Psychologist Martha Stout states that sociopaths often use gaslighting techniques. Sociopaths constantly deviate from social moral norms, break the law, and prey on others, but are generally charming on the surface, skillful liars, and do not engage in criminal activity. Thus, people who are victims of sociopaths may doubt their own cognitive abilities.

According to Jacobson and Gottman, some perpetrators of spousal physical abuse may be gaslighting their victims, even denying once and for all that they were violent.

Psychologists Gertrude Gass and William C. Nichols use the term gaslighting to describe a certain dynamic sometimes found in marital infidelity.

The therapist may misinterpret the victim woman’s reactions, thereby intensifying her distress. … gaslighting by husbands can lead to so-called nervous breakdowns in some women and, in the worst cases, to suicide.”

Gaslighting can also be seen in the parent-child relationship. Either the parent or the child, or both, attempt to trick the other into impairing normal cognition. Gaslighting can also be seen between inpatients and medical staff in psychiatric hospitals.

From Wikipedia Gaslighting (※Japanese version)

English version





To put it simply, gaslighters (groups) who use gaslighting as a common practice are like psychological/social "pleasure killers. They are pleasure-seekers who derive some pleasure or profit from ruining others by driving them to suicide or disease, and I would describe them as narcissistic perverts (groups).

I do not think this is an exaggeration.

They may masquerade on the surface as good people, honor students, harmless individuals, devout believers, etc., and while successfully blending into normal human relationships, they may individually or collectively drive others to suicide or illness through insidious abuse and mistreatment, killing them socially, mentally, and sometimes even physically.

And because that is their goal.

How Gaslighting Manipulates Reality  Gaslighting isn’t just between people in a relationship—it involves social power, too By:Paige L. Sweet  October 1, 2022

(ガスライティングが現実をどのように操作するか  ガスライティングは、関係にある人々の間だけでなく、社会的権力も関係しています 投稿者:ペイジL.スウィート 2022年10月1日 )

George Floyd’s Autopsy and the Structural Gaslighting of America The weaponization of medical language emboldened white supremacy with the authority of the white coat. How will we stop it from happening again?  By ⦁ Ann Crawford-Roberts, ⦁ Sonya Shadravan, ⦁ Jennifer Tsai, ⦁ Nicolás E. Barceló, ⦁ Allie Gips, ⦁ Michael Mensah, ⦁ Nichole Roxas, ⦁ Alina Kung, ⦁ Anna Darby, ⦁ Naya Misa, ⦁ Isabella Morton, ⦁ Alice Shen on June 6, 2020

(ジョージ・フロイドの剖検とアメリカの構造ガスライティング 医学用語の武器化は、白衣の権威で白人至上主義を大胆にしました。どうすればそれが二度と起こらないようにしますか?  投稿者:アン・クロフォード・ロバーツ, ソーニャ・シャドラヴァン, ジェニファー・ツァイ, ニコラス E. バルセロ, アリー・ギップス, マイケル・メンサー, ニコル・ロクサス, アリーナ・クン, アンナ・ダービー, ナヤ・ミサ, イザベラ・モートン, アリス・シェンオン  6月 6, 2020)


What is gaslighting? A lawyer explains the origin of the term, its characteristics, and five examples.

宗教団体による嫌がらせ Wikipedia ガスライティング問題

Harassment by religious groups Wikipedia Gaslighting issue
