
㊻Sad Realism of Laos Northern Area(ラオス北部の哀しい現実)/中国人観光客に関するファクトチェック

Boten SEZとカジノがまだ健全なGolden Triangle SEZの違い

2011年以降カジノ停止で廃墟と化したBoten SEZとカジノがまだ健全なGolden Triangle SEZの違いを考えてみます。

Boten SEZのショッピングモールでトイレ休憩していた中国人観光客を乗せたバスとGolden Triangle SEZのカジノにいた中国人観光客の謎の手がかりを見つけました。

GTの中国人は、雲南省から陸路でくるか、飛行機で北部タイに飛んでそこからKings Romans社により運行されるスピードボートでメコン川を渡ってくるようですという情報の根拠となる資料です。

Laos Official Tourismのウェブサイトの2016 STATISTICAL REPORT ON TOURISM ENGLISH Versionに面白い情報がありました。



ラオスは、今年2018年をVisit Laos Yearにして観光年として力を入れています。その理由は、公表されていませんが2017年に観光客が激減したためです。











これは非常に面白い現象で、中国からわざわざタイの北部まで飛行機で飛んでそこから陸路でファイサーイを経由するということなので、これらの多くの人がGolden Triangleに行っていると予測できます(それ以外の観光地がないため)。復習のために、もう一度地図に位置関係を記載してみます。









以下では、オーストラリアのMacquarie(マッコーリー)大学のAnthoropologist(文化人類学者)のChris Lyttletonの本を参照したいと思います。

本書は、経済開発によってラオス北部の少数民族のコミュニティが受ける影響を、mobility, sexuality and health(移動、性、健康)の観点から分析しているものです。

著者はラオス語に堪能であり、長年に渡るヒアリングや現地調査をもとに執筆をしているため、日本人なら知りたくないような生々しい危険な情報が多いのが特徴です。タイトルは、”Intimate Economies of Development Mobility, Sexuality and Health in Asia”になります。



In 2003, opium was officially banned and enforced through strong-arm intervention in Muang Sing and Muang Long (and elsewhere). Akha villagers were forced to cut down their soon-to-be-harvested fields at threat of major penalties, including imprisonment, which in Laos still carries a powerful image of labour camps. The prohibition was effective. That year there was a major rice shortage in villages unable to trade opium and the development agencies scrambled to provide food. Many Akha villages decided this was a timely, albeit enforced, spur to move unceremoniously out of the hills. And move they did, what had prior been a steady trickle of villagers moving down to the lowlands – in pursuit of a more ‘modern’ way of life that entailed closer integration with the state, other lowland ethnic groups such as the Tai Lue, the Tai Dam and the Tai Nua and a marketoriented way of life – now became an exodus. A report from GTZ summarizes the snowballing relocation that occurred in 2002/3:
It is estimated that about 15 villages with about 2000 people from the mountains
moved to lowland areas because their poppy fields were cleared. “We knew before the clearing of the poppy fields that villagers would move,” the District Vice-Governor informed the team. “On the one hand, it was good that they moved. For many years we had asked them to do so, but they did not. However, on the other hand, it made things more complicated because the district could not carry out the development as planned. Villages were messed up everywhere; it was not according to our plan.” “We have to stop all development activities because of migration: everyday villagers ask the district authorities to find a new place for them to live,” the Vice-Governor added. (GTZ, 2003 : 15)

Frontiers and embodied ambitions P52






Nowadays, transactional sex is far more overt and numerous small roadside bars have dedicated rooms for women to receive guests. Sex in these drink-shops becomes quicker and cheaper than in larger urban nightclubs where women retain some modicum of choice over whether to accompany their drinking partner for the evening. The owners that we spoke to rationalize the evolution based on a need to protect their employee’s wellbeing in face of the increase in Chinese customers who do not speak Lao and pose an uncertain threat of violence or refusal to pay. On the other hand, it also has an undeniable economic logic as the number of clients per day has grown noticeably and some women reported up to six customers per day.






Young women in these drink-shops report that men remove condoms during sex, or play on rank and status, offering more money to insist on their lack of use. Others profess to be potential husbands and as such offer an additional enticement to have sex without condoms. Thus, in the small drink-shops along Route 3 there remains ongoing evidence of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and occasional pregnancies as women are either coerced or persuaded into not using protection (Lyttleton, 2009 ).

Female sex workers, many of whom are Khmu, remain at the forefront of detected HIV in Laos. While HIV detected in sex workers have declined recently, according to the Lao Center for HIV/AIDS/STIs, one of the provinces (Bokeo) through which Route 3 runs ranked highest in HIV sentinel surveys among sex workers through the 2000s (3.9 per cent in 2005 and 2.1 per cent in 2008). Likewise, service women working in areas near Routes 3 and 17B showed high levels of chlamydia and/or gonorrhoea.

A survey from the Lao Center for HIV/AIDS/STIs (CHAS, 2009 ) revealed that 53 per cent of service women reported having had a client who refused to use a condom in the previous month, while 39 per cent had a client offering money for unprotected sex. Women working in bars also suffer pronounced stigma from the very health service personnel who could ideally help (Phrasisombath et al, 2012 ).


質問3: ラオスの政治が中国と結託して、北部の開発を進めた結果、ラオス生来の自然や文化が失われて、少数民族が強制退去させられるという被害を受けるのではないか?

これは、ゴールデン・トライアングルSEZの例が参考になります。”Impact of China's Rise on the Mekong Region”という書籍のChapter4に、タイのチェンマイ大学のPinkaew Laungaramsri教授がCommodifying Sovereignty: Special Economic Zones and the Neoliberalization of the Lao Frontierがあります。

まずは、ゴールデン・トライアングルの投資家で開発者であるKings Romas社のZhao Weiの傲慢な考えを紹介します。


Previously, this area was lowland, filled with reed grass. Since last year the level of the land has gradually increased. We have developed this land, adjusting its level and deepening the water level. Now the water is deep enough; underground water has also been found. We have built an island similar to China’s Suzhou garden with Chinese civilization. Our goal is to turn the Golden Triangle into a developed economic zone, to become a peaceful development zone. The history will recognize my effort. Human capability will be represented in the prosperity of economy. If this goal is reached, I’ll be more than happy. (P122)

Zhao promises to turn the “unused” hinterland of Ton Phueng into a new metropole that will link Thailand, Laos, and China together. In his words: “I have come to help the poor farmers of Laos out of poverty and drug problems, by turning this area into a tourist city” (P124)




Most villages along the Mekong river are long established and wealthy. They are lowland agricultural communities that have engaged in rice farming, cattle ranching, river trade, and various kinds of employment for more than two centuries. More importantly, people here have never seen themselves as poor or backward.
In contrast to Zhao Wei’s dream of a wonderland, the civilizing mission at the Golden Triangle border was bitterly fought by local people, not because they do not want modernization, but because they do not see their livelihoods as lagging behind civilization as claimed by the Chinese developer. Similar to other project before this one, the struggle of the local people was in vain. (P130)


ゴールデン・トライアングルのケースで強制退去というケースがあって、その時に使用された手法は、Deception(騙し), coercion(強制), abeyance(権利の帰属者不在状態)の3つです。

Deception, coercion, and abeyance are three devices that have transformed the first targeted village and its people, Ban Kwan, into the Chinese-designed dreamland. (P130)

少し長くなるので、原文を引用せずにまとめます。ちなみに、これらの主体はKings Romas社と結託したTon Pheung Districtの役人になります。

Deception(騙し)で使われた手法は、現在の移住場所から数百メートル移動するだけだと嘘をついて住民を納得させて、実際は大量の距離を移動させるか、Kings Romans社が建設したボロ屋に済ませる。

coercion(強制)は、補償を約束して新たな村(Sam Liam Kham)に移住させておいて、約束した補償費を満額払わずに、かなり減額した額しか払わない。


また、強制退去させられた住民のみならず、近くの村(Ban Si Boon HuengやBan Muang Kham)には、最近ギャンブル依存症になった人による強盗が毎日入るようになって治安が悪化しているといいます。



Chris Lyttleton教授とPinkaew Laungaramsri教授の2人の文化人類学者のおかげで私のもやもやが氷解しました。2人の偉大な業績に尊敬の念を表します。



See you soon.
